
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS


Apr 16, 2024
Q: What is climate engineering? A: Climate engineering, or geoengineering, encompasses technologies aimed at deliberately altering the climate. It includes Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) techniques, which remove and store CO2 from the atmosphere, and Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) methods, which reflect sunlight back into space to cool the Earth. Q: Why is climate engineering gaining attention? ... Read More...

Bhitarkanika Saltwater Crocodiles

Apr 16, 2024
Q: What did the latest census in Bhitarkanika reveal? A: The 2024 census indicates a marginal increase in the saltwater crocodile population within Bhitarkanika National Park. The total count stands at 1,811 individuals. Read More...


Apr 16, 2024
Q: What was the primary aim of the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact held in Paris? A: The summit aimed to address the financial challenges faced by poor and vulnerable countries, including issues related to poverty, debt, and the impacts of climate change. Q: What are some key challenges that the summit aimed to address? A: The summit focused on the ... Read More...

Mayurbhanj's red ant chutney gets GI tag

Apr 16, 2024
Red Ant Chutney and Tribal Nutrition Q: What is unique about the red ant chutney made by tribes in Mayurbhanj? A: Known as Similipal Kai Chutney, this traditional food is made primarily from red weaver ants, which are packed with nutrients: Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals: They contain protein, calcium, zinc, vitamin B-12, iron, and more. Medicinal Prop... Read More...

Oceans Heating Up

Apr 16, 2024
Q: How much did ocean heat content increase in 2023, and what does it mean? A: Ocean heat content reached record highs in 2023, with a staggering increase compared to previous years. This translates to: ● Enough energy to boil billions of Olympic-sized swimming pools. ● The equivalent of billions of atomic bombs worth of heat energy. Read More...

Kerala: AMRITH vs AMR Resilience

Apr 16, 2024
Kerala's Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Q: What is Operation AMRITH? A: Operation AMRITH is a Kerala government initiative aimed at ending the over-the-counter (OTC) sale of antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. Key components include: Surprise Raids: Checking pharmacies fo... Read More...

Kumki Elephants

Apr 16, 2024
Q: What are kumki elephants? A: Kumki elephants are trained, captive Asian elephants used in India for various purposes related to managing wild elephant populations. Read More...

Making Himalayan Cities Climate-Resilient

Apr 16, 2024
Protecting Cities in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) Q: What are the main factors exacerbating flood risks in HKH cities? A: Key factors include: Unplanned Urbanization: Encroachment on natural floodplains and riverbanks for construction reduces the land's capacity to handle excess water. Waste & Debris: Dumping debris into ... Read More...


Apr 16, 2024
Q: How many snow leopards are there in India? A: According to a government report released on January 30, 2024, India is home to 718 snow leopards. Q: What percentage of snow leopard habitat in India is legally protected? A: Only 34% of the snow leopard habitat in India, spanning 120,000 square kilometers, is under legal protection. The remaining 70% of their crucial habitat remains unprot... Read More...


Apr 16, 2024
Q: What is the purpose of the new framework for the Voluntary Carbon Market in the Agriculture Sector? A: The framework aims to introduce small and medium farmers to carbon markets, providing them with opportunities to earn carbon credits. This initiative seeks to encourage the adoption of environment-friendly agricultural practices and contribute to emission reduction efforts. Q: Who launched... Read More...


Apr 16, 2024
Q: What is Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD)? A: Kyasanur Forest Disease is a viral hemorrhagic fever caused by the KFD virus, which belongs to the Flaviviridae family. It's transmitted to humans through tick bites or contact with animals carrying infected ticks. Q: How does KFD spread? A: The disease spreads through the bite of infected ticks, specifically the Haemaphysalis spinigera spec... Read More...

The Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF)

Apr 15, 2024
Q: What is the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF)? A: The GBFF is a fund created to finance the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). It aims to provide critical financial support for biodiversity conservation efforts worldwide. Q: When and why was the GBFF established? A: The GBFF... Read More...

Super Pollutants and Climate Action

Apr 15, 2024
Q: What are 'super pollutants'? A: Super pollutants are short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) that have a much stronger warming effect on the planet than carbon dioxide, even though they remain in the atmosphere for a shorter time. Key examples include: ●Methane: A potent greenhouse gas emitted from agriculture, waste, and fossil fuel production. ●Black Carbon: Soot particles from burning biomass a... Read More...

Understanding Nutraceuticals: Benefits, Safety, and Selection

Apr 15, 2024
Q: What are nutraceuticals? A: The term "nutraceutical" combines "nutrition" and "pharmaceutical." Nutraceuticals are food-derived substances or supplements that provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition. They often contain concentrated nutrients, botanical extracts, or specific bioactive compounds. Q. What are some common types of nutraceuticals? Read More...


Apr 15, 2024
Q: What was the main focus of the 37th African Union Summit? A: The 37th African Union Summit, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, centered on various crucial issues, including education, climate, economy, and more. A significant focus was on the transformation of the global financial system to better address climate and development needs, particularly for African countries. Q: Why do African leaders ... Read More...