
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Global Biofuels Alliance

Sep 16, 2023
Global Biofuels Alliance:   The Global Biofuels Alliance is a collaborative initiative involving 19 countries and 12 international organizations. It aims to promote and define sustainable biofuels, encourage international cooperation, and facilitate the adoption of biofuels globally. Impact on India is Biofuel Production:   The Alliance is expected to boost India is biofuel production by fostering international cooperation and creating a virtual marketplace for biofuels. This will likely result in increased production and trade of biofuels. Economic... Read More...

Exploring Economic Corridors: Key Concepts and Distinctive Features

Sep 16, 2023
What are some renowned economic corridors? Historically, the Silk Road, spanning 6,400 km and connecting East and West for over a millennium, stands as an exemplary model. Apart from the Belt and Road Initiative, other notable corridors include the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Corridor, linking Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar, and the corridor connecting Almaty in Kazakhstan with Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is another significant example   How do economic corridors function? Economic corridors, a ... Read More...

Unlocking the Genome of the Indian Oil Sardine: A Milestone in Marine Fisheries

Sep 16, 2023
A significant scientific achievement was reached as the genome of the Indian oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps), a popular food fish, was successfully decoded by researchers at the ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI). This marks the first instance of a marine fish species from the Indian subcontinent having its genome decoded.   This milestone is a crucial development in Indian marine fisheries, offering valuable insights into the biology, ecology, and evolution of the oil sardine. The decoded genome is expected to aid in the development of improved conservation a... Read More...

Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF):Essentials

Sep 15, 2023
Introduction: The 15th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity concluded with the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).   Aim: Amidst a dangerous decline in nature threatening the survival of 1 million species and impacting the lives of billions of people, the GBF aims to halt and reverse nature loss.   Framework Components: The framework consists of global targets to be achieved by 2030 and beyond to safeguard... Read More...

Ecology and Environment

Sep 15, 2023
Ecologically Sensitive Areas (ESAs): Conserving Vital Ecosystems Ecologically Sensitive Areas (ESAs) encompass an extensive geographical expanse, featuring diverse ecosystems such as:   Mangroves: For instance, the Sundarbans mangrove forest in the Indian state of West Bengal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a critical ESA. It serves as a habitat for the Bengal tiger, saltwater crocodile, and numerous bird species. The preservation of this mangrove forest is vital for biodiversity conservation and protection against coastal erosion.   Coral Reefs: India... Read More...

Food Inflation in India

Sep 15, 2023
Inflate Expectations, Not Prices: Learn with SRIRAM'S IAS What is the current food inflation rate in India? A: As of August 2023, India's food inflation stands at 9.9%, down from its recent peak of 11.5% in July.   Why has food inflation been on the rise? A: Adverse weather conditions, supply chain disruptions, increased transportation costs, and global commodity price fluctuations have contributed to the recent rise in food inflation. How does food inflation impact the economy? A: High food ... Read More...

IMEC and BRI India Middle East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

Sep 15, 2023
Table comparing the India Middle East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Aspect IMEC BRI (Belt and Road Initiative); Objectives Enhance connectivity and economic integration between Asia, the Arabian Gulf, and Europe. Stimulate economic growth and incentivize investments in the region. Establish a global trade and infrastructure network, fostering economic c... Read More...

Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) in India: Tax Benefits and Investment Growth

Sep 15, 2023
What are Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs)? Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are investment funds owned and operated by a government or its entities. These funds typically manage a country's reserves, often generated from commodities or foreign exchange reserves.   What's happening with SWF investments in India? SWF investments in India have been steadily increasing. The total assets of many top SWFs investing in Indian equities grew by more than 50% in a year.   Which countries have the largest SWF in... Read More...

India's July Industrial Growth:IIP Clarified

Sep 15, 2023
In July, India's industries experienced a significant upswing, with a 5.7% growth rate, the highest in five months.   This growth was mainly fueled by an impressive 8% increase in electricity generation and moderate progress in manufacturing at 4.6%. These positive factors helped offset a 3.3% decline in mining and a second consecutive month of reduction in the production of consumer durables. Key Points: Industrial growth at 5.7% in July, the best in five months. Electricity generation surged by 8%. Manufacturing expanded by 4.6%, contrib... Read More...

Doom Loop: Hunger Crisis Explained

Sep 15, 2023
Definition: A "doom loop" is like a never-ending problem that keeps getting worse. The Problem: The World Food Program (WFP) is in trouble because governments are giving them less money to help hungry people. For every 1% less money, 400,000 more people could go hungry. This year, WFP doesn't have enough money; they're missing 60% of what they need, the most ever in 60 years. And more people are hungry. Because of this, WFP has to give less food to nearly half the places they usually help, like Afghani... Read More...

Citizenship Through Naturalization: A Closer Look at Indian Law and the 2019 Citizenship Amendment

Sep 15, 2023
What is citizenship through naturalization? Definition: Citizenship through naturalization refers to the process by which a foreign national, who is not born in a particular country or is not an automatic citizen by descent, or other means, becomes a citizen of that country through a legal process. It typically involves fulfilling certain residency requirements, demonstrating a commitment to the country, passing language and civics tests, and complying with other legal conditions set by the host country's immigration and citizenship laws.The conditions can be waived according to the Citizenship Act 195... Read More...

India-Sri Lanka Relations

Sep 15, 2023
What is the significance of India's recent statement regarding Sri Lanka? A1: India's statement highlights its ongoing interest in the situation in Sri Lanka and its commitment to addressing the concerns of the Tamil population.   What are the specific commitments mentioned in the statement? A2: The commitments relate to ensuring fundamental freedoms and human rights for all citizens, especially focusing on the rights and aspirations of the Tamil community.   Why is India expressing concern over the "ina... Read More...

Climate Change and Food Security in India: A Detailed Overview

Sep 15, 2023
How does climate change impact food security in India, and what recent phenomena have highlighted this issue? A1: Climate change is seen through a series of disruptive weather and climate phenomena in India, affecting the complex precipitation system. For instance, the Western disturbance remained active late into the summer this year, affecting the southwest monsoon and causing widespread destruction in the western Himalaya and northern India. These events have raised concerns regarding the sustainability and resilience of development projects in these regions, highlighting the urgent need to address climate change... Read More...

Supreme Court's Ruling on Section 6A

Sep 15, 2023
What is the recent ruling of the Supreme Court regarding Section 6A? A1: The Supreme Court's Constitution Bench ruled that the 2014 verdict, which invalidated Section 6A of the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, will have a retrospective effect from 2003, the year the provision was introduced.   What was Section 6A? A2: Section 6A stipulated that any investigation into corruption charges against officials of the rank of Joint Secretary and above could only commence after receiving approval from the Central government. This provision was introduced to rei... Read More...

Harami Nala: The Treacherous Channel at the Heart of Border Security

Sep 15, 2023
What is Harami Nala? Harami Nala is a natural water channel situated in the Sir Creek area of Kutch, Gujarat, along the India-Pakistan international border. It is characterized by its inhospitable terrain and has historically been a center for cross-border infiltrations and exploitations.   Why is it termed "Harami Nala"? The name "Harami Nala" translates to "rogue or treacherous channel" in English. This name is apt given the challenging conditions of the area, including the treacherous tides, morass, and mirages, cou... Read More...