
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS


Apr 26, 2024
Superbugs are a type of bacteria that have become resistant to multiple antibiotics, making them particularly challenging to treat. This resistance can lead to severe infections that are difficult to manage with conventional treatments. Here are key details regarding the different categories of superbugs: Read More...

NAVIC: India's Independent Navigation System

Apr 26, 2024
What is NavIC? NavIC, short for Navigation with Indian Constellation, is India’s own navigation system. Developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), it provides an alternative to foreign GPS systems, ensuring autonomy in navigation services. Why was NavIC developed? The necessity for NavIC arose during the Kargil War in 1999, when Indi... Read More...

PMAY: Affordable housing, funding and land challenges.

Apr 26, 2024
Q: What is the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) scheme? A: PMAY is a centrally sponsored scheme aimed at providing affordable housing to all by 2022, with a focus on rehabilitation of slum dwellers, promotion of affordable housing, and subsidy for beneficiary-led construction. Read More...

Blue Whale Challenge and India

Apr 26, 2024
The Blue Whale Challenge is an online game  that gained notoriety for its alleged connection to several deaths around the world. Here are some key points about it: ● Origin: The Blue Whale Challenge reportedly originated in Russia around 2013 and was said to consist of a series of tasks assigned to players by administrators over a 50-day period, starting with harmless tasks and escalating to self-harm and the final challenge of suicide. ●Global Concern: The game has been linked to over 130 deaths globally, with players being manipulated into ... Read More...


Apr 26, 2024
What are the main instruments used to measure earthquakes? The primary instruments used to measure earthquakes include seismometers, accelerometers, and GPS receivers. Each of these tools plays a crucial role in detecting and recording the various aspects of seismic activity. How do seismometers work? Seismometers are the mos... Read More...


Apr 26, 2024
What are the Appalachian Mountains? The Appalachian Mountains, often simply called the Appalachians, are an extensive mountain range that spans the eastern part of North America, from Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada to Alabama in the United States. They are among the oldest mountain ranges in the world. How were the Appalachian Mountains formed? Read More...

Vardhaman Mahaveer: The Founder of Jainism

Apr 26, 2024
1. Was Vardhaman Mahaveer the founder of Jainism? No, Mahaveer was not the founder of Jainism but a reformer of the existing Jain teachings that were earlier propagated by Parshwanath, the 23rd Tirthankara. He played a crucial role in revitalizing and reshaping the religion into what it is known today. 2. What are the core teachings of Vardhaman Mahaveer? Mahaveer’s teac... Read More...


Apr 26, 2024
What are columnar basalts? Columnar basalts are unique geological formations consisting of tall, hexagonal columns formed from cooling and cracking of basaltic lava. These columns are typically uniform in size and are vertically oriented. How are columnar basalts formed? These formations occur when basaltic lava flow cools and contracts. As th... Read More...


Apr 26, 2024
1. What is monetary policy transmission? Monetary policy transmission refers to the process by which monetary policy decisions (like changes in interest rates or reserve requirements) affect the economy and price levels. This includes influencing variables such as investment, consumption, employment, and inflation through various channels like bank lending, asset prices, and exchange rates. 2. What is the policy repo rate? The policy repo rate is the interes... Read More...


Apr 26, 2024
NASA’s initiative to establish a standard time zone on the moon, named Coordinated Lunar Time (CLT), is driven by practical needs for space exploration and operations. The United States Office of Science and Technology Policy has directed this effort to aid missions on the lunar surface and in cislunar space—the area within the moon’s orbit. ► Purpose and Necessity of a Lunar Time Zone The development of a... Read More...


Apr 26, 2024
1. What is the Glycemic Index (GI)? The Glycemic Index is a system that ranks foods based on how quickly they raise blood glucose levels. Foods are scored on a scale from 0 to 100. High GI foods score over 70 and lead to quicker spikes in blood sugar, whereas low GI foods score under 55 and result in a slower release of glucose into the bloodstream. 2. What is Glycemic Load (GL)? Read More...

Solar Flares: Sun Explosions and Earthly Impact

Apr 26, 2024
What is a solar flare? A solar flare is a significant explosion on the Sun, caused by the sudden release of energy from twisted magnetic fields, typically found above sunspots. This explosion heats solar material to millions of degrees and generates a burst of radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum, including radio waves, X-rays, and gamma rays. How are solar flares classified?... Read More...

Soil Microbiomes: Good, Bad, and the Need for Protection

Apr 26, 2024
What are soil microbiomes? Soil microbiomes consist of communities of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and archaea, that inhabit the soil. These microbiomes are essential for maintaining environmental stability and supporting terrestrial life. How do soil microbiomes benefit the environment? Soil microbiomes contribute to several critical ecosyst... Read More...

China's Major Cities Are Sinking: Key Causes and Impacts

Apr 26, 2024
1. Why are many of China’s major cities sinking? The sinking, or subsidence, of land in China’s major cities is primarily due to groundwater depletion. Other factors include the weight of urban structures, transport systems, and underground mining activities. 2. Which areas in China are most affected by subsidence? Subsidence is impacting both coastal and inland cities across C... Read More...

Priyamvada Natarajan: Astrophysicist on TIME's 100 List

Apr 26, 2024
1. What is gravitational lensing? Gravitational lensing is a phenomenon where the gravity of a massive object, like a galaxy or a black hole, bends the path of light passing near it. This effect can magnify and distort the light from objects behind it, helping astronomers study very distant and faint celestial bodies. 2. How do black holes form? Black holes traditionally were thought to form f... Read More...