
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Indian Parliament and the Privileges Committee

Aug 23, 2023
FAQ 1: What is the Indian Parliament Privileges Committee? The Indian Parliament Privileges Committee is a specialized parliamentary committee responsible for overseeing and safeguarding the privileges and immunities enjoyed by Members of Parliament (MPs) within the legislative process.   FAQ 2: What are parliamentary privileges? Parliamentary privileges are legal rights and immunities granted to MPs to ensure their freedom of speech, expression, and action while performing their parliamentary duties. These privileges aim to protect MPs from leg... Read More...

Katchatheevu Dispute:All That the Aspirant Should Know

Aug 23, 2023
FAQ 1: What is Katchatheevu and where is it located? Katchatheevu is a small uninhabited island situated between Neduntheevu, Sri Lanka, and Rameswaram, India.   Its historical significance is attributed to its use by both Sri Lankan Tamil and Tamil Nadu fishermen.   FAQ 2: What historical conflict surrounded Katchatheevu between India and Sri Lanka? Katchatheevu was a contested region between India and Sri Lanka until 1974.   Ownership of t... Read More...

Disaster Management and Centre-State Relations

Aug 23, 2023
The Seventh Schedule of the Indian Constitution outlines the division of powers between the central government and state governments by categorizing subjects into three lists: the Union List, the State List, and the Concurrent List. Each list contains specific subjects on which the respective governments can legislate and exercise executive authority. The distribution of powers is intended to maintain a balance between the central authority and the autonomy of state governments.   The Centre has legislative and executive powers over entries in the Union List whereas States have similar powers over... Read More...

3D-Printed Post Office in Bengaluru

Aug 23, 2023
1. What is 3D printing? 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process of creating three-dimensional objects from digital models by adding material layer by layer.   2. How does 3D printing work? A digital 3D model is designed using computer-aided design (CAD) software.   The model is sliced into thin horizontal layers using slicing software.   A 3D printer reads the sliced model and deposits material based on the design specifications,... Read More...

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for MSMEs in Pharma

Aug 23, 2023
What is 'Schedule M'? Schedule M refers to the mandatory guidelines established by the Indian government that specify Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for medium, small, and micro enterprises (MSMEs) involved in drug manufacturing.   Why has the Indian government decided to enforce 'Schedule M'? The Indian government aims to ensure quality assurance, reduce the compliance burden in the pharmaceutical sector, and bolster the confidence of consumers in the products manufactured by MSMEs. Furthermore, it seeks to reinforce India&#... Read More...

Pulses in India:Bird's Eye View

Aug 23, 2023
Q1: What is the current status of India's pulses production? India's pulses production has reached a record high of 26.96 million metric tonnes (MMT) in the year 2021-22. This represents a significant increase from the production levels of 19.26 MMT in 2013-14.   Q2: How has import dependency on pulses changed in recent years? Import dependency on pulses has decreased from 19% in 2013-14 to around 9% in 2021-22. It is projected to further decrease to around 3% by the year 2030-31.   Q3: What has ... Read More...

Jal Jeevan Mission: New Milestone with Piped Water Progress

Aug 23, 2023
1. What's the recent achievement in India's rural water supply? India's Jal Jeevan Mission has achieved a significant milestone, with two out of every three rural households now having functional piped water connections.   2. What is the focus of the Jal Jeevan Mission? The Jal Jeevan Mission aims to provide tap water connections to all of India's 194.2 million rural households by the end of 2024. The goal is to ensure access to 55 liters of clean water per person per day.   3. How much p... Read More...

WHO Global Summit on Traditional Medicine: An Overview

Aug 23, 2023
What is the WHO's Global Summit on Traditional Medicine? The first-ever Global Summit on Traditional Medicine is part of the G20 Health Ministers' Meeting in Gandhinagar. Co-hosted by India's Ministry of Ayush, it focuses on promoting holistic health through the integration of ancient wisdom and modern science.   What's the theme and duration of the summit? The summit takes place from August 17th to 18th under the theme "Towards Health and Well-being for All." It explores how traditional and complementary medicine can a... Read More...

Himachal and Uttarakhand Disaster

Aug 22, 2023
Leveraging Technology and Support Systems for Disaster Mitigation: 1. Landslides and Earthquakes: Technology: Seismic sensors and monitoring stations are deployed in regions like Kinnaur, Solan, and Pithoragarh to detect seismic activities and provide early warnings about potential earthquakes. Landslide detection systems are installed in areas like Mandi and Chamoli, using geospatial data to identify locations prone to landslides and ensure timely evacuation.   2. Floods: Technology: In t... Read More...

Real Estate Regulation and Development Act (RERA)

Aug 22, 2023
1. What is RERA? The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (RERA) is a legislation enacted by the Indian government to regulate the real estate sector and protect the interests of homebuyers. It aims to bring transparency, accountability, and efficiency to the real estate industry.   2. Which regions have yet to establish or notify RERA Rules? The states of Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Sikkim, and West Bengal, along with the Union Territory of Ladakh, have either not established the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) ... Read More...

Indigenous Advancements in India's Naval Capabilities: 'Vindhya-giri'

Aug 22, 2023
1. What is the significance of the P17A ships? The P17A ships are guided missile frigates that mark a substantial advancement in India's naval capabilities. Each ship is 149 meters long, with a displacement of 6,670 tonnes and a speed of 28 knots. These ships are equipped with various advanced systems and weaponry.   2. How much of the equipment for P17A ships is sourced from indigenous firms? Approximately 75% of the equipment and systems used in the P17A ships are sourced from indigenous firms, including micro, small, and medium enterprise... Read More...

Surat, India's Diamond City Is Facing Challenges

Aug 22, 2023
1. Why is Surat known as India's Diamond City? Surat, located in Gujarat, holds the title of India's Diamond City because it plays a central role in processing a significant portion of the world's diamonds. About 90% of all diamonds purchased globally undergo cutting and polishing in Surat. The city is home to over 6,000 units that handle rough diamonds sourced from various parts of the world.   2. What is the economic impact of the diamond industry in Surat? The diamond industry in Surat employs over a million craftsmen and workers.... Read More...

Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme Expansion and Progress Toys, Footwear, and Leather

Aug 22, 2023
1. What is the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme? The PLI scheme is a government initiative launched in 2020 to attract investments and promote manufacturing and exports in specific sectors of the economy. It offers incentives based on incremental sales to be distributed over a period of five years.   2. Which sectors are currently covered under the PLI scheme? The scheme initially covered 14 sunrise and strategic sectors, including auto and auto components, electronics and IT hardware, telecom, pharmaceuticals, solar modules, metals and ... Read More...

Supply-Side Factors Impacting Inflation in India

Aug 22, 2023
Vegetable Price Shocks: The surge in vegetable prices, triggered by unexpected shocks in tomato prices, has been a significant driver of inflation. These price pressures extended into the first half of August, contributing to the overall rise in consumer prices.   Electricity Price Hike: A noteworthy sequential increase of 4.3% in electricity prices added to the inflationary pressures. Higher energy costs have implications for various sectors and can amplify the overall inflation trend.   Crude Oil Price Uncertainty: The uncertain outlook for crud... Read More...

Iran-Saudi Arabia Thaw:Pull and Push Factors

Aug 22, 2023
Iran's Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, recently visited Saudi Arabia, marking a significant diplomatic event after years of strained relations between the two nations. The detente between Iran and Saudi Arabia, mediated by China, has both pull and push factors shaping this development.   Pull Factors: Regional Stability: Both Iran and Saudi Arabia recognize the importance of regional stability. The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, such as the Yemen war, have strained their resources and international reputation. A detente could lead to... Read More...