
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Quit India Movement and the British Response

Aug 11, 2023
The Quit India Movement marked a significant turning point in India's fight for freedom, showcasing the country's strong determination to break away from British colonial rule.   Causes   The Quit India Movement was ignited by various factors and triggers that led to its emergence. It stemmed from the growing discontent with British colonial rule and was prompted by the circumstances of World War II. The Cripps Mission's failure to address India's demands and its inability to provide a clear roadmap for independence fueled public support for the... Read More...

Cross-Border Electricity Trade: India and South Asia

Aug 11, 2023
Neighbourhood Policy   India's Vision for Cross-Border Electricity Trade:   India aspires to significantly enhance its cross-border electricity trade by establishing connections with countries across South Asia, BIMSTEC, and Southeast Asia. This strategic initiative builds upon the existing cross-border power trade within the Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Myanmar sub-regional grouping. Furthermore, there are plans to extend this cooperative effort to include Sri Lanka. In pursuit of this goal, India's power ministry has engaged in discussions with va... Read More...

Bilateral Investment Treaties and India: Status, Criteria, Motives, and Disputes

Aug 11, 2023
Status of BITs (Bilateral Investment Treaties) in India: Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) are agreements between two countries that provide legal protection and framework for foreign investments. India has been engaged in signing BITs since 1994, aiming to attract foreign investment and promote economic growth. However, India's approach to BITs has evolved over time, leading to changes in its negotiation strategy and the model BIT text.   Criteria and Motives for Signing BITs: India's criteria for signing BITs have historically inclu... Read More...

Gaddar: A Revolutionary Artist's Legacy

Aug 10, 2023
Introduction Gaddar (1949-2023), a prominent Dalit Telugu revolutionary poet, singer, and folk performer, left an indelible mark on Indian cultural and political history. Known for his evocative songs and performances, Gaddar used popular culture to ignite a mass movement against oppression and to transform ideology into song. His commitment to revolutionary cultural politics and his unique persona made him a significant figure in the Telangana statehood movement.   Revolutionary Cultural Icon 1. Mass Mov... Read More...

India's Drone Thrust

Aug 10, 2023
1: Introduction   1.1 What is the history of drone technology development? Drone technology has its origins in military applications and dates back to the 19th century. The earliest recorded use was in 1849 when unmanned balloons loaded with explosives were used for an attempted attack on Venice. Over the years, drones have evolved and found applications in defense, surveillance, and reconnaissance.   1.2 How has drone technology evolved in recent years? While initially developed for military purposes, dr... Read More...

India:Blue Economy and Seafood Exports

Aug 10, 2023
1. What is the current status of India's seafood exports? India exported 17,35,286 tonnes of seafood worth ₹63,969 crore in the fiscal year 2022-23. The major contributor to these exports is shrimp, which accounted for 11.84 lakh tonnes and ₹43,135 crore in export value.   2. What is India's goal for seafood exports by 2025? India aims to increase its seafood export earnings to $15 billion by 2025, up from $7.76 billion in the fiscal year 2021-22.   3. How does India rank in shrimp exports? Read More...

RBI Data Localisation Rules

Aug 10, 2023
1. What are RBI Data Localisation Rules? RBI Data Localisation Rules require certain categories of sensitive personal and financial data to be stored and processed within the borders of India, and not transferred or processed internationally.   2. Why Did RBI Introduce Data Localisation Rules? RBI introduced data localisation rules to enhance the security and privacy of sensitive financial and personal data. The rules aim to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential misuse of such information by ensuring it remains within India&#... Read More...

Consumer Confidence

Aug 10, 2023
Understanding Consumer Confidence: Factors Influencing Low or High Confidence Consumer confidence, which reflects the public's outlook on economic conditions, is influenced by various factors. A recent study conducted by Home Credit India sheds light on the financial habits and sentiments of low-income consumers in urban and semi-urban centers, providing insights into the reasons behind their optimism.   Income Expectations: A Key Driver Income Anticipation: Low-income consumers in urban and semi-urban areas are remarkably opt... Read More...

Ukraine:India's Role in the Jeddah Peace Meet

Aug 10, 2023
The recent peace summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, convened on Ukraine and attended by over 40 countries, marks a significant shift in global power dynamics. The summit aimed to find a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine crisis and provided a platform for India to offer its unique perspective on the matter.   Recognition of India's Diplomatic Influence Shift in Hosting: The choice of Saudi Arabia as the host, rather than a Western nation, highlighted the kingdom's expanding clout in the region. This elevation is further fueled by Saudi Arabia's recent peace effort... Read More...

Chinese Economy Struggling, Exports Drop:Reasons

Aug 10, 2023
China's economic challenges persist as its exports faced a third consecutive monthly decline in July, with overseas shipments dropping by 14.5% and imports contracting by 12.4% compared to the previous year. This trend reflects weakened global demand and domestic pressures that are impacting China's economic recovery. Falling consumer confidence and subdued domestic demand have contributed to the decline in imports. The drop in imports is also influenced by falling commodity prices. China's efforts to stimulate growth through targeted policies, including encouraging household spending and supporting specific sectors like electric cars and light ind... Read More...

India:Licences for Import of Laptops: In Defence

Aug 10, 2023
In June 2020, India implemented import restrictions on pneumatic tyres for vehicles in line with WTO's Import Licensing Procedures Agreement. Now, three years later,in mid-2023, India is using the same WTO rules to limit imports, this time targeting personal computers, laptops, and tablets. The new regulations require companies to obtain licenses from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade for importing these items. India has used such measures to boost domestic manufacturing. This approach is not unique to India; other countries have also employed similar strategies. The Trade Minister, while defending the move, emphasized that if other countries seek a... Read More...

Madhya Pradesh: Tiger State

Aug 10, 2023
1. How many unique tigers were found in Madhya Pradesh according to the 2022 tiger census? Madhya Pradesh was found to have 785 unique tigers in the 2022 tiger census.   2. What is the total tiger count in India as per the 2022 census? The 2022 tiger census reported a total of 3,682 tigers across India, which is an increase from 2,967 in 2018.   3. Why were the increased tiger numbers in Madhya Pradesh doubted by other states? Other states, especially one state, do... Read More...

Protection of Traditional Knowledge:Biodiversity Protection,Geographical Indications and Benefit Sharing

Aug 10, 2023
Traditional Knowledge (TK) refers to the knowledge, practices, innovations, and cultural expressions developed and maintained by communities over time. It is often closely linked to their cultural, spiritual, and social identity and plays a vital role in their livelihoods and well-being.Some of it is codified.   Codified traditional knowledge refers to traditional knowledge that has been systematically organized and recorded in a structured manner. In the field of traditional medicine, there are two types of codified traditional knowledge:   Codified Systems: These ar... Read More...

Public Distribution System:PDS, Food Security, and Nutrition Security

Aug 10, 2023
Millets   Q1: What is PDS? A: PDS stands for Public Distribution System, a government initiative to provide food and non-food items to identified households at subsidised prices.   Q2: What is the main goal of PDS? A: The main goal of PDS is to ensure food security by providing essential food items to vulnerable populations at affordable rates.   Q3: How has PDS helped India? A: PDS has helped India avert major famines and p... Read More...

Freebies,Welfare State, and Economic Models

Aug 10, 2023
Q1: What is a welfare state? A: A welfare state is a concept where the government takes responsibility for promoting the welfare and well-being of its citizens by providing various social services, support systems, and safety nets.   Q2: What are the goals of a welfare state? A: The primary goals include minimizing inequalities in income and status, ensuring equal opportunities, and creating a just social, economic, and political order that benefits all citizens.   Q3: How does a welfare state differ fro... Read More...