
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Inside the Battle of Saragarhi: Comprehensive FAQs

Apr 29, 2024
Q: What was the context of the Battle of Saragarhi? A: The Battle of Saragarhi took place during the Tirah Campaign, which was a military campaign by the British Raj against the Afridi and Orakzai tribes in the North-West Frontier Province (now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan). The British were seeking to expand their control over the region and protect their interests in India. Q: What was the significance of the Saragarhi fort? Read More...

Battle of Assaye: Context, Key Leaders, and Historical Impact

Apr 29, 2024
Q: What was the context of the Battle of Assaye? A: The Battle of Assaye was fought during the Second Anglo-Maratha War, which was a conflict between the Maratha Empire and the British East India Company. The Marathas were resisting British expansion in India, and the British were seeking to expand their control over the subcontinent. Q: Who were the key leaders in the Battle ... Read More...

FAQs: Indo-Saracenic Architecture in British and Indian Design

Apr 29, 2024
Q: What was the British approach to Indian architecture? A: The British sought to create a style of building that was Indian in appearance but Western in function, and to place themselves in the line of great Indian empires of the past. Q: What was the 'Indo-Saracenic' style? A: The 'Indo-Saracenic' style was a British attempt to create a t... Read More...

FAQs: Bubonic Plague & Tilak's Trial

Apr 29, 2024
Q: What was the Bubonic Plague? A: The Bubonic Plague was a deadly pandemic that spread to Bombay (now Mumbai) in 1896 and other parts of India, causing widespread illness and death. Q: How did the British respond to the plague? A: The British administration responded with force, conducting surprise checks, forced quarantines, and removal of patients from ... Read More...

ASEAN and South China Sea

Apr 29, 2024
Q: What is the South China Sea dispute about? A: The South China Sea dispute is a territorial dispute between several nations, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, and others, over ownership of islands, reefs, and resources in the region. Q: What is ASEAN's role in the dispute? A: ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) is a regional organization that aims to promote peace, stab... Read More...


Apr 27, 2024
1. What is the Kanchana Chitra Ramayana? The Kanchana Chitra Ramayana is a highly detailed and ornately illustrated version of the Ramcharitmanas, commissioned by the Narayan dynasty of Benares in the late 18th century. It consists of nearly 1,100 pages, 548 of which include vivid illustrations depicting scenes from the Ramayana, enhanced with gold leaf and richly detailed artwork. 2. Why was the Kanchana Chitra Ramayana created? Read More...


Apr 27, 2024
Q: What is primary endosymbiosis? A: Primary endosymbiosis is a rare evolutionary event where one cell engulfs another, leading to a symbiotic relationship. This event is responsible for the development of critical cell organelles in the past, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Read More...

REITs and SM REITs: Exploring Real Estate Investments

Apr 27, 2024
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are companies that own, operate, or finance income-generating real estate. Modeled similar to mutual funds, REITs provide individuals with the opportunity to own valuable real estate, present the ability to access dividend-based income and total returns, and help communities grow, thrive, and revitalize. REITs allow anyone to invest in portfolios of real estate assets the same way they invest in other industries – through the purchase of indivi... Read More...

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

Apr 27, 2024
What are Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)? MPAs are geographically defined zones within marine environments where human activities are restricted or managed to achieve long-term conservation goals. They encompass various marine and coastal ecosystems. Why are MPAs important? ● Biodiversity Conservation: They protect vulnerable ecosystems and endangered species by creating z... Read More...

Bioluminescence in the Western Ghats: Mycena Bacteria

Apr 27, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. What is bioluminescence?

Ocean Heat Absorption and Its Impact on Climate Change

Apr 27, 2024
What percentage of human-induced warming is absorbed by the oceans? About 89% of the warming caused by human activities over the last 50 years has been absorbed by the oceans. This significant absorption plays a crucial role in moderating the global climate by delaying the effects of global warming on land. How much heat has accumulated on Earth due to anthropogenic emissions? From 1971 to 2020, Earth... Read More...

SAF Development and ASTM D1655 Standards in India

Apr 27, 2024
What is Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)? Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is a bio-jet fuel produced from renewable resources such as cooking oil and seeds of oil-bearing plants. It aims to reduce emissions from aviation, contributing to global efforts to achieve Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions targets. Which Indian institution leads the SAF development? The Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP), a laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial R... Read More...

World Bank Shareholding and Voting Power

Apr 27, 2024
What is the shareholding structure of the World Bank? The World Bank’s shareholding structure is based on the financial contributions made by its member countries, which reflect their economic size and capacity. Shares are allocated primarily based on a country's GDP, economic openness, economic variability, and international reserves. This allocation determines each member's financial stake and voting power in the institution. Read More...

Debt-for-Climate and Nature Swaps

Apr 27, 2024
What are debt-for-climate and nature swaps? Debt-for-climate and nature swaps are financial tools where a portion of a country's debt is forgiven or restructured in exchange for commitments to specific environmental projects. These swaps aim to address environmental challenges such as climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem restoration. How much debt could potentially be freed up for climate act... Read More...

Cluster-Based Business Orgs in India's FPO Scheme

Apr 27, 2024
What is a Cluster Based Business Organisation (CBBO)? A Cluster Based Business Organisation (CBBO) is a professional entity engaged to support the formation and growth of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) under the Indian government’s scheme to establish 10,000 new FPOs. CBBOs facilitate the entire agricultural value chain from mobilizing farmers, aiding in registration, and providing ongoing support to ensure sustainable market linkage. Read More...