
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS


Apr 11, 2024
Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) help in fighting climate change? Yes, AI can be a powerful tool in the fight against climate change. It can improve the accuracy of predictions for extreme weather events, enhance our understanding and management of energy infrastructures like power grids, and optimize the integration of renewable energy sources. Through these applications, AI holds potential to significantly contribute to climate mitigation ef... Read More...


Apr 11, 2024
What is a Geographical Indication (GI) tag? A Geographical Indication (GI) tag is a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation due to that origin. The GI tag not only recognizes the uniqueness of the product but also ensures that only those authorized within the geographical territory are allowed to use the popular product name, enhancing its commercial value. Read More...

Supreme Court Order: Protecting GIB & Florican

Apr 11, 2024
What was the Supreme Court’s directive regarding the Great Indian Bustard and Lesser Florican on 21/03/2024? The Supreme Court of India revised its previous stance on the protection of the Great Indian Bustard (GIB) and Lesser Florican, by relaxing the 2021 injunction on the installation of overhead transmission lines in their habitats. It highlighted the challenge of balancing conservation efforts with sustainable development and India’s international commitmen... Read More...

Supreme Court Judgment: Climate & Right to Life

Apr 11, 2024
What does the Supreme Court’s judgment say about climate change and fundamental rights? The Supreme Court of India has expanded the interpretation of fundamental rights to include the right to be free from the adverse effects of climate change. This decision aligns the fight against climate change with the constitutional rights to life and equality, as enshrined in Articles 14 and 21 of the Indian Constitution. This recognition places the issue of climate change withi... Read More...

Methane-Eating Bacteria: Climate Impact

Apr 11, 2024
What is Methylotuvimicrobium buryatense 5GB1C? Methylotuvimicrobium buryatense 5GB1C is a bacterial strain capable of consuming methane, a greenhouse gas significantly more potent than carbon dioxide in terms of its global warming potential. This bacterium can grow in environments with low methane concentrations, making it a promising tool for reducing methane emissions from sources like landfills, rice paddies, and oil and gas wells. Read More...

Ladakh’s Sixth Schedule and Statehood Demand

Apr 11, 2024
What is the Sixth Schedule? The Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution provides for the administration of tribal areas, aiming to preserve the autonomy of indigenous communities and protect their rights. Why does Ladakh need the Sixth Schedule? Ladakh’s unique ecological and cultural attributes require constitutional... Read More...

Cantonment Areas and Land Management Restructuring

Apr 11, 2024
What are cantonment areas? Cantonment areas are special military zones in India, established during the British era, where armed forces are stationed and military activities are conducted. How are cantonment areas governed? They are governed by the Cantonments Act of 2006, which delineates these areas for the quartering and accommodation of the Army.... Read More...

Chaman border crossing on Pakistan-Afghanistan Border

Apr 11, 2024


Apr 11, 2024
The Durand Line is a significant geopolitical demarcation that delineates the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, extending approximately 2,640 kilometers (1,640 miles). This boundary originated from an agreement concluded on November 12, 1893, by Sir Mortimer Durand, a representative of the British Indian government, and Abdur Rahman Khan, the then-emir of Afghanistan. Established during a period when Pakistan was part of British India, the Durand Line has since been a source of contention and has played a pivo... Read More...

Shifting Global Values

Apr 11, 2024
What is meant by a ‘shift in global values’? A shift in global values refers to changes in the collective beliefs, priorities, and cultural norms of societies around the world. This can include attitudes towards democracy, human rights, individualism, traditionalism, and more. What has caused this shift? Several factors contribute to this shift... Read More...


Apr 11, 2024
What happened during the 1994 Rwandan Genocide? In 1994, Rwanda experienced a genocide in which approximately 800,000 people were killed over 100 days. The victims were primarily members of the Tutsi minority, targeted by government-backed Hutu extremists. The genocide also claimed the lives of moderate Hutus who opposed the mass killings. What triggered the Rwandan Genocide? The assassination of Rwandan President Juvénal Habyar... Read More...

AUKUS, Indo-Pacific, and India: Geopolitical Relations

Apr 11, 2024
What is the basic structure of AUKUS? AUKUS is a trilateral security pact formed in 2021 between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It consists of two main pillars: the first focuses on delivering nuclear-powered attack submarines to Australia, and the second, known as Pillar Two, commits the members to jointly develop key technologies such as quantum computing, undersea capabilities, hypersonics, artificial intelligence, an... Read More...


Apr 11, 2024
What is a semiconductor chip? A semiconductor chip is a small electronic device made from a material that is neither a good conductor of electricity (like copper) nor a good insulator (like rubber). It can control the flow of electricity in electronic devices and systems, making it fundamental to modern electronics. How is a semiconductor chip manufactured? The manufacturing process involves doping, where impurities are ... Read More...


Apr 11, 2024
What is ISIS-Khorasan (ISIS-K)? ISIS-Khorasan, often referred to as ISIS-K, is a branch of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group. It was established in 2015 by militants who pledged allegiance to ISIS, including members from Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. ISIS-K aims to create a province within ISIS’s self-proclaimed caliphate, targeting the region historically known as “Khorasan,” which includes parts of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, Rus... Read More...

India’s Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA):

Apr 11, 2024
1. What is the AMCA? The Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) is India’s indigenous fifth-generation stealth fighter jet project, aimed at developing a multirole combat aircraft with advanced stealth features to enhance the Indian Air Force’s capabilities. 2. Who is leading the AMCA project? The project is spearheaded by the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) in collaboration with Hindustan Aeronautics ... Read More...