
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Clouded leopard in India

Aug 09, 2023
1. What is the clouded leopard, and where is it found? The clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) is a cat species known for its cloud-like spots on its hide. It is found in various parts of Asia, including mainland India, from central Nepal to peninsular Malaysia, and the Sunda islands.   2. How is the clouded leopard unique compared to other cat species? The clouded leopard is often likened to the Ice Age saber-tooth due to having the largest canines in proportion to its skull size among all cat species. It also has rotating rear ankles that enab... Read More...

Peace conference on the Ukraine Conflict

Aug 09, 2023
India's Position on Ukraine   1. What is the purpose of the peace conference?   The peace conference aims to discuss and find a diplomatic resolution to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. It seeks to bring together representatives from various countries to engage in dialogue and cooperation for resolving the conflict peacefully.   2. Who organized the peace conference? The peace conference on the Ukraine conflict was organized by Saudi Prime Minister and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. It took... Read More...

Telangana Governor:Veto Powers and Power of Sending Messages

Aug 09, 2023
1. What is a Suspensive Veto? A Suspensive Veto is the following: When the Governor uses a suspensive veto, the bill is returned to the legislature for repassage. If the legislature passes the bill again with or without amendments, and it is presented to the Governor, then the Governor is bound to give their assent.   2. What is a Pocket Veto? A Pocket Veto is another type of veto power used by the Governor. In a pocket veto, the Governor does not explicitly reject or approve the bill passed by the state legislature. Instead, the Governor retain... Read More...

Urban Infrastructure Development Fund

Aug 08, 2023
For Tier 2 & 3 Cities:   1. What is the Urban Infrastructure Development Fund (UIDF)? UIDF aims to supplement efforts of the State Governments/UTs for urban infrastructure development work implemented through Public/State Agencies, Municipal Corporations, Urban Local Bodies in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities by providing a stable and predictable source of financing.Simple terms:UIDF is a fund of Rs 10,000 crore operationalized by the central government for creating infrastructure in tier-2 and tier-3 cities in India.   2. Which cities are covered ... Read More...

The Amazon Rainforest - Importance, Threats, and Solutions

Aug 08, 2023
1. What is the size of the Amazon rainforest, and how many countries does it span? The Amazon rainforest is twice the size of India and spans across eight countries and one territory.The Amazon rainforest is a vast biome that spans across eight countries in South America: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Suriname. Additionally, it includes French Guiana, which is an overseas territory of France.   2. What is a biome? A biome refers to a large geographic region characterized by a distinct climate, vegetation, and w... Read More...

Short Duration Varieties of Rice and Stubble Burning Reduction

Aug 08, 2023
1. What are short duration varieties of rice? Short duration varieties of rice are rice cultivars that have a shorter growth cycle and maturity period compared to traditional varieties. These varieties reach maturity and are ready for harvest in a relatively shorter span of time.   2. How does the use of short duration rice varieties impact stubble burning? Short duration rice varieties mature earlier and produce less residual crop stubble after harvest. This reduction in stubble minimizes the need for burning to clear fields for the next crop. ... Read More...

QR Code Convenience and Concerns

Aug 08, 2023
QR codes offer various conveniences for citizens, including faster ticketing, access to information, and feedback mechanisms. However, it is essential to address security and inclusivity concerns to ensure the effective and safe implementation of QR code technology in various services across cities.   1. What is the QR code-based ticketing system in the Delhi Metro? The QR code-based ticketing system in the Delhi Metro allows passengers to buy tickets online and scan the QR code on their mobile phones at the automatic fare collection (AFC) gate for entry without the need to stand... Read More...

Production Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI) for Large Scale Electronics Manufacturing and IT Hardware

Aug 08, 2023
1. What is the objective of the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for Large Scale Electronics Manufacturing? The PLI scheme aims to boost domestic manufacturing and attract large investments in the electronics sector, specifically mobile phone manufacturing and specified electronic components, including Assembly, Testing, Marking, and Packaging (ATMP) units. It seeks to create a level playing field for the domestic electronics hardware manufacturing sector, promote self-reliance, and position India as a global hub for Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM).   2. Wha... Read More...

Parliamentary panel says reduce the minimum age for contesting elections in India

Aug 08, 2023
Q:What does the parliamentary panel propose regarding the minimum age for contesting elections in India? A: The parliamentary panel suggests reducing the minimum age required to run in national elections, particularly Assembly elections, from 25 to 18 years.   Q: How is the current minimum age requirement for standing in Assembly and Lok Sabha elections different from the voting age in India? A: The current minimum age to stand for Assembly and Lok Sabha elections is 25 years, while the voting age is 18 years.   Read More...

Organ Shortage,Organ Donation and Laws in India

Aug 08, 2023
1.What is the current situation of organ shortage in India? There is a significant shortage of organs for transplant in India, with over three lakh patients waiting for organ transplants.   2.How has the number of organ donors changed over the years? Between 2014 and 2022, the number of donors (including cadavers) increased from 6,916 to 16,041.   3.Why is there a need to improve the cadaver donation rate? Cadaver donations are essential to meet the growing demand ... Read More...

ONGC Videsh Upgraded to a 'Navratna'

Aug 08, 2023
Oil India Ltd (OIL) Upgraded to Maharatna status   Q1: What is the significance of ONGC Videsh being upgraded to a 'Navratna' CPSE? A: The upgrade to 'Navratna' status means that ONGC Videsh will have more autonomy in terms of investment, setting up joint ventures, and making other financial decisions. It will enjoy greater operational and financial freedom within the framework of a Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE).   Q2: How many Navratna companies does India currently have? A: Ind... Read More...

India Soft Power Projection and Cultural Diplomacy

Aug 08, 2023
1. What is soft power projection? Soft power projection refers to the use of non-coercive and persuasive means by a country to enhance its influence and attract others towards its values, culture, and policies. It involves utilizing cultural, educational, and diplomatic resources to shape the perceptions and opinions of people in other countries.   2. What is cultural diplomacy? Cultural diplomacy is a form of public diplomacy that focuses on promoting a country's culture, arts, heritage, and language as a means to foster understanding and b... Read More...

Increase in Cost of Vegetarian Thali in July 2023

Aug 08, 2023
Thalinomics   1. What caused the surge in the cost of preparing a vegetarian thali in July 2023? The cost of preparing a vegetarian thali at home increased by 28% in July 2023 compared to the previous month. This surge was primarily due to the significant jump in prices of vegetables and spices, particularly tomatoes, onions, and potatoes. The rising prices of these essential ingredients contributed to the higher overall cost of the thali.   2. How much did the cost of a vegetable thali rise in July 2023? Read More...

Gyan Vapi and GPR technology

Aug 08, 2023
The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technology in its ongoing scientific survey of the Gyanvapi mosque complex in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. GPR technology involves sending electromagnetic waves below the ground to detect anomalies like bricks, sand, stone, and metals. It helps experts study and analyze the data recorded on a monitor to determine if any structure is buried beneath the mosque and understand the nature of that structure. However, it is important to use GPR technology under expert supervision to ensure accurate results and interpretations. GPR technology plays a crucial role in the survey as it aids in i... Read More...

Food Inflation

Aug 08, 2023
Concepts and Trends in India Food inflation refers to the rate at which food prices are increasing over a specific period of time. It is a crucial economic indicator that measures the change in the cost of food items in a basket of goods and services. Food inflation is often closely monitored by policymakers, economists, and the public because it directly affects the cost of living for households and can have significant implications for overall economic stability.   FAQs about Food Inflation:   1. What causes food inflation? Read More...