
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

GAGANYAAN Mission: Parachute Deployment Tests

Aug 16, 2023
What is GAGANYAAN Mission? GAGANYAAN Mission is India's ambitious human spaceflight program aimed at sending astronauts into space. It aims to demonstrate India's capability to launch humans into space, conduct scientific experiments, and return the crew safely.   What are Parachute Deployment Tests? Parachute deployment tests are crucial trials conducted to ensure the safe landing of astronauts during their return journey to Earth. These tests involve deploying drogue parachutes, which play a pivotal role in stabilizing the crew module ... Read More...

Dethroned by john zubrzycki nehru vs patel

Aug 16, 2023
The book "Dethroned" by John Zubrzycki discusses the historical controversies surrounding Jawaharlal Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel, their differing approaches, and the impact their ideologies had on India's evolution as an independent country. Nehru and Patel: Contrasting Approaches Jawaharlal Nehru and Vallabhbhai Patel, both pivotal figures in India's history, exhibited starkly differing political strategies and roles in the nation's development. Their ideological disparities and competitive dynamic are explored in the context of integrating princely states into I... Read More...

Travelogues on India

Aug 14, 2023
Former Attorney General K.K. Venugopal decided to digitize and share his vast collection of antiquarian books through his digital library. Some of them are:   Book 1: The Oldest Travelogue "Travels In Hindustan: The History Of The Late Revolution Of The Dominions Of The Great Mogol" by Francois Bernier, dating back to 1676, is the oldest travelogue in the collection.   Book 2: Early Indian Travelogues The collection includes "Varthamanappusthakam" by Paremmakkal Thoma Kath... Read More...

Lignite and Neyveli Lignite Corporation of India Ltd (NLCIL)

Aug 14, 2023
What is Lignite? Lignite, also known as brown coal, is a type of coal characterized by its relatively low energy content and high moisture content. It is considered the lowest rank of coal in terms of carbon content and energy density. Lignite is formed from the remains of plants that have undergone partial decay in swampy environments over millions of years. It is the earliest stage in the coal formation process.   Key Characteristics of Lignite: Low Energy Content: Lignite contains a lower amount of carbon and therefore has a lower energy cont... Read More...

Social Evil:Kadu Golla community

Aug 14, 2023
In a rural village called Mallenahalli in Karnataka, a tragic incident occurred due to an age-old tradition. The Kadu Golla community practices a custom where newborns and their mothers are confined to makeshift structures called "gudlu" for a period of four to eight weeks after birth due to the belief that the postpartum period is impure (sutaka). Vasantha, a young mother from this community, lost her newborn due to this practice. Despite protests against this tradition, some within the community still enforce it.   The Kadu Golla community, an OBC group, faces challenges in terms of basic facilities an... Read More...

Islamic State-Khorasan

Aug 14, 2023
What is IS-K? IS-K, or the Islamic State – Khorasan Province, is a terrorist group that emerged in Afghanistan in 2015. It is the local affiliate of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). IS-K has carried out a number of deadly attacks in Afghanistan, including suicide bombings and mass shootings. Khorasan was a historical region and realm comprising a vast territory in what is now northeastern Iran, southern Turkmenistan, and northern Afghanistan.   What are IS-K's goals? IS-K's goal i... Read More...

El Nino,La Nina and India:North and South India Variation

Aug 14, 2023
1. What is El Niño and how does it impact monsoon rainfall in India? El Niño is a climatic phenomenon characterized by the warming of sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. This warming disrupts the normal atmospheric circulation patterns, leading to significant weather changes around the world, including India.   2. What is the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)? ENSO refers to the natural climate cycle that includes both El Niño and its opposite phase, La Niña. During El Niñ... Read More...

TB:National Strategic Plan (NSP) for Tuberculosis (TB) elimination.India

Aug 14, 2023
1. What are the goals of India's National Strategic Plan (NSP) for Tuberculosis (TB) elimination? India's NSP aims to eliminate TB by 2025. It focuses on early detection of TB cases using highly sensitive diagnostic tools and enhancing precision diagnostic services.   2. What were the targets set by NSP 2017-2025 for TB diagnostics? The NSP 2017-2025 aimed to reduce the number of presumptive TB cases tested through smear microscopy from over 9.1 million in 2015 to 5.8 million in 2022, while increasing molecular tests from 40,000 in 2015 ... Read More...


Aug 14, 2023
Q: What is the recent issue in Tamil Nadu related to the NEET exemption Bill? A: There is a legal conflict in Tamil Nadu concerning the NEET exemption Bill. The Governor's decision to return the bill, expressing reservations about its impact on underprivileged students, has raised questions about the legality of his actions and the legislative process.   Q: What is the role of the Governor in the legislative process? A: The Governor, as a constitutional entity, is part of the state's "Legislature." When bills are presented to t... Read More...

Coral Reefs and Marine Heat Waves

Aug 14, 2023
1. What are marine heatwaves? Marine heatwaves refer to extended periods of unusually high sea surface temperatures in a specific area of the ocean. These heatwaves are distinct from regular seasonal temperature variations and can have significant and often adverse impacts on marine ecosystems.   2. How do marine heatwaves affect coral reefs? Marine heatwaves can have severe and detrimental effects on coral reefs. When ocean temperatures rise above normal levels for an extended period, corals experience a phenomenon known as coral bleaching. Cor... Read More...

Restrictions on Importing Electronic Goods:For and Against

Aug 14, 2023
What did the government do? The government restricted the import of certain electronic products, including laptops, tablets, all-in-one personal computers, ultra-small form factor computers, and servers. These products fall under the Harmonized System of Nomenclature (HSN) 8471 category, which includes automated data processing machines and units. The import of these items will be restricted from November 1, and a valid license will be required to import them for sale to consumers.   What is the purpose of the move? The primary goal of restricti... Read More...

Assam Rifles:All You Need to Know for

Aug 14, 2023
1. What are the Assam Rifles? The Assam Rifles is one of the oldest paramilitary forces in India. It was originally raised by the British in 1835 as the 'Cachar Levy' to protect settlements from tribals in hilly areas.   2. What is the primary area of operation for the Assam Rifles? The northeast region of India is the primary area of operation for the Assam Rifles.   3. How has the Assam Rifles evolved over the years? The force expanded from its initial fo... Read More...

Article 370:The Legal and Historical Context

Aug 14, 2023
What is Article 370? Article 370 was a temporary provision in the Indian Constitution that granted special autonomous status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It allowed the state to have its own constitution, flag, and autonomy over various matters except foreign affairs, defense, and communications.   Why was Jammu and Kashmir given special status? Jammu and Kashmir was granted special status due to the circumstances of its accession to India after Independence. The state's ruler, Maharaja Hari Singh, sought India's help to fend off m... Read More...

MRI Scanners

Aug 14, 2023
What are MRI scanners? MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. MRI scanners are advanced medical devices used to create detailed images of the internal structures of the body. These images provide valuable information about organs, tissues, and various medical conditions.   How do MRI scanners work? MRI scanners use a powerful magnetic field, radio waves, and a computer to generate detailed cross-sectional images of the body. When a patient enters the MRI machine, the magnetic field aligns the hydrogen atoms in their body. Radio waves are the... Read More...

Preserving India's Manuscript Heritage: The National Manuscripts Bill, 2023

Aug 14, 2023
Introduction to the Bakhshali Manuscript: The Bakhshali manuscript, an ancient mathematical text inscribed on birch bark, stands as an early example of the use of zero. Dating back to the third or fourth century AD, this significant artifact is housed in the Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford.   A National Endeavor: Introducing the National Manuscripts Bill, 2023: In a move to safeguard India's cultural heritage, the government plans to introduce the National Manuscripts Bill, 2023, during the Winter Session of Parliament. The pr... Read More...