
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Orcas:The killer whales

May 17, 2024
Orcas, also known as killer whales, are highly intelligent and social animals. They live in tight-knit family groups called pods and communicate using complex vocalizations. Why are orcas attacking boats? The exact reason is unclear. Some researchers believe it could be a learned behavior, while others suggest it might be a form of play or retaliation for past negative interactions with boats. Are the attacks dangerous? While no humans have been i... Read More...

Space weather

May 17, 2024
What is space weather?  Space weather refers to the varying conditions within the solar system produced by the Sun's activity. It's analogous to the terrestrial weather on Earth, but with differences in its components (radiation and particles instead of water, temperature, and air) and effects on different technologies. What types of space weather effects exist?  * Solar wind: The Sun's continuous stream of charged particle... Read More...

The Great Barrier Reef is seeing unprecedented coral bleaching

May 17, 2024
Causes: 1. Heat Stress: The primary cause of coral bleaching is heat stress resulting from high sea temperatures and increased UV radiation. A temperature increase of just one degree Celsius for only four weeks can trigger bleaching. 2. Climate Change: Human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas, have been the main driver of climate change, leading to long-term shifts in temperatures... Read More...

​Apex Predators in India

May 17, 2024
1. What is an apex predator? - An apex predator, also known as a top predator, is an animal that sits at the top of its food chain with no natural predators in its ecosystem. These predators play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystems by controlling the population of prey species and removing sick and weak individuals. 2. Can you name some apex predators found in India? - India is home to several notable apex predators, including the Bengal ... Read More...

Trophic Cascade and Apex Predators:India

May 17, 2024
1. What is a trophic cascade? - A trophic cascade is an ecological phenomenon triggered by the addition or removal of top predators and involving reciprocal changes in the relative populations of predator and prey through a food chain, which often results in dramatic changes in ecosystem structure and nutrient cycling. 2. How does a trophic cascade occur in Indian ecosystems? - In Indian ecosystems, a trophic cascade can occur when apex predators like tigers, le... Read More...


May 17, 2024
Current Situation in Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK) In recent days, PoK has seen intense unrest, with civilians clashing with police amid widespread protests. The agitation, led by the Jammu Kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee, centers around rising inflation, demands for electricity, subsidized wheat, and other basic necessities. In response, Pakistan's Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has approved an $86 million grant for PoK. This turmoil highlights the severe economic challenges and scarcity of basic amenities faced by the region’... Read More...

Strengthening Ties Amid Global Tensions

May 17, 2024
Deepening Economic Partnership: Since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022, economic relations between Russia and China have intensified. Blocked by Western sanctions, Russia has increasingly turned to China for goods ranging from industrial machinery to consumer electronics. Bilateral trade reached $240 billion in 2023, up 26% from the previous year, underscoring China's role as a crucial economic partner for Russia.  Strategic Meetings: The frequent meetings bet... Read More...


May 16, 2024
1. What is RNA? RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is a molecule similar to DNA. While DNA serves as the long-term storage of genetic information, RNA performs various roles in translating that genetic information into proteins and regulating different cellular functions. 2. What is the difference between coding RNA and noncoding RNA? Coding RNA, mainly messenger R... Read More...

RNA Therapeutics: The "RNAissance"

May 16, 2024
  What are RNA therapeutics? RNA therapeutics are a novel class of medicines that utilize RNA molecules to regulate, repair, replace, or enhance gene expression. These therapies hold immense promise for treating a wide range of diseases at the genetic level. How do RNA therapeutics work? RNA-based drugs use various RNA molecules, including messenger RNA (mRNA), small interfering RNA (siRNA), and antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs), to influence gene ex... Read More...


May 16, 2024
1. What is the Magnetic Hill in Ladakh? Magnetic Hill is a location near Leh in Ladakh, known for the optical illusion that makes stationary vehicles appear to move uphill on their own when they are, in fact, rolling downhill. 2. How does the illusion at Magnet... Read More...


May 16, 2024
1. What is a monsoon surge? A monsoon surge refers to a significant increase in moisture and wind movement across a region, often associated with the onset of monsoon conditions. It is typically characterized by a cross-Equatorial flow that brings moist, warm air from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere, enhancing rainfall and initiating th... Read More...


May 16, 2024
The discovery of a 4,600-year-old woman's skeleton at Rakhigarhi, an archaeological site in Haryana, India, has sparked significant interest and debate among historians, archaeologists, and geneticists. This finding is particularly notable because DNA analysis has provided new insights into the genetic makeup of the Harappan civilization, challenging long-held views on the historical and cultural developments in ancient South Asia. Read More...


May 16, 2024
China's recent construction of a road through the Aghil Pass into the Shaksgam Valley, approaching the proximity of the Siachen Glacier, has raised strategic concerns and questions about China's long-term intentions. The construction of this road is not merely a feat of engineering but carries significant geopolitical implications, particularly in the context of India's security and regional politics. Read More...


May 16, 2024
1. What are the primary security challenges in the Bay of Bengal? The Bay of Bengal is faced with a range of security challenges, including illegal fishing, piracy, drug trafficking, and human trafficking. The region is also prone to natural disasters like cyclones and tsunamis, which can further complicate security efforts. Additionally, geopolitical tensions, particularly the ... Read More...

China's Economic Challenges: Structural & Cyclical Issues

May 16, 2024
  Structural Issues: Structural issues in an economy refer to fundamental aspects that affect its long-term performance. These issues are deeply rooted in the economy's infrastructure, labor market, institutions, technology, and policies. For example, China's shift from a low-cost manufacturing economy to one focusing on s... Read More...