
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Surat, India's Diamond City Is Facing Challenges

Aug 22, 2023
1. Why is Surat known as India's Diamond City? Surat, located in Gujarat, holds the title of India's Diamond City because it plays a central role in processing a significant portion of the world's diamonds. About 90% of all diamonds purchased globally undergo cutting and polishing in Surat. The city is home to over 6,000 units that handle rough diamonds sourced from various parts of the world.   2. What is the economic impact of the diamond industry in Surat? The diamond industry in Surat employs over a million craftsmen and workers.... Read More...

Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme Expansion and Progress Toys, Footwear, and Leather

Aug 22, 2023
1. What is the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme? The PLI scheme is a government initiative launched in 2020 to attract investments and promote manufacturing and exports in specific sectors of the economy. It offers incentives based on incremental sales to be distributed over a period of five years.   2. Which sectors are currently covered under the PLI scheme? The scheme initially covered 14 sunrise and strategic sectors, including auto and auto components, electronics and IT hardware, telecom, pharmaceuticals, solar modules, metals and ... Read More...

Supply-Side Factors Impacting Inflation in India

Aug 22, 2023
Vegetable Price Shocks: The surge in vegetable prices, triggered by unexpected shocks in tomato prices, has been a significant driver of inflation. These price pressures extended into the first half of August, contributing to the overall rise in consumer prices.   Electricity Price Hike: A noteworthy sequential increase of 4.3% in electricity prices added to the inflationary pressures. Higher energy costs have implications for various sectors and can amplify the overall inflation trend.   Crude Oil Price Uncertainty: The uncertain outlook for crud... Read More...

Iran-Saudi Arabia Thaw:Pull and Push Factors

Aug 22, 2023
Iran's Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, recently visited Saudi Arabia, marking a significant diplomatic event after years of strained relations between the two nations. The detente between Iran and Saudi Arabia, mediated by China, has both pull and push factors shaping this development.   Pull Factors: Regional Stability: Both Iran and Saudi Arabia recognize the importance of regional stability. The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, such as the Yemen war, have strained their resources and international reputation. A detente could lead to... Read More...

Sri Lanka Debt Crisis:Rile of India,Japan and China

Aug 22, 2023
China's role in Sri Lanka's debt crisis has sparked discussions about its debt-trap diplomacy and absence from international platforms like the Paris Club. Here's a breakdown of the different approaches taken by India, Japan, and China in addressing the crisis: India's Approach: India has stressed the importance of transparency, comparable terms, and parity in Sri Lanka's debt restructuring process. It plays a leading role by co-chairing the "official creditor committee" along with Japan and France, indicating activ... Read More...

`Sanhit Bills`- Indian Penal Code (IPC), the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), and the Indian Evidence Act (IEA):

Aug 22, 2023
table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } th, td { border: 1px solid black; padding: 8px; text-align: left; } th { background-color: #f2f2f2; } To Change or Not to Change Aspect Arguments in Favor of Change Arguments against Change Examples of IPC Examples of CrPC Examples of IEA Modernization Updating cybercrime laws to address new forms of online offenses. Current laws might still cover v... Read More...

PM Vishwakarma Scheme:

Aug 22, 2023
1. What is the PM Vishwakarma Scheme? The PM Vishwakarma Scheme is a government initiative aimed at providing economic support to traditional craftspeople and artisans in India. It offers concessional loans to artisans from various trades to help them access affordable credit.   2. What is the objective of the scheme? The scheme aims to provide financial assistance to artisans by offering loans at a low interest rate, enabling them to overcome challenges in accessing formal credit. It also intends to enhance the economic viability of traditional... Read More...

Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Bill, 2023

Aug 22, 2023
Creation of Databases: The amendment mandates the maintenance of a national-level database of births and deaths by the Registrar General of India and state-level databases by Chief Registrars in each state.   Database Usage: The databases will provide information to update various national-level databases, including the National Population Register, Aadhaar database, electoral rolls, ration card, passport, etc.   Aadhaar Collection: The Aadhaar number of parents will be collected during birth registration.   Read More...

NDMA and Cell Broadcast Technology for Emergency Alerts

Aug 22, 2023
1. What is cell broadcast technology for emergency alerts? Cell Broadcast Technology is a wireless communication method that allows authorities to send out emergency alert messages to mobile devices within a specific geographical area. These messages are broadcast to all devices within the coverage range of a particular cell tower, regardless of whether the recipient is making a call or using data services.   2. How does cell broadcast technology work? Cell broadcast technology sends out short text-based messages to all mobile devices connected ... Read More...

Niger Crisis and Indians

Aug 22, 2023
Q1: What is the current situation in Niger? The situation in Niger is deteriorating, marked by political instability and conflict, making it one of the most politically unstable and conflict-prone countries in West Africa.   Q2: Why were a group of Indians, including Keralites, stranded in Niger? A group of Indians, including Keralites, were stranded in Niger's capital city, Niamey, due to the deteriorating security situation. They were seeking evacuation from the Sahel region, but their pleas for help from the Indian Embassy went unanswered... Read More...

Chandrayaan-3: Vikram Lander, Pragyan Rover, and Propulsion Module

Aug 22, 2023
Question: What is Chandrayaan-3's Vikram Lander? Answer: Chandrayaan-3's Vikram Lander is a crucial component of India's lunar exploration mission. It is designed to perform a "soft landing" on the moon's surface and deploy the Pragyan Rover.   Question: Tell me about the Pragyan Rover. Answer: The Pragyan Rover is a robotic vehicle carried by the Vikram Lander. It is equipped with scientific instruments to conduct experiments on the lunar surface and analyze its chemical composition. Read More...

Hot Jupiter's Companion: A Remarkable Brown Dwarf Discovery

Aug 22, 2023
Astronomers have made a fascinating discovery in the cosmos – a new type of ‘Hot Jupiter’ exoplanet that challenges our understanding of these celestial bodies. Hot Jupiters are a class of exoplanets that orbit very close to their host stars, leading to scorching surface temperatures. In this recent finding, scientists have come across a ‘hot-Jupiter’ with an extraordinary twist – it has a surface temperature 2,000 degrees hotter than our Sun.   Published in 'Nature Astronomy', the study presents a system with two celestial bodies located 1,400 light-years away. This sys... Read More...

Solar Flares: Understanding an Extraordinary Natural Phenomenon

Aug 21, 2023
Solar flares are remarkable yet complex phenomena that occur on the sun's surface. These intense bursts of energy can have various effects on Earth's space environment and technology. Here's a brief FAQ to help you grasp the concept of solar flares: 1. What are Solar Flares? Solar flares are sudden and explosive releases of energy and radiation from the sun's surface. They are characterized by intense bursts of light, heat, and electromagnetic radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum.     2. What Causes Solar Fl... Read More...

Mini Grids in Rural India: A Path to Reliable Renewable Energy Access

Aug 21, 2023
Mini grids are emerging as a reliable solution to provide access to renewable energy in rural areas of India. These small-scale energy systems offer a way to meet the energy needs of remote communities that are often difficult to reach through traditional grid expansion. Mini grids can be designed using a combination of locally available resources, such as solar, biomass, small hydro, and wind, to ensure a consistent and sustainable power supply. Here's a short FAQ to help you understand mini grids and their impact in rural India:   What are Mini Grids? Mini grids are localiz... Read More...

Understanding the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and its Benefits and Pitfalls

Aug 21, 2023
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is a protectionist policy that aims to shield domestic industries from international competition and promote economic growth within a country. This approach is part of a broader protectionist strategy that seeks to prioritize domestic production and insulate local industries from the challenges posed by global trade dynamics. The IRA, like other protectionist measures, has both benefits and drawbacks, which are crucial to understanding its impact on the economy.   Benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Domestic Industry Growth: Read More...