
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

UN's First Global Resolution on Artificial Intelligence

Apr 09, 2024
On March 24, 2024, the UN General Assembly adopted its first global resolution on AI, aiming to ensure the technology's safe, secure, and equitable development across all nations, with a strong emphasis on huma... Read More...

Ramnath Kovind Committee on Simultaneous Elections

Apr 09, 2024
The High-Level Committee’s report on simultaneous elections is a comprehensive document that addresses various aspects of conducting elections for Lok Sabha, state assemblies, and local bodies concurrently. Here are the key points summarized: Rationale for Simultaneous Elections: ●Stability in Governance: Simultaneous elections are expected to minimize disruptions and policy paralysis, leading to more stable governance. ... Read More...


Apr 09, 2024
What is the Concept of Simultaneous Elections? Simultaneous elections refer to the proposal of holding elections for the Lok Sabha (House of the People), State Legislative Assemblies, and local bodies (Municipalities and Panchayats) at the same time, across the entire country. This concept aims to streamline the electoral process, reduce costs, and minimize the impact of frequent elections on governance and development activities. Read More...

Living Wills in India

Apr 09, 2024
What is a living will? A living will is a legal document that allows terminally-ill patients, with no hope of a cure, to withhold or withdraw treatment and die with dignity. It allows them to make choices about future medical care. When did living wills become legal in India? Living wills have been legal since 2018, when the Supreme Court of India created a process for their execution. What is the procedure for cre... Read More...

Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPRs) in India

Apr 09, 2024
Basics What are strategic petroleum reserves (SPRs)? SPRs are government-owned stockpiles of crude oil held for emergency use during supply disruptions, price shocks, or natural disasters. Why are SPRs important for India? India is a major oil importer, making it vulnerable to global supply chain issues. SP... Read More...

Patanjali Ad Controversy: Health vs. Commerce

Apr 09, 2024
1. What sparked the Supreme Court's action against Patanjali Ayurved? In February, the Supreme Court issued a contempt notice to Patanjali Ayurved for misleading advertisements that violated the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954, despite earlier assurances to the Court. 2. What were Patanjali’s claims about Coronil? Patanjali initially promoted Coronil as a "cure" f... Read More...

PRATUSH and Lunar Astronomy

Apr 09, 2024
1. Why are astronomers turning to the moon for telescope placements? Astronomers seek the moon's far side for its unique environment—free from Earth's atmospheric and electromagnetic disturbances—providing pristine conditions for observing the universe's secrets. 2. What benefits do the moon's far side offer for astronomical observations? The moon's far side is devoid of Earth's elect... Read More...


Apr 09, 2024
What is VVPAT? Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) is a system used alongside Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) to enhance voting integrity and transparency. It allows voters to verify their vote by providing a printed slip of the vote cast. This slip is displayed behind a transparent glass for a few seconds before it is automatically deposited into a sealed container for record-keeping. Read More...


Apr 09, 2024
Why is lithium important for India? Lithium is crucial for India’s transition to green energy and its future economic growth, serving as a key component in battery technology for electric vehicles and renewable energy storage solutions. What challenges does India face in securing lithium supplies? India's main challenge is its 100% dependency on imports, particularly from countries like China, which dominate lithium refining and reserves. This dependency c... Read More...


Apr 09, 2024
Greenflation refers to the inflation associated with the transition to greener, more sustainable energy sources and technologies. This phenomenon is becoming increasingly significant as countries worldwide strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change through public and private initiatives. Here's a comprehensive overview of how greenflation impacts the economy and what it entails for the future. Key Drivers of Greenflation Read More...


Apr 09, 2024
What is ‘Iseult’? ‘Iseult’ is currently the world’s most powerful MRI scanner, developed by France’s Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). It aims to offer a deeper understanding of the brain and diseases affecting it. What makes ‘Iseult’ unique? This MRI scanner operates at an unprecedented magnetic field strength of 11.7 teslas, offering 10 times more precision than typical hospital MRIs, which usually opera... Read More...

​BHARAT BRAND STAPLES(Atta,Rice,Chana) and Inflation

Apr 09, 2024
What are Bharat brand staples? Bharat brand staples are a range of essential food items, including atta (wheat flour), rice, pulses (dal), onions, sugar, and oil, sold under the Government of India's Bharat brand at subsidized rates. These products are aimed at providing quality staples at affordable prices to ensure food security and support consumer welfare. Read More...

Doppler Weather Radars in India

Apr 09, 2024
Introduction: Doppler Weather Radars (DWR) have become a crucial component of India's meteorological observation network, significantly enhancing the country's capabilities in weather forecasting, especially for severe weather events like cyclones, thunderstorms, and heavy rainfall. These radars provide detailed information on storm structure, intensity, and potential impact areas, aiding in timely warnings and evacuations.... Read More...

Nuclear Summit 2024: Global Dialogue

Apr 09, 2024
In an unprecedented gathering, leaders from 34 countries convened in Brussels, Belgium, on March 21, 2024, for the inaugural Nuclear Energy Summit. This landmark event aimed to foster international dialogue on the role of nuclear power in achieving net-zero emissions and advancing sustainable development. Background: Following the Global Stocktake's evaluation of global climate action progress and the intensified focus on nuclear energ... Read More...

Cyclones in the Northern Indian Ocean

Apr 08, 2024
1. What is a tropical cyclone? A tropical cyclone is an intense circular storm that originates over warm tropical oceans and is characterized by low atmospheric pressure, high winds, and heavy rain. Drawing energy from the sea surface, they can cause widespread damage when they make landfall. 2. Why is the Northern Indian Ocean significant for tropical cyclones? The Northern Indian Ocean, comprising the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Be... Read More...