
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

India’s National Automatic Identification System (NAIS)

Feb 08, 2024
1. What is NAIS? India’s National Automatic Identification System (NAIS) is a large-scale, AIS-based coastal surveillance system deployed along the Indian coastline. It integrates Automatic Identification System (AIS) technology to track and identify maritime vessels in real-time, aiming to enhance maritime safety, security, and environmental protection. 2. How many lighthouses are integrated with NAIS? NAIS is implemented across more than 70 lighthouses along the Indian coastline. 3. What are the primary benefits of NAIS? Read More...

PRITHVI Scheme and Deep Ocean Mission

Feb 08, 2024
1. What is the PRITHVI scheme? The PRITHVI scheme, led by the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) in India, is a comprehensive initiative aimed at bolstering research across various domains of Earth sciences, including the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, geosphere, and biosphere. This scheme consolidates multiple ongoing research projects under one umbrella to streamline funding and improve efficiency in research efforts until 2026. 2. What is the budget allocation for the PRITHVI scheme? The Union Cabinet has sanctioned a budget of Rs 4,797 crore for the PRITHVI ... Read More...

Kolkata’s Scottish Church College and Alexander Duff

Feb 08, 2024
1. What is Scottish Church College? >Scottish Church College is one of the oldest continuously running Christian liberal arts and sciences colleges in India. Located in Kolkata, West Bengal, it was founded on July 13, 1830, by Alexander Duff, a Scottish missionary. The college is affiliated with the University of Calcutta and offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in a variety of disciplines. 2. Who was Alexander Duff? Alexander Duff (1806–1878) was a Scottish missionary of the Church of Scotland who played a pivotal role in the spread of Christian ed... Read More...

India's Strategic Expansion in the Indian Ocean Region

Feb 08, 2024
India has been granted a specific zone in the Port of Duqm in Oman, a strategic move that enhances India's maritime cooperation and its role as a net security provider in the western and southern Indian Ocean region. This development, following the visit of Sultan Haitham bin Tariq to New Delhi, marks a significant step in strengthening India's logistical base and its capacity for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. The Port of Duqm, located in the Al Wusta governorate of Oman and integrated into the special economic zone, is strategically positioned at the intersection of the Gulf of Oman, Indian Ocean, and Arabian Sea. This locat... Read More...

Bharatiya Antariksh Station (BAS)

Feb 08, 2024
1. What is the Bharatiya Antariksh Station? The Bharatiya Antariksh Station (BAS) is India’s proposed space station, which the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) aims to set up by 2035. It will serve as a platform for conducting space research and experiments in a microgravity environment. 2. Why is India building its own space station? India is building its own space station to mark its presence among the global space-faring nations, enhance its capabilities in space technology and research, and provide a unique platform for conducting scientific experi... Read More...

Harda Tragedy: Hazardous Activities Alert

Feb 08, 2024
Harda Tragedy: A Wake-Up Call on Hazardous Activities in Residential Zones The Harda tragedy underscores the urgent need for a reassessment of how hazardous activities are managed in residential zones. The explosion at a firecracker manufacturing unit in Harda, Madhya Pradesh, which led to significant loss of life and injury, highlights the dire consequences of allowing such activities to continue in close proximity to residential areas. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the risks posed by the coexistence of commercial operations involving hazardous materials with living spaces. FAQs on Hazardous Activities in Residential Areas Read More...

Origins and Nature of the Northern Ireland Conflict

Feb 08, 2024
Historical Context Colonial Roots: The conflict in Northern Ireland, known as “The Troubles,” has deep historical roots in British colonialism. The tension began with the plantation policy of the 17th century, where British settlers were encouraged to settle in Ireland, leading to land dispossession and religious conflicts between the Protestant settlers and the native Catholic Irish. Partition of Ireland: The modern conflict’s immediate cause traces back to the partition of Ireland in 1921. This division left six counties in the north as part of the UK (Northern Ireland) and the rest as the independent state... Read More...

Understanding Soot: Composition and Impact

Feb 08, 2024
What is Soot? Soot is a fine black or dark brown powder that forms as a byproduct of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, wood, and other organic materials. It consists of carbon particles and can contain various chemicals, depending on the source of combustion. Soot particles are tiny, with sizes in the range of 2.5 micrometers or smaller, making them easily inhalable and posing significant health and environmental risks. Composition of Soot The primary component of soot is carbon, which can be present in both amorphous and crystalline forms. Apart from carbon, soot may contain metals, dust... Read More...

Qutb Shahi Dynasty: A Legacy of Rich History and Culture

Feb 08, 2024
The Qutb Shahi dynasty, also known as the Golconda Sultanate, was a Muslim dynasty that ruled the region around the fortress city of Golconda, near modern Hyderabad, India, from 1518 to 1687. This period is notable for its contributions to Deccan culture, architecture, and the development of a unique hybrid Indo-Persian culture. Founding and Expansion: Establishment: The dynasty was founded by Sultan Quli Qutb-ul-Mulk, originally a Turkmen from the Hamadan region of Iran. He migrated to Delhi and then to the Deccan, where he served under the Bahmani Sultanate before declaring independence. Capital: The capital was initially es... Read More...

The Chinnaiah Case 2004: A Defining Moment

Feb 07, 2024
What is the E.V. Chinnaiah Case? A Supreme Court ruling from 2005 where it was determined that state legislatures cannot sub-classify Scheduled Castes (SCs) for the purpose of reservations. This decision emphasized SCs as a homogeneous group, with the President’s exclusive authority under Article 341 to identify SCs. What Was the Core Issue? The case challenged an Andhra Pradesh law aimed at distributing reservation benefits more equitably among SC sub-castes, questioning the treatment of SCs as a single, undivided group. What Was the... Read More...

SCs & STs Sub-Classification in India: E.V. Chinnaiah Case - Exploring the Debate

Feb 07, 2024
Sub-Classification of SCs and STs in India: Exploring the Debate and the E.V. Chinnaiah Case FAQs on Sub-Classification of SCs and STs What is Sub-Classification of SCs and STs? Sub-classification within Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) is the process of creating sub-groups to ensure a more equitable distribution of reservation benefits, targeting the most backward or marginalized within these communities. Why is the Supreme Court Contemplating Sub-Classification? To address internal disparities within SC and ST communit... Read More...

Sustainable Agriculture in India

Feb 07, 2024
What is Sustainable Agriculture? Sustainable agriculture in India refers to farming practices that meet current food and textile needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It integrates three main goals: environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity. Why is Sustainable Agriculture Important for India? India, with its large and diverse agricultural sector, faces numerous challenges, including water scarcity, soil degradation, and the impacts of climate change. Sustainable agriculture is vital fo... Read More...

Carbon Intensity and India’s Green Transition

Feb 07, 2024
What is Carbon Intensity in Relation to GDP? Carbon intensity related to GDP measures the carbon dioxide emissions produced for every unit of economic output. A lower carbon intensity indicates a greener, more efficient economy that grows with fewer environmental impacts. Why is Reducing Carbon Intensity Important for India? Reducing carbon intensity is crucial for India to achieve sustainable development goals, mitigate climate change, and ensure economic growth does not come at the cost of environmental degradation. It signifies progress towards a low-carbon econom... Read More...

Atmospheric River

Feb 07, 2024
What is an Atmospheric River? An atmospheric river (AR) is akin to a colossal ribbon in the sky, carrying intense moisture from the tropics towards the poles. These can be thousands of kilometers long and are a critical part of the global water cycle, contributing to significant rainfall events when they make landfall. Relevance to India: While India does not typically experience atmospheric rivers in the same way as the west coast of North America, the concept is relevant in understanding the monsoon system. The Indian monsoon can exhibit characteristics similar to atmospheric rivers, with mo... Read More...

Pineapple Express

Feb 07, 2024
1. What is the Pineapple Express? The Pineapple Express is a meteorological phenomenon characterized by a strong, moisture-laden atmospheric river originating from the Hawaiian Islands’ vicinity. It transports warm air and vast amounts of moisture to the west coast of North America, particularly affecting the Pacific Northwest, leading to heavy rainfall and sometimes flooding. 2. Why is it called “Pineapple Express”? The term “Pineapple Express” derives from the atmospheric river’s origin near Hawaii, a region known for its pineapp... Read More...