
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS


May 03, 2024

Article 1: The Foundation of India

May 02, 2024
► Clause 1: ● Names: Establishes India's official names: "India" (its English name) and "Bharat" (its Hindi name). Both are equally official. ● Structure: Declares India as a "Union of States" giving importance to States.  ► Clause 2: ● C... Read More...

India's Booming Services Exports: A Growth Primer

May 02, 2024
1. What has been the trend in India’s services exports growth? India’s services exports have seen significant growth over the last 18 years, expanding at twice the pace of global services exports. By 2023, these exports reached nearly $340 billion, making India’s growth the third fastest globally since 2005, behind only Singapore and Ireland. 2. What sectors are included in India’s services exports? Read More...


May 02, 2024
► Article 2: Parliamentary Powers for State Integration Parliamentary Authority: Article 2 grants the Indian Parliament extensive authority to admit or establish new states within the Union. This power is broadly framed but remains linked to fundamental constitutional principles, including democracy and secularism. Judicial interpretations, such as in R.C. Poudyal vs Union of India (1993), underscore that these powers must not contravene the Constitution's core values. ... Read More...

Indian Constitution: Article 12

May 02, 2024
► Introduction Article 12 of the Indian Constitution plays a crucial role in the context of fundamental rights. It provides a definition of 'The State', a term critical to understanding against whom these rights can be enforced. This article sets the framework for legal actions where government bodies are involved, ensuring that citizens can hold them accountable under the Constitution. Read More...

Quark Matter and Neutron Stars

May 02, 2024
1. What are quarks? Quarks are fundamental particles that make up protons and neutrons, which are found in the nuclei of atoms. Unlike electrons, which are also fundamental particles, quarks are always found in groups and cannot exist independently. Read More...


May 02, 2024
1. What is an inheritance tax? Inheritance tax is a tax paid by a person who inherits money or property of a deceased person, depending on the value of the inherited estate(property/assets) and the relationship to the deceased.Imemdiate family members may pay less and others may pay more,depending on the country. 2. What is the difference between estate duty/tax and inheritance tax? Read More...

Global Plastics Treaty Talks Ottawa

May 02, 2024
1. What is the Global Plastics Treaty? The Global Plastics Treaty is an initiative aimed at creating a legally binding international agreement to end plastic pollution. This treaty involves discussions among countries to address the reduction and eventual elimination of plastic production and use, focusing on the environmental impact of plastics. 2. Why are the treaty talks significant? These talks are significant because they represent a global effort t... Read More...

IIA Captures Moon Occulting the Star Antares

May 02, 2024
The Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), based in Bengaluru, recently recorded a fascinating astronomical event where the Moon passed in front of Antares, the brightest star in the Scorpius constellation. Here’s a simple explanation of what happened and why it’s interesting: 1. What is an occultation? An occultation occurs when one celestial body passes in front of another, temporarily hiding it from view. In this case, the Moon moved in front of the star Antares, obscuring it from sight. Read More...

Indian Ocean Warming: Collaborative Efforts

May 02, 2024
1. What is the current warming trend in the Indian Ocean? Recent studies indicate that the Indian Ocean has warmed by approximately 1.2°C and is expected to heat up by an additional 1.7°C to 3.8°C from 2020 to 2100 based on current global carbon emission trends. Read More...

Razakars: Hyderabad's Anti-Integration Militia

May 02, 2024
They were a paramilitary force organized by the princely state of Hyderabad’s ruler, Nizam Osman Ali Khan, in 1948 to resist the integration of Hyderabad into the newly independent India. Here are some frequently asked questions about the Razakars: What were the Razakars? The Razakars were a volunteer militia in the princely state of Hyderabad, formed to support the rule of the Nizam and oppose the accession of Hyderabad to India. The militia was led by Qasim Razvi, the leader of the Ma... Read More...

Economic Inequality and Policy Responses in India

May 02, 2024
1. What did Thomas Piketty’s study reveal about economic inequality in India? Thomas Piketty’s research showed that economic inequality in India is now worse than it was during British colonial rule. Specifically, in 2022, the top 1% of India’s population owned 40.1% of total wealth and earned 22.6% of tot... Read More...

Labor Productivity, Human Health, and Climate Change

May 02, 2024
1. What does the ILO report say about labor and climate change? The International Labour Organization (ILO) highlights the urgent need to climate-proof labor conditions, citing that over a third of the global population is exposed to excessive heat annually, which contributes to almost 23 million work-related injuries. The ... Read More...

National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development

May 02, 2024
  The National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) is a government-owned Development Financial Institution (DFI) in India, established under the NaBFID Act, 2021. Recognized by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) as an All India Financial Institution (AIFI), NaBFID began its operations in December 2022 with the primary aim of promoting infrastructure financing across the country. Key Functions and Objectives: • Infrastructure Financing: As a DFI and AIFI, NaBFID’s core mand... Read More...

AUKUS and South Korea: Expanding Defense Collaboration

May 02, 2024
AUKUS is a trilateral security pact established in 2021 between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The agreement focuses on enhanced cooperation in defense and security technologies, aiming to strengthen military capabilities in the Indo-Pacific region. Read More...