
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS


May 23, 2024
1. What is space junk and why is it concerning? Space junk refers to defunct man-made objects in space, such as old satellites, spent rocket stages, and fragments from disintegration, all orbiting Earth. These objects, some as large as 10 centimeters across, orbit at speeds of about 10 kilometers per second, posing serious risks to active satellites, spacecraft, and even safety on Earth due to potential re-entry impacts. 2. How extensive is the space junk problem? Read More...


May 23, 2024
John Maynard Keynes, a renowned British economist, introduced the concept of “animal spirits” in his seminal work, “The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money,” published in 1936. This term has since become a crucial element in understanding economic behavior and decision-making. Definition of “Animal Spirits” “Animal spirits” refers to the human emotions and instincts that influence economic d... Read More...


May 23, 2024
Green ammonia is essentially ammonia produced in an environmentally friendly way. Here’s how it works in simple terms: 1. What is Green Ammonia? • Green ammonia is just like regular ammonia, a chemical made up of nitrogen and hydrogen, but it’s made using clean energy sources instead of fossil fuels. 2. How is it Produced? • Water Electrolysis: This method uses electricity from renewable energy sources like solar... Read More...


May 23, 2024
Key Points from the Announcement Expansion of Nuclear Infrastructure India and Russia are in the process of identifying additional sites for the construction of Russian-built nuclear reactors in India. This collaboration aims to enhance India’s nuclear energy infrastructure, with significant progress already seen at the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KKNPP)... Read More...

Meghalaya's Dinosaur Teeth: A Fossil Revelation

May 23, 2024
For the first time in Northeast India, fossilized teeth of Titanosaurian sauropods have been discovered in the South West Khasi Hills of Meghalaya. This discovery, made by the Palaeontology Division of the Geological Survey of India (GSI), marks a significant addition to the paleontological record of the region. Key Details of the Discovery: • Location and Timing: The teeth were found in Mawphuli village near Ranikor. The fossils were discovered in January of this year, but the announcement was postponed... Read More...


May 23, 2024
The “tragedy of the commons” is a principle in economics where individual users of a shared, limited resource act according to their own self-interest, leading to the depletion and degradation of that resource. This concept, first popularized by Garrett Hardin in 1968, has been widely observed in environmental science with examples including overgrazing, overfishing, and pollution. Examples from Environment and Economics: 1. Overfishing: Individual fishermen might catch as many fish as possible to... Read More...


May 23, 2024
Restoring India's Ecosystems: Green Credit Program Approves Afforestation, Water Conservation, and Waste Management Projects Introduction to Green Credit Program (GCP) The Green Credit Program (GCP) is an initiative launched by the Indian government to incentivize voluntary participation in environmental positive actions such as afforestation, water conservation, and waste management. Notified on October 13, 2023, the GCP encourages public-sector u... Read More...


May 23, 2024
Game Theory is a branch of mathematics that studies how individuals or groups make decisions in situations where the outcome depends not only on their actions but also on the actions of others. It helps in understanding strategic interactions where each participant’s success in making choices depends on the choices of others. Basic Concepts of Game Theory 1. Players: The decision-makers in the game. 2. Strategies: ... Read More...


May 23, 2024
Sea walls are structures built along coastlines to protect against the erosive forces of waves, tides, and rising sea levels. They serve to safeguard coastal infrastructure, properties, and communities from flooding and erosion. However, traditional sea walls, typically made from concrete, can have significant environmental drawbacks. Purpose of Sea Walls 1. Coastal Protection: Sea walls are designed to absorb and reflect the energy of... Read More...

Romulus Whitaker, “Snakeman of India

May 23, 2024
Romulus Whitaker, often referred to as the “Snakeman of India,” is a renowned herpetologist who has dedicated his life to the study and conservation of reptiles and India’s rainforests. His work is part of the Rolex Perpetual Planet Initiative, which supports individuals and organizations in environmental science to understand and find solutions to environmental challenges. Whitaker’s passion for reptiles, especially the king cobra, led him to establish three rainforest research stations across India after winning a Rolex Award in 2008. T... Read More...


May 23, 2024
Rapid development in India has brought significant environmental challenges, particularly in managing industrial wastewater. Discharging untreated or inadequately treated industrial effluents into waterbodies poses serious threats to ecosystems, public health, and water security. With industries spanning diverse sectors such as manufacturing, textiles, chemicals, and mining, the scale of pollution is considerable. Traditional treatment methods often prove insufficient in tackling the array of pollutants present in industrial wastewater, necessitating a shift towards more compr... Read More...

Election Commission's AAP National Party Status Decision

May 23, 2024
In a significant shift in India's political landscape, the Election Commission of India (EC) has granted the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) the status of a national party. This recognition comes as the AAP achieved nearly 13% of the vote share and secured five seats in the recent Gujarat Assembly polls, adding to its status as a state party in Delhi, Goa, Punjab, and now Gujarat. The decision by the EC not only elevates AAP but also marks a setback for three other prominent parties. The Trinamool Congress (TMC), the Communist Party of India (CPI), and the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) have lost their ... Read More...


May 22, 2024
The Saraswati River, a prominent feature in ancient Indian texts, has intrigued historians and geologists for years. Mentioned over 80 times in the Rigveda, the Saraswati was believed to have dried up around 5000 years ago due to climatic and tectonic changes. However, modern scientific tools suggest that it may still be flowing underground beneath the Thar Desert. Read More...

Venus's Missing Water Mystery: New Discovery Unveils Clues

May 22, 2024
  More than four billion years ago, Venus had enough water to cover its surface with an ocean 3 km deep. Today, the planet only has enough for an ocean 3 cm deep. Scientists have been able to account for much of the water Venus lost over time, but not all of it. A recent study by a team of U.S. scientists may have made a crucial breakthrough in solving this mystery. The Water Loss Puzzle Venus is currently 100,000 times drier than Earth, an anomaly that demands an explanation. Is Venus abnormally dry, or is Ea... Read More...

​Axions: The Basics

May 22, 2024
What are they? ⇒ Hypothetical particles, meaning they haven't been directly observed yet. ⇒ Proposed to solve several mysteries in physics. Why are they important? ⇒  Read More...