
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

May 17, 2024
Introduction to Drug Development and AI Drug development is traditionally a lengthy and costly process involving several stages from discovery to market. Incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to expedite this process, especially in the initial stages of discovering and validating target proteins. Target proteins are molecules (usually proteins) in the body that drugs bind to in order to produce their effects. What are Target Proteins? Targ... Read More...


May 17, 2024
The slogan 'Jitni abadi, utna haq' (as much right as the population) has reignited a longstanding debate on the appropriateness of aligning job reservations with population proportions in India. This discussion intersects deeply with India's social, constitutional, and political fabric, raising both practical and ethical questions about the nature of affirmative action. Historical Roots and Constitutional Debate The idea of proportionate representation is not new to Indian society; it has historical precedence in col... Read More...

​India's Renewable Energy Ambitions

May 17, 2024
What are India's renewable energy targets? India has set an ambitious target of achieving 500 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy capacity by 2030. This aligns with the global goal of tripling renewable power capacity by the same year. Which renewable energy sources are being prioritized in India? India is focusing on scaling up solar and wind energy as... Read More...


May 17, 2024
The rising issue of hypertension globally, and particularly in India, has prompted a significant focus on understanding and managing this "silent killer". Hypertension remains the single largest risk factor for preventable early deaths worldwide, responsible for approximately 10.8 million deaths each year. In India, an estimated 311 million people suffer from hypertension, underscoring the urgency of addressing this widespread health challenge. Importance of Managing Hypertension 1. Global and National Impact: Read More...


May 17, 2024
1. What is Krem Puri? Krem Puri is recognized as the world's longest sandstone cave. The name "Krem Puri" translates to "fairy cave" in the Khasi language, which is indicative of its enchanting natural beauty. 2. Where is Krem Puri located? The cave is situated near the hamlet of Laitsohum in the East Khasi Hills, which is part of the northeastern Indian state of Meghalaya. Read More...

Opium Production in Myanmar: Implications for India's Security

May 17, 2024
The escalating opium production in Myanmar, primarily due to the socio-economic aftermath of the 2021 military coup, poses significant challenges and implications for India's national security. India shares a long and porous border with Myanmar, particularly through the states of Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, and Arunachal Pradesh, making it vulnerable to cross-border drug trafficking. Here are the key security concerns and implications for India: 1. **Increased Drug Trafficking**: The surge in opium production in Myanmar could lead to increased dr... Read More...


May 17, 2024
1. What is a Tensor Processing Unit (TPU)? A TPU is a specialized hardware accelerator specifically designed to speed up and optimize machine learning tasks. For example, when Google Photos uses TPUs to quickly sort and label millions of user-uploaded images by recognizing objects and faces, the processing speed is significantly enhanced by TPUs. 2. How do TPUs differ from CPUs and GPUs? CPUs are general-purpose processors capab... Read More...

Understanding the Arctic: Importance, Cooperation, and Challenges

May 17, 2024
What is the Arctic region? The Arctic is the Earth's northernmost region, surrounding the North Pole. It includes parts of eight countries: Canada, Denmark (Greenland), Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States (Alaska). Why is the Arctic ... Read More...


May 17, 2024
1. What is a dust storm? A dust storm occurs when high winds lift dust and soil from the ground into the air, usually in arid or semi-arid regions. These storms are characterized by very low visibility and can be hazardous. 2. Why are dust storms hard to predict? Dust storms are extremely localized and short-lived, making them difficult to forecast. The la... Read More...


May 17, 2024
The state of Kerala has issued an alert due to early reports of West Nile Fever (WNF) before the usual onset of the South West monsoon, highlighting the ongoing battle against vector-borne diseases. With 20 suspected cases and two suspected deaths reported, the situation demands a comprehensive understanding and response to manage and mitigate the spread of this virus. Diagnostic Challenges and Surveillance West Nile Virus (WNV) poses significant diagnostic challenges due to its mostly asymptomatic nature; approximately 80% of i... Read More...


May 17, 2024
The tragic incident in Malda district, West Bengal, where at least 11 people were killed by lightning strikes, underscores the urgent need for effective disaster management strategies in regions prone to such natural disasters. Overview of the Incident On a recent Thursday afternoon, lightning strikes in various locations across Malda resulted in the deaths of at least 11 individuals, with several others injured, some critically. This event has highlighted the volatility and danger associated with lightning, especially in open a... Read More...

Property Rights Emphasized

May 17, 2024
The Supreme Court of India reinforced the constitutional protection of private property, emphasizing that the state cannot acquire property without adhering to proper legal procedures and ensuring fair compensation. This ruling was delivered by a Bench consisting of Justices P.S. Narasimha and Aravind Kumar. Highlights of the Judgment - Constitutional and Human Rights: The court affirmed that the right to private property is not only a constitutional right but also a human right. This status necessitates strict ... Read More...


May 17, 2024
The Ganga Jatara at the Thathayagunta Gangamma temple in Tirupati is a vibrant annual folk festival that honors the Grama Devatha, revered as the younger sister of Lord Venkateswara. Despite a delayed start this year due to local elections, the festival attracted many devotees, reflecting its deep cultural and spiritual significance. Significance of the Deity - Sister of Lord Venkateswara: The deity celebrated during the Ganga Jatara is considered the younger sister of Lord Venkateswara, linking the festival to ... Read More...


May 17, 2024
1 GANGA JATARA: TRIBUTE TO THE SISTER DEITY OF LORD VENKATESWARA - The Ganga Jatara festival at Thathayagunta Gangamma temple in Tirupati celebrates the Grama Devatha, considered the younger sister of Lord Venkateswara. It features colorful processions and traditional offerings, playing a significant role in community bonding and spiritual expression. 2 RIGHT TO PRIVATE PROPERTY: SUPREME COURT STANCE - The Supreme Court of India emphasized the importance of foll... Read More...

​SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and Climate Change

May 17, 2024
What are the SDGs? The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are a set of 17 goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all. What are the SDGs mentioned in the text? The text mentions the following SDGs: 1. SDG 1: No Poverty 2. SDG ... Read More...