
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Credit Default Swaps (CDS) in India

May 01, 2024
What is a Credit Default Swap (CDS)? A Credit Default Swap (CDS) is like insurance for lenders. It is a financial derivative that allows a lender to swap or transfer the risk of a borrower defaulting on a loan. The lender pays a fee to another party, the CDS protection seller, who agrees to cover the defaulted amount if the borrower fails to meet the loan obligations. How do CDS work in India according to the Master Directions... Read More...


Apr 30, 2024
1. What is the Clash of Civilizations Theory? • The Clash of Civilizations theory was proposed by Samuel P. Huntington in 1993. It suggests that the primary source of conflict in the post-Cold War global landscape would not be ideological or economic, but cultural and civilizational. According to this theory, the world is divided into distinct civilizations primarily differentiated by cultural and religious identities, which are more likely to be sources of conflict than political ideologies. Read More...

Global Lunar Race: Strategic Value of the Moon's Far Side.

Apr 30, 2024
1. What is the significance of the moon’s far side in global lunar exploration? The far side of the moon, often called the “dark side” because it permanently faces away from Earth, remains largely unexplored. Its unique geological characteristics and isolation from Earth’s electromagnetic noise make it an ideal location for scientific research, particularly in astronomy and geology. 2. How is China contributing to the exploration of the moon’s far side? Read More...

Paradox of Thrift: Do Higher Savings Cut Investments?

Apr 30, 2024
Q1: What is the Paradox of Thrift? A1: The Paradox of Thrift is an economic theory proposed by John Maynard Keynes, suggesting that while saving is generally a financially prudent behavior for individuals, if everyone increases their savings simultaneously, it could lead to reduced consumer spending. This decrease in spending may lower business revenues and result in a cutback on investments, potentially leading to slower economic growth. Q2: Why do Keynesian economists believe higher savings... Read More...


Apr 30, 2024
Q1: What has been the growth trend in India’s services exports? A1: India’s services exports have grown significantly, increasing sixfold from $56.7 billion in 2005 to approximately $340 billion in 2023. Projections by Goldman Sachs suggest that this figure could reach $800 billion by 2030. Q2: What are the key sectors driving the growth in India’s services exports? A2: The major growth drivers in India’s services exports include the IT s... Read More...

Plastic pollution: Is Recycling a solution?

Apr 30, 2024
  Q: What is plastic pollution? A: Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic waste in the environment, harming humans, animals, and the planet. Read More...

Article 39(b) of India's Constitution: Resource Distribution.

Apr 30, 2024
Introduction to Article 39(b) Article 39(b) of the Constitution of India falls under the Directive Principles of State Policy, which instructs the State to ensure that the ownership and control of the community's material resources are distribu... Read More...

Exploring Maharashtra's Prehistoric Cave Art and Petroglyphs

Apr 30, 2024
► FAQs about the Archaeological Findings in Maharashtra's Konkan Region What is the significance of the recent cave discovery in Maharashtra's Konkan region? The newly discovered cave, located near Koloshi village, contains stone tools dating back between 10,000 and 48,000 years, offering new insights into the Mesolithic period. This finding enhances our understanding of early human life and their ... Read More...

Drone usage in Indian agriculture

Apr 30, 2024
It represents a transformative shift in farming practices, leveraging advanced technology to enhance productivity and sustainability. Let’s start from the beginning: 1. Introduction to Drone Technology: Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are remotely piloted aircraft that have gained widespread use across various industries, including agriculture. These aerial devices are equipped with sensors, cameras, and other technologies to gather data and perform tasks autonomously or under remote control. 2. Application in Agriculture: Read More...

Archaeological Discoveries at Kalibangan

Apr 30, 2024
1. What is the significance of Kalibangan in archaeological studies? Kalibangan is significant for being a major site of the Indus Valley Civilization, particularly noted for having the earliest-known ploughed agricultural field in the Indian subcontinent. This highlights the advanced agricultural practices of the settlers around 4,700 years ago. 2. What findings at Kalibangan provide insights into its historical inhabitants?... Read More...

Sanauli Archaeological Discoveries

Apr 30, 2024
What distinguishes the Sanauli site from other archaeological sites in India? Sanauli is unique for its well-preserved necropolis that includes life-sized chariots and evidence of a warrior class. This site provides rare insights into the OCP/Copper Hoard culture, which displays distinct cultural material and burial practices from the adjacent Harappan civilizations. What artifacts were discovered at Sanauli that suggest the presence of a warrior ... Read More...


Apr 30, 2024
1. What are the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands? The Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands are a group of uninhabited islands located in the East China Sea. They are known as Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan. The sovereignty over these islands is disputed between Japan, China, and Taiwan. 2. Why are the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands significant? These islands are strategically located, offer potential o... Read More...


Apr 30, 2024
1. What is port-led growth? Port-led growth is an economic development strategy that focuses on enhancing and expanding port infrastructure to drive overall economic growth. It includes improving connectivity between ports and their hinterlands through better road, rail, and inland water transport. 2. How does port-led growth benefit an economy? Port-led growth can significantly boost an e... Read More...


Apr 30, 2024
1. What does the term ‘inequality’ refer to in the context of the Indian economy? Inequality in India refers to the unequal distribution of wealth and income among its population. Recent data indicates that a significant portion of the nation’s wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small percentage of the population, with the top 1% controlling over 40% of the wealth. 2. What triggered the recent debate on... Read More...


Apr 30, 2024
1. What are the root causes of the Israel-Iran crisis? The crisis between Israel and Iran stems from deep-seated geopolitical, religious, and ideological differences. Iran’s official stance against the existence of Israel, support for Palestinian groups, and its ambition to expand its influence in the Middle East sharply contrast with Israel’s concerns about Iran’s nuclear capabilities and its sponsorship of anti-Israel milit... Read More...