
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Rs.83 for 1 USD:Why?

Aug 18, 2023
The recent decline in the Indian rupee's value against the US dollar, reaching a 10-month low at 82.95 per dollar, can be attributed to several key factors:   1. Strengthening Dollar Index: The dollar index, which measures the strength of the US dollar against major global currencies, rose to a month-high of 103. A stronger dollar typically leads to weaker currencies in other countries, including the Indian rupee.   2. Rising US Bond Yields: The yield on the 10-year US treasury bond increased to 4.18%, signaling higher returns on US government... Read More...

Inter-Services Organisations (Command, Control and Discipline) Bill, 2023

Aug 18, 2023
1. What is the Inter-Services Organisations (Command, Control and Discipline) Bill, 2023? The Inter-Services Organisations (Command, Control and Discipline) Bill, 2023 is a significant piece of legislation passed in the Indian Parliament. It aims to establish a theatre-based command and control architecture for the Indian armed forces by allowing the creation of inter-services organisations.   2. What is the current structure of India's armed forces? Currently, India's armed forces, including the Army, Air Force, and Navy, operate as sep... Read More...

Rajya Sabha

Aug 17, 2023
Rule 267 vs Rule 176: Understanding the Differences In the midst of tensions between the Centre and the Opposition over discussing the Manipur crisis during the Monsoon Session of Parliament, two specific rules of procedure, Rule 267 and Rule 176, have come into focus. These rules play a crucial role in regulating the conduct of business and facilitating discussions in the Rajya Sabha.   Rule 267: Rule 267 allows for the suspension of rules on the day's agenda to initiate a debate on an urgent matter. This suspension is carried out with the ... Read More...

Deflation and China

Aug 17, 2023
What is Deflation and Its Implications: Explained Deflation is a prolonged and widespread decline in the general price levels of goods and services within an economy. It stands in contrast to inflation, where prices rise over time. This phenomenon has garnered attention, especially in the context of China, where it has sparked concerns about its potential impact on global economic stability. Here's an explanation of deflation and its implications:   Deflation Defined Deflation is characterized by a persistent decrease in the prices of goods ... Read More...

Remittances to India at $112.5 billion

Aug 17, 2023
What are remittances? Remittances are monetary transfers made by individuals living or working abroad to their home countries. These transfers serve as a lifeline for families and communities back home and are often sent to support loved ones' financial needs and improve their quality of life.   How do remittances work? Migrant workers, who have moved to other countries for employment or other reasons, send a portion of their earnings back to their families in their home countries. These funds are typically sent through formal channels such ... Read More...

e-NAM( electronic National Agriculture Market)

Aug 17, 2023
What is e-NAM? e-NAM, or electronic National Agriculture Market, is a digital platform introduced in 2016 to facilitate online trading of agricultural commodities in India. It connects various agricultural mandis (marketplaces) across the country and enables farmers to sell their produce to buyers through digital means.   What is the current trade turnover on e-NAM? The trade turnover on the e-NAM platform is projected to cross Rs. 1 trillion in the current fiscal year, a significant increase from the previous year's turnover of Rs. 74,656 c... Read More...

Artificial Intelligence(AI): Reshape Can India's Economy -Productive and Inclusive

Aug 17, 2023
1. Enhancing Productivity and Efficiency: AI can optimize processes in various sectors, such as agriculture, manufacturing, healthcare, and retail. By predicting crop patterns, automating manufacturing processes, assisting in medical diagnostics, and offering personalized customer service, AI can increase efficiency and output.   2. Creating New Job Roles: While AI might automate some tasks, it also creates opportunities for new roles. Jobs in data science, machine learning engineering, AI safety, and ethical oversight will be in demand. Upskilling and reskilling programs will pla... Read More...

Generative AI (Bard/ChatGPT):Winners and Losers

Aug 17, 2023
The growth of generative AI is expected to lead to the creation of new job roles and opportunities, but individuals need to upskill to be prepared for these changes.   Jobs at Risk:   • Content Creators, Artists, and Media Persons: These roles involve creating written, visual, or multimedia content, which can be automated by generative AI tools.   • Coders: Coding and software development tasks that involve repetitive or routine coding patterns can be automated using AI. Read More...

Malnutrition in India

Aug 17, 2023
table { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } th, td { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } th { background-color: #f2f2f2; } Protein Deficiency Problems and Solution Protein deficiency is a prevalent issue in India, with nearly 80% of the population failing to meet their daily protein requirements. Additionally, a lack of awareness about protein needs is widespread, as around 90% of Indians are unaware of their daily protein requirements. This deficien... Read More...

Microfinance Sector in India:Introduction

Aug 17, 2023
Q1: What is the microfinance sector? A1: The microfinance sector encompasses financial services, including loans, savings, and insurance, provided to low-income individuals and underserved communities who lack access to traditional banking services.   Q2: How do microfinance institutions (MFIs) operate? A2: MFIs are organizations that offer small-scale financial services to marginalized populations. They utilize social collateral, such as community trust, to provide loans and promote entrepreneurship among women.   Read More...

Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023 vs Right to Information Act

Aug 17, 2023
Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023 and Deemed Consent The Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023 has generated considerable attention due to its potential impact on data privacy and regulation. The act introduces several significant changes compared to previous drafts, aiming to establish a robust framework for safeguarding personal data in India.   Shift from Deemed Consent to Specific Legitimate Uses One major shift in the act is the move from deemed consent to specific legitimate uses of personal data. Unlike the previous dra... Read More...

Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023 (DPDP Bill)

Aug 17, 2023
"The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023 (DPDP Bill) presents several positive aspects in its approach to data privacy and protection" Elaborate.   1. Transition to Specific Legitimate Uses: The DPDP Bill moves away from the concept of deemed consent and focuses on specific legitimate uses of personal data. This approach ensures that data processing is more transparent and aligned with specific purposes, enhancing user privacy.   2. Elimination of "Public Interest" Clause: Unlike the previous draft, the DPDP... Read More...

Ethanol vs Food: The Trade Off

Aug 17, 2023
Q: What is the current situation regarding India's ethanol blending target? A: India aimed to achieve 20% ethanol blending in fuel by 2025 but is facing challenges in arranging sufficient feedstock, particularly food grains, for ethanol production.   Q: Why has the supply of rice to ethanol-makers been halted? A: The Food Corporation of India (FCI) supplied 13 lakh tonnes of rice to ethanol-makers between December 2022 and June 2023, but halted further supplies from July to conserve stocks due to concerns about food security.   ... Read More...

Goods & Services Tax (GST) and Its Share in the GDP

Aug 17, 2023
Q: What is the current status of GST's contribution to GDP? A: A Finance Ministry report indicates that GST's share in GDP has reached 3.1% in FY23, while personal income tax also stands at 3.1%. This indicates a significant role of GST in indirect taxes.   Q: How do economists explain this trend? A: Economists attribute this trend to factors like consumption demand, compliance improvements, and the impact of inflation. The sustained increase in GST is seen as a result of transparent tax administration and economic growth.   ... Read More...

Post Office Bill 2023

Aug 17, 2023
Q: What is the Post Office Bill 2023 proposing? A: The Post Office Bill 2023, introduced in the Rajya Sabha, aims to empower post office employees for national security interests. They can intercept, open, or detain items during transmission. Immunity from liability is provided to these employees, with conditions. Officers can deliver items suspected of duty evasion to customs authorities. The bill emphasizes the post office's exclusive privilege of issuing postage stamps and sets provisions for addressing standards and usage of postcodes. It repeals the Indian Post Office Act, 1898, adapting to the evolving functions of ... Read More...