
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

China's Global Development Initiative (GDI): A New World Order?

Aug 30, 2023
1. What is the Global Development Initiative (GDI)? The GDI is a proposal introduced by China's leader, Xi Jinping, aimed at promoting development, reducing poverty, and enhancing health in the developing world. It is part of China's broader strategy to establish an alternative world order to challenge the dominance of the US-led West.   2. What are the other initiatives introduced by Xi? In addition to the GDI, Xi Jinping has put forward the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilisation Initiative. These initiatives collectivel... Read More...

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR):Antibiotic Overuse in Food Supply Chains

Aug 30, 2023
1. What are antibiotics? Antibiotics are medications used to treat bacterial infections in both humans and animals. They work by either killing bacteria or inhibiting their growth.   2. What is antibiotic overuse? Antibiotic overuse refers to the excessive use of antibiotics, often when they are not necessary for treating infections. This can occur in human medicine and in agriculture, particularly in the context of raising animals for food.   3. Why is antibiotic overuse a concern? Read More...

Gulf States' Shifting Global Strategies

Aug 30, 2023
1. What is the recent focus of Gulf states like Saudi Arabia and the UAE in terms of global relationships? Gulf states, particularly Saudi Arabia and the UAE, are increasingly turning their focus towards building ties with Asian powers, including China and India, and diversifying their international relationships beyond their traditional alliances.   2. Why are Gulf states looking towards Asia? Gulf states are seeking new growth opportunities and partnerships in Asia due to shifting trade patterns, economic diversification goals, and advancement... Read More...

Sovereign Wealth Funds

Aug 30, 2023
1. What is a Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF)? A Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) is a state-owned investment fund that accumulates and manages financial assets, such as foreign exchange reserves on behalf of a country's government.   2. What is the Purpose of a Sovereign Wealth Fund? The primary purpose of a Sovereign Wealth Fund is to preserve and grow a country's wealth for future generations. These funds often aim to diversify a nation's revenue sources, stabilize its economy, and provide a financial cushion during times of economic uncert... Read More...

Growth-Inflation Trade Off: Soft Landing and Hard Landing

Aug 30, 2023
1. What is the Growth-Inflation Trade Off? The Growth-Inflation Trade Off refers to the relationship between economic growth and inflation. When an economy experiences high growth, it can also lead to higher inflation. Balancing these two factors is a challenge for policymakers.   2. What is a Soft Landing? A Soft Landing is an economic scenario where the economy transitions smoothly from a period of high growth to a more sustainable and stable growth rate. In this situation, inflation remains under control, and the risk of economic overheating ... Read More...

BRICS Summit Johannesburg Declaration

Aug 30, 2023
1. What is the BRICS Summit Johannesburg Declaration? The Johannesburg Declaration is a statement made by the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa during the BRICS Summit. It highlights their shared views and commitments on important global issues.   2. What did the Declaration say about terrorism? The Declaration condemns terrorism in all forms and says that terrorism should not be linked to any religion, nationality, civilization, or ethnic group. The leaders are committed to working together to prevent and counter terrori... Read More...

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Water Release:Clarified

Aug 30, 2023
Imagine a big building that makes electricity using a special kind of energy called nuclear energy. This building is called the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and it's in Japan. Now, sometimes, this kind of plant creates something called "radioactive water." This water needs to be carefully taken care of because it has some stuff in it that can be harmful to nature.   But here's the thing: the plant has too much of this water, and they need to make space for it to keep the place safe. So, they decided to release this water into the nearby ocean, but they're doing it in a very careful ... Read More...

Reits and InvITs:Sebi Changes

Aug 30, 2023
Q: What are Reits and InvITs? A: Reits (Real Estate Investment Trusts) and InvITs (Infrastructure Investment Trusts) are investment vehicles that pool funds from investors to invest in real estate and infrastructure projects, respectively. They operate similarly to mutual funds but focus on these specific asset classes.   Q: How do Reits and InvITs function? A: Reits invest in income-generating real estate properties, such as office parks and shopping malls. InvITs invest in infrastructure projects like transportation, energy, and communication.... Read More...

Green Hydrogen:Concepts and Prospects

Aug 30, 2023
Q: What is green hydrogen? A: Green hydrogen is produced through electrolysis, using renewable energy sources like wind or solar power to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. It's considered environmentally friendly as it emits no greenhouse gases during production or combustion.   Q: Why is green hydrogen significant? A: Green hydrogen has the potential to replace fossil fuels in various sectors, contributing to decarbonization and reducing carbon emissions. It can be used as a clean fuel for industries, transportation, and energy storage.... Read More...

School Exam Reforms: Shaping Holistic Education

Aug 30, 2023
Q: What's the focus of the New Curriculum Framework (NCF)? A: The NCF, aligned with the New Education Policy (NEP) of 2020, aims to address long-standing gaps in the school education system and adopt global best practices.   Q: What are the shortcomings of the current assessment framework? A: The current system promotes rote learning and relies heavily on annual exam performance, neglecting holistic development. Board exams for classes X and XII have become stressful for students.   Q: How does the n... Read More...

Managing Dams: Ensuring Safety and Preparedness Dam Safety Act, 2021

Aug 30, 2023
Q: What's the current concern regarding dam management? A: Recent floods in Punjab, caused by excess water release from Bhakra and Pong dams due to heavy rain in Himachal Pradesh, have raised questions about water discharge timing and regulation. The spotlight is on the Dam Safety Act, 2021, which aims to prevent dam failure-related disasters.   Q: What does the Dam Safety Act entail? A: The Act mandates surveillance, inspection, operation, and maintenance of dams to ensure safe functioning. Dam owners, often state governments and public sec... Read More...

Controversy Around Declaring Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary as a Tiger Reserve

Aug 30, 2023
Q: What is the controversy surrounding the declaration of Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary (KWS) as a tiger reserve? A: The 'in-principle' approval to declare Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary as a tiger reserve has sparked controversy due to concerns from indigenous tribes like Bhil, Garasia, and Raika pastoralists. They fear displacement, and there is no documented history of tiger presence in the area.   Q: Why are indigenous tribes and communities against the idea of a tiger reserve in KWS? A: The indigenous tribes and communities such as... Read More...

Grandmaster Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa and FIDE Chess World Cup

Aug 30, 2023
In an impressive achievement, young Grandmaster Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa's runner-up finish at the FIDE Chess World Cup in Baku, Azerbaijan, was hailed by various dignitaries. Praggnanandhaa's remarkable tournament run ended with a tie-break loss to world No. 1 Magnus Carlsen, following a draw in the classical games. His exceptional skills and challenging match against Carlsen were acknowledged. Carlsen managed to secure victory in the tie-breaks after facing a tough challenge.   FIDE stands for the "Fédération Internationale des Échecs," which is French for the Internationa... Read More...

Rice Fortification in India

Aug 29, 2023
Q: What is the goal of rice fortification in India? A: The goal is to achieve rice fortification (enrichment with essential vitamins and minerals) in all districts of the country by the end of the current fiscal year. This initiative aims to address nutritional deficiencies and improve the overall health of the population.   Q: How does rice fortification work? A: Rice fortification involves adding essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 to rice during the processing stage. This enhances the nutritional content ... Read More...

Liquidity Crunch

Aug 29, 2023
A liquidity crunch is a situation in which there is a shortage of available funds in the financial system. It can lead to difficulty in borrowing and lending, potentially causing higher borrowing costs and impacting overall economic and financial activities.   Q: What's causing the banking system's liquidity crunch? A: Multiple factors contribute, including the Incremental Cash Reserve Ratio (I-CRR) introduction, tying up bank deposits, GST payments, and high credit demand, creating a liquidity deficit.   Q: How are banks and NBFC... Read More...