
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Ethics and Integrity:Ethical Dilemma Case Study

Sep 07, 2023
Inequality in Educational Opportunities   The Emotional Turmoil: Confusion: Why am I treated differently?   Disappointment: The realization of unequal opportunities.   Hurt: Feeling of being undervalued.   Possible Courses of Action: Open Communication:   Pro... Read More...

Ethics and Integrity:Ethical Dilemma Case Study

Sep 07, 2023
Dilemma in the Hills: Balancing Development and Environment The Situation: As a young assistant collector in a hilly region, I face the challenge of an infrastructure project that entails:   Tree felling   Potential environmental harm   Displacement of local communities   Significant economic prospects   Political expectations with upcoming ele... Read More...

Understanding GDP Growth and Economic Trends

Sep 07, 2023
Q1: How is GDP calculated, and what drove GDP growth in April-June? GDP is calculated by adding up private consumption expenditure, investment, government expenditure, and net exports. In Q1, GDP was ₹40.4 trillion, 7.8% higher than the previous year. Economic growth in this quarter has been influenced by the base effect, where the low GDP numbers from Q1 2020 due to the pandemic-induced lockdown contribute to the apparent growth.   Q2: How has real GDP growth looked over the past four years? Real GDP, adjusted for inflation, has grown at an a... Read More...

Fragility of the Himalayas and Ongoing Challenges

Sep 07, 2023
1. What is the current situation in the Himalayas during the monsoon season? There have been devastating landslides in Himachal Pradesh during the ongoing monsoon season, leading to extensive damage to roads and infrastructure. Several areas, including national highways, have been badly affected, causing estimated losses of over Rs 10,000 crore.   2. What are the primary causes of landslides in the Himalayan region? Landslides are triggered by heavy monsoon rainfall, seismic activity, and anthropogenic factors. The geological framework of the Hi... Read More...

Collection of Statistics Act, 2008:

Sep 07, 2023
1. What is the Collection of Statistics Act, 2008? The Collection of Statistics Act, 2008 is a central law that facilitates the collection of statistics on various subjects including economic, demographic, social, scientific, and environmental aspects.   2. What does the term "appropriate government" mean in this Act? The "appropriate government" refers to any ministry or department in the central government, state government, or Union territory administration. It also encompasses local governments, including panchayats and m... Read More...

Gabon Coup and Its Implications

Sep 07, 2023
The recent coup attempt in Gabon marks a significant shift in the nation's political landscape. With President Ali Bongo placed under house arrest, the event raises questions about the stability and future governance of the country.   Strategic Location: Gabon, located in Central Africa with a coastline along the Atlantic Ocean at the Equator, holds a pivotal position for control over maritime activities in the Gulf of Guinea.   Oil Reserves: As an OPEC member, Gabon's oil assets are crucial to major global economies. Producin... Read More...

Mahendragiri and Project 17A Frigates:

Sep 07, 2023
What is the significance of Mahendragiri? Mahendragiri represents a milestone in indigenous manufacturing of complex defense systems, showcasing India's advanced naval capabilities.   How is Mahendragiri related to the Eastern Ghats? Mahendragiri is named after a mountain peak in the Eastern Ghats in Odisha.   Which class does Mahendragiri belong to? Mahendragiri is the seventh ship of the Project 17A Frigates, succeeding the Project 17 Class Frigates. &... Read More...

Sociology of Honour Killings:

Sep 06, 2023
Erasing India's Stigma: Towards a Progressive Nation   What are honour killings? Honour killings are murders committed primarily against women and girls who are perceived to have brought 'dishonour' upon their families or communities due to their choice of partner, especially if they belong to a different caste, religion, or community.   Why is this practice prevalent? Deep-rooted patriarchy: At its core, honour killings are a manifestation of entrenched patriarchal norms wher... Read More...

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY): A Detailed Review of India's Crop Insurance Initiative

Sep 06, 2023
When was it started? The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY), also known as the PM Crop Insurance Scheme, was launched in 2016. As one of the Centre's flagship initiatives, it was designed to revolutionize the agricultural insurance landscape of India and secure farmers against unforeseen climatic events.   Why was it initiated? Recognizing the vulnerabilities of the Indian farmers to erratic weather patterns and other adversities, the PMFBY was rolled out to mitigate the risks associated with unpredictable climatic conditions. These un... Read More...

Digital Competition Law

Sep 06, 2023
A 16-member inter-ministerial Committee on Digital Competition Law was constituted by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Initially given a three-month timeline to present its findings, the committee has seen several extensions. Their task? Delve into the complexities of the evolving digital landscape and recommend actionable strategies.   The Mandate: Amid the technological transformation and the rise of dominant digital platforms, the mission of the committee is not just pivotal but time-sensitive. Their mandate is to:   Analyze anti-competitive prac... Read More...

PM PRANAM:Fertilizer Reform

Sep 06, 2023
The PRANAM (PM Programme for Restoration, Awareness, Nourishment and Amelioration of Mother Earth) is an initiative aimed at promoting balanced use of chemical and alternative fertilizers, advocating for regenerative agriculture, and boosting soil health, climate protection, water resources, biodiversity, and farm productivity.   Pros (Pluses) of PRANAM: Environmental Conservation: By promoting regenerative agriculture, PRANAM focuses on conserving and rejuvenating soil health, biodiversity, and vital water resources.   Read More...

Understanding Generic Drugs

Sep 06, 2023
1. What are generic drugs? Generic drugs are medications that have the same active ingredients as the original brand-name drug but are typically cheaper. They are approved by regulatory agencies for safety and efficacy.   2. Why has the NMC recommended prescribing generic drugs? The primary aim is to bring down healthcare costs. Generic medicines are often 30-80% cheaper than branded drugs.   3. Are all medicines in India affordable? Yes, medicines in India are amo... Read More...


Sep 06, 2023
1. What is Populism? Populism is a political approach or doctrine that seeks to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups. It often juxtaposes "the people" against "the elite" and claims to promote the will of the masses against the actions or interests of a perceived privileged few.   2. Causes of Populism: Economic Disparities: Economic downturns, job losses, and perceived threats from globalization can lead to populist movements.   Read More...

National Curriculum Framework (NCF) and Recent Changes 2023-24

Sep 06, 2023
What is the National Curriculum Framework (NCF)? The NCF is a guide for school education, providing principles, goals, structures, and elements for the development of curricula. It outlines the standards for school systems, but individual states can determine their priorities based on this.   Is the NCF the curriculum itself? No, the NCF is not the curriculum but a framework to develop curricula. It sets the overarching guidelines, while the specifics of syllabus, content, teaching materials, and assessment are developed at the state level. Read More...

Destruction in Himachal Pradesh:2023

Sep 06, 2023
Q1: What caused the destruction in Himachal Pradesh? The state witnessed intense monsoon rainfall leading to widespread devastation. Landslides, flash floods, and other rain-related incidents destroyed homes, fields, roads, and infrastructure.   Q2: What were the major consequences of the heavy rains? Homes, fields, roads, and other structures were destroyed.   There were a significant number of casualties and injuries. Numerous animals also perished.   Read More...