
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Candidates Chess Tournament

Apr 10, 2024
What is the Candidates Chess Tournament? The Candidates Chess Tournament is one of the most prestigious events in the chess calendar, serving as the final qualifying tournament for the World Chess Championship. The top chess players compete in this event to earn the right to challenge the reigning World Champion in a match for the title. Who are the reigning World Chess Champions? As of the latest tournament, the reigning World Chess Champions are D... Read More...

Antibiotic Resistance:Cause,Effect and Remedy

Apr 10, 2024
What is antibiotic resistance? Antibiotic resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria change in response to the use of antibiotics, making those antibiotics less effective or ineffective. This resistance means infections are harder to treat, leading to increased medical costs, prolonged hospital stays, and a higher mortality rate. How does antibiotic resistance develop? ... Read More...


Apr 10, 2024
What is the Agni-Prime missile? Agni-Prime is a new-generation, nuclear-capable ballistic missile developed by India. It has a strike range of 1,000 to 2,000 kilometers and incorporates advanced technology for enhanced strategic deterrence. How does Agni-Prime differ from other missiles in the Agni series? Agni-Prime is the smallest and lightest missile in the Agni series, featuring new propulsion systems, composite roc... Read More...

Maritime Anti-Piracy Act, 2022: New Era in Combat

Apr 10, 2024
On January 31, 2023, the President of India ratified the Maritime Anti-Piracy Act, 2022, marking a significant step forward in the country's maritime law enforcement. This legislation is designed to align with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, focusing on the suppression of piracy on the high seas. The Act provides a clear definition of piracy, encompassing illegal acts of violence, detention, or any form of depredation committed for private ends by individuals or groups against ships or their occupants on the high seas. Read More...


Apr 10, 2024
1. What are the high seas? The high seas refer to all parts of the ocean that are not included within the exclusive economic zones (EEZs) of coastal countries, typically beyond 200 nautical miles from a country's coastline. They cover more than two-thirds of the world's oceans and are considered international waters. 2. What is the purpose of the High Seas Treaty? The main aim of the High Seas Treaty is to enhance the co... Read More...

CCUS in India: Carbon Capture & Storage

Apr 10, 2024
Introduction to CCUS Definition and Scope: Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) technologies are essential for removing CO2 from flue gas and the atmosphere, enabling its reuse in various industries, thus contributing to th... Read More...


Apr 10, 2024
1. What is the Carbon Credit Trading Scheme (CCTS)? The CCTS is a strategic initiative by India's Power Ministry, in collaboration with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), designed to encourage the reduction, removal, or avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions. It facilitates the trading of Carbon Credit Certificates (CCCs), where each certificate represents a tonne of CO2 equivalent reduced, removed, or avoided from the atmosphere. Read More...


Apr 10, 2024
1. What is Net-Zero? Net-Zero refers to balancing the amount of emitted greenhouse gases with the equivalent amount of carbon removal or offsetting from the atmosphere, aiming to achieve a balance where no more carbon is emitted than is removed. 2. Why is India aiming for Net-Zero? India is aiming for Net-Zero to combat climate change, reduce pollution, ensure energy security, and fulfill its commitments under internati... Read More...


Apr 10, 2024
What is Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)? Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is a bio-jet fuel derived from renewable resources such as agricultural waste, municipal solid waste, and forestry residue... Read More...


Apr 10, 2024
1. What new discovery have scientists made about mountain formation? Scientists have uncovered a previously unrecognized step in the geological process that transforms the seafloor into mountains. This discovery revolves around the role of zircons found in the Andes mountains, which provide insights into plate tectonics and the formation of the Earth’s landscape. 2. Why are zircons important in geological studies? Read More...


Apr 10, 2024
What is Compressed Biogas (CBG)? Compressed Biogas, or CBG, is a renewable energy source produced from organic waste materials, including agricultural waste, municipal solid waste, and sewage. The primary component of CBG is methane, similar to natural gas, making it an excellent substitute for fossil-based gases. How will the CBG Blending Obligation (CBO) be implemented? The CBO will be phased in gradually, starting voluntarily until the fiscal year 2024-2025. ... Read More...

2024 Amendment: Plastic Waste Management Rules

Apr 09, 2024
Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2024 issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) Here is a summary of the key amendments introduced by the 2024 amendment: Assessment and Reporting by Panchayats at District Level: Read More...


Apr 09, 2024
 Context: Apple refused  ED's request to unlock Arvind Kejriwal's iPhone, citing  user privacy 1. What is User Privacy? User privacy refers to the rights and expectations of individuals to keep their personal data and activities private and secure from unauthorized access. This encompasses personal information, communications, and choices made online. The extent of privacy ... Read More...

Ring of Fire:Geological and Seismic View

Apr 09, 2024
It is a vast region encircling the Pacific Ocean, known for its intense seismic and volcanic activity. This activity is primarily due to the movement and interaction of numerous tectonic plates in the area. Geological Perspective: Geologically, the Ring of Fire is characterized by a series of subduction zones where oceanic plates are forced beneath continental plates, leading to the formation of deep ocean trenches and volcanic arcs. The subduction process is responsible for the creation of magma, which rises ... Read More...

Rakhigarhi's Ancient DNA

Apr 09, 2024
1. How is ancient DNA unraveling the history of early Indian civilizations? DNA samples from ancient sites like Rakhigarhi in Haryana, associated with the Indus Valley Civilization (around 2500 BCE), show a lack of genetic influx from Central Asian steppes until after 2000 BCE. This contradicts earlier theories that propose... Read More...