
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Ancient Water Droplets in the Himalayas

May 11, 2024
Water droplets rapped in mineral deposits discovered in the Kumaon Himalayas: Q1: What did scientists discover in the Kumaon Himalayas? Scientists found water droplets trapped in mineral deposits that could be remnants of an ancient ocean dating back 600 million years. Q2: How could these water droplets help understand the evolution of complex life? The droplets could offer clues about th... Read More...

​Bletchley Declaration on AI Safety (November 2023)

May 11, 2024
Q1: What is the Bletchley Declaration's core message? A1: The declaration calls for global collaboration to ensure Artificial Intelligence (AI) is developed and used safely, ethically, and for the benefit of all. Q2: Why is the international community concerned about AI safety?  A2: AI's growing integration into daily life brings immense potential, but also risks like misuse, unintended consequences, and even catastrophic harm. Read More...

Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Amendment Rules, 2023:

May 11, 2024
FAQ 1: What are these new rules about? They're about making sure the information on packaged products in India is accurate and easy to understand. This is important for protecting consumers. FAQ 2: When do these new rules start applying? They will be enforced from January 1st, 2024. FAQ 3: What changes can I expect to see on product packages? Read More...

India's Deepfake Crackdown

May 11, 2024
Q1: What is the Indian government doing to address deepfakes? A1: The government is taking several steps: ● Nominating a Rule Seven Officer to handle complaints against platforms. ● Demanding social media platforms align their policies with Indian laws within seven days. ●&n... Read More...

One Health

May 11, 2024
1️⃣ What is the ‘One Health’ concept? “One Health” is a concept, strategy, and goal that has gradually established itself in the life sciences, veterinary medicine, and biomedical sciences. It recognizes the links between human health, animal health, and the environment, and advocates for holistic and prospective approaches to emerging infectious diseases considering the complex interconnections between species. Read More...

Meghalayan Age and the Anthropocene Epoch

May 11, 2024
1. What is the Meghalayan Age? The Meghalayan Age is a new geological age announced by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) in July 2018. It began 4,250 years ago and continues to the present. The Meghalayan Age is defined by a mega-drought that caused the collapse of a number of civilizations around 2,250 years BCE. 2. What is the Anthropocene Epoch? Read More...

Flowering Plants: Adaptability to Water Stress

May 11, 2024
1. What is the key to the success of plants? Plants are excellent at adapting to local conditions. They are specialists, making the most of what is close by to where they germinate. They use environmental signals to shape their growth and development. 2. What is hydrosignalling in plants? Hydrosignalling is the way plants sense where water is, not by measu... Read More...

Role of Moss in Ecology

May 11, 2024
1️. What is the significance of moss? Moss, comprising between 12,000 and 15,000 species, is a resilient group of plants that can grow practically everywhere on Earth. They are one of the most ancient plant groups alive today and help scientists understand the evolution of life. 2️. What role does moss play in ecosystems? Mosses contribute significantl... Read More...

National Credit Framework (NCrF)

May 11, 2024
New credit-based framework in CBSE schools  What is the new credit-based framework being introduced in CBSE schools? This framework is a significant change to how students in grades 9-12 will learn. Instead of a fixed number of subjects,they'll have more flexibility to choose from a wider range, including vocational courses. They'll earn credits based on the number of learning hours comp... Read More...


May 11, 2024
National Technology Day is commemorated in India every year on May 11. This day marks the anniversary of the successful nuclear tests at Pokhran in 1998, which are significant milestones in India's scientific and technological advancement. Date and Origin:   National Technology Day was established by former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee on May 11, 1998, following the notable Pokhran nuclear tests carried out by the Indian Army in Ra... Read More...

India Recognizes Esports

May 11, 2024
1. What is the significance of India recognizing esports? Legitimacy: Esports is now officially recognized as a sport, boosting its credibility and acceptance within India. Regulation: The Department of Sports under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports will oversee esports, potentially leading to more organized and structured tournaments. Potential Growth: This move could attract investment... Read More...

India and the Djibouti Code of Conduct

May 11, 2024
India's involvement with the Djibouti Code of Conduct (DCoC), also known as the Jeddah Amendment, has continued to evolve since it joined as an observer on August 26, 2020. The DCoC is a maritime cooperation agreement focused on the repression of piracy and armed robbery against ships in regions including the Western Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Aden, and the Red Sea. As of 2024, the collaboration and commitments under the DCoC have further developed to address various maritime security threats more effectively. By 2024, the DCoC, initially established in Janua... Read More...


May 10, 2024
1. What are ocean currents? Ocean currents are the continuous, directional movements of seawater driven by various factors such as wind, temperature differences, the Earth's rotation (Coriolis effect), and variations in water density. 2. Why are ocean currents important? Ocean currents play a crucial role in distributing heat across the globe, moderating climate in coastal areas, and influencing weather patterns on land. They also contribute to the regulatio... Read More...


May 10, 2024
Convectional rainfall commonly occurs in regions that experience intense solar heating, such as equatorial areas. In these locations, the strong sunlight heats the Earth's surface, causing the surface air to warm, expand, and rise rapidly. As this warm air rises, it cools and the moisture it carries condenses into cumulus clouds, leading to precipitation. This type of rainfall is typically intense but short-lived, and it occurs mostly during the afternoon when solar heating is at its peak. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CONVECTIONAL RAINFALL AND CYCLONIC RAINFALL Read More...


May 10, 2024
1. What unique adaptations do fishing cats have for wetland environments? - Fishing cats are exceptionally adapted to life in wetlands. They have a double-layered coat that provides both water resistance and insulation. Their feet are partially webbed for better swimming ability, and their ears can close to block water when submerged. Their call even resembles a duck's quack, reflecting their aquatic lifestyle. 2. Why are fishing cats considered vulnerable? ... Read More...