
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Orphan Diseases

Sep 11, 2023
Orphan diseases, often referred to as rare diseases, are medical conditions that occur very infrequently within a population. The most common definition of a rare disease is when its prevalence rate is one case in a population of 10,000 people. These diseases are called "orphans" for several reasons: Rarity: They are rare, making them challenging to diagnose, especially for young medical practitioners who may not have encountered cases. Limited Research: Historically, there ... Read More...


Sep 11, 2023
Electronic waste, often referred to as eWaste, encompasses discarded electronic devices and equipment, including mobile phones, laptops, televisions, and more. These devices contain various valuable materials, components, and precious metals, but when not disposed of properly, they pose environmental and health risks. Threats from eWaste: Environmental Impact: Inappropriate disposal and recycling methods can lead to the release of hazardous chemicals and pollutants, contaminating soil and water sour... Read More...

G20 New Delhi Summit Scorecard: Navigating Global Challenges!

Sep 11, 2023
Introduction: The G20 New Delhi Summit, hosted by India Read More...

Genetically Modified (GM) Mustard For and Against

Sep 11, 2023
For Genetically Modified (GM) Mustard: Increased Productivity: Proponents argue that GM mustard, specifically the Dhara Mustard Hybrid (DMH-11), has the potential to significantly increase mustard crop yields. This could help address the low productivity issues currently faced in India's mustard cultivation.   Reduced Import Dependency: India imports a significant amount of edible oils, and GM mustard could reduce this dependency by increasing domestic mustard oil production. This can potentially save foreign exchange and boost self-sufficien... Read More...

Differences between meteoroid, a meteor, an asteroid, and a comet:

Sep 11, 2023
1. Meteoroid: • Meteoroids are small rocky or metallic objects that range in size from a grain of sand to a few meters across.   • They can be found throughout space and are remnants from the formation of the solar system.   • Meteoroids become meteors when they enter Earth’s atmosphere and create a streak of light due to friction.   2. Meteor: • A meteor is a meteoroid that has entered Earth’s atmosphere and is burning u... Read More...

Comet Nishimura

Sep 11, 2023
What is a comet? A comet is a celestial object composed primarily of ice, dust, gas, and rocky material. These objects travel through space in highly elliptical orbits, which means they can come relatively close to the Sun and then move far away into the outer regions of the solar system. Comets are often referred to as “dirty snowballs” because of their icy composition.   What happens when a comet approaches sun? When a comet approaches the Sun, the heat causes the ices within it to vaporize and release gas and dust. This process cr... Read More...

Global Biofuel Alliance (GBA)

Sep 11, 2023
India launched the Global Biofuel Alliance (GBA) at the G20 Leadership Summit in New Delhi.   The launch aims to accelerate the adoption of biofuels, establish global standards, and encourage industry participation.   Membership and Participants: 12 international organizations and 15 countries are willing to be initiating members of the GBA.   Four nations have expressed interest in becoming observer countries.   Notable absences from the al... Read More...

AfPak:Terrorism and Its New Forms for India

Sep 11, 2023
Q1: How has the instability in Afghanistan and Pakistan influenced the security dynamics in South Asia? A1: The instability in Afghanistan and Pakistan has created a more complex and volatile security environment in South Asia. The rise of extremist groups and the increase in cross-border terrorist activities have posed substantial threats to the region's peace and security, urging neighboring countries, including India, to ramp up their security measures and counterterrorism efforts.   Q2: What concerns does India have regarding the political instability in Pakistan? Read More...

Lightning and Palm Tree Plantation Drive

Sep 11, 2023
What is the initiative about? The Odisha Government has renewed its effort to increase the plantation of palm trees along vacant road patches and areas bordering forests. This is to leverage the trees' capacity to act as protective barriers against lightning during thunderstorms.   Why are palm trees being chosen for this initiative? Palm trees have proven to be effective electrical conductors for lightning, thus helping in reducing the incidence of lightning strikes in the nearby areas. This attribute, coupled with their long lifespan (almo... Read More...

Tribal Culture at G20

Sep 11, 2023
Raimati Ghiuria: Tribal Farmer and Conservationist Journey to the G-20 International Conference Raimati Ghiuria, a renowned farmer from Kundura Block in Koraput district, is headed to Delhi to partake in discussions at the prestigious G-20 International Conference. Representing her region, she aims to share insights into the diverse varieties of ragi and other millet grains that are traditionally cultivated in the Koraput region.   Farming Expertise and Achievements Read More...

Global Capability Centers (GCCs) Overview

Sep 11, 2023
Definition Global Capability Centers (GCCs) are strategic units established by companies to house critical functions such as R&D (Research and Development), IT (Information Technology), and BPM (Business Process Management) in locations different from their headquarters. These centers aim to leverage the local talent pool, technological advancements, and economic benefits to support a company's global operations.   Current Landscape in India (2023) Number of GCCs: 1,580 established, housing over 1.66 million professionals.   ... Read More...

World Bank's G20 Report:Financial Inclusion in india

Sep 09, 2023
India’s Accelerated Financial Inclusion Achievements : India reached its financial inclusion targets in just six years, a milestone originally anticipated to take 47 years, propelled significantly by the advent of digital advancements.   JAM Trinity : Leveraging Jan Dhan, Aadhaar, and Mobile (JAM) to skyrocket the financial inclusion rate from 25% in 2008 to over 80% recently.   PMJDY Growth : Through the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana initiative, account owner... Read More...

Pradhan Mantri Kusum Scheme (PM-Kusum)

Sep 09, 2023
Q1: What is the PM-KUSUM scheme in India, and what is its objective? A: The PM-KUSUM (Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan Yojana) scheme is a government initiative aimed at promoting the use of solar pumps in agriculture. Its primary objectives are to ensure energy and water security for farmers, reduce the environmental impact of traditional pumps, and reduce dependence on grid-connected and diesel pumps.   Q2: How significant is the electricity consumption in the agriculture sector in India? A: The electricity consumptio... Read More...

Viability Gap Funding (VGF) for Battery Energy Storage

Sep 09, 2023
What is VGF for Battery Storage? VGF is a grant provided to bridge the financial gap in commercially unviable but socially beneficial projects, particularly for battery storage.Viability Gap Funding (VGF) for battery storage is a financial mechanism introduced to make energy storage projects more economically viable. While many renewable energy projects, especially those based on solar and wind, have huge potential, they often face challenges due to the intermittent nature of their energy production. Batteries can store energy during peak production times and discharge it when production is low, ensuring consistent energy ava... Read More...

Depleted Uranium Munitions

Sep 09, 2023
What is uranium? Uranium is a naturally occurring radioactive element used primarily for nuclear power production due to its ability to undergo fission. It's found in small amounts in the Earth's crust.   How does uranium get depleted? Depleted uranium (DU) is a by-product of the enrichment process for producing nuclear fuel. Natural uranium contains about 0.7% of the U-235 isotope, vital for nuclear reactions. During enrichment, the percentage of U-235 is increased, leaving behind uranium with a significantly lower proportion of U-235, ... Read More...