
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Understanding the Gender Pay Gap: An In-depth Analysis

Oct 11, 2023
Introduction: The gender pay gap, a significant point of contention in socio-economic debates, refers to the differential in average earnings between men and women. While some believe the divide is narrowing, recent data suggests that disparities persist across various industries, even in sectors where female participation is comparatively high. Despite progressive strides in many arenas of gender equality, the pay gap remains an elusive challenge to surmount. Here’s a closer look.   The Paradox of Pay: Even in sectors like financial services and IT wit... Read More...

A New Era in Indian Agriculture: From Green revolution to The Agritech Surge

Oct 11, 2023
Introduction: The ‘green revolution’ of the past, spearheaded by Dr. M.S. Swaminathan, transformed Indian agriculture. Today, we stand on the brink of another significant transformation, driven by advancements in technology and agritech startups. Historical Context: In the 1960s, India grappled with substantial agricultural challenges, including severe droughts. Dependency on imports was high. The green revolution introduced high-yielding varieties and techniques, resulting in a remarkable turnaround. g Production Miles... Read More...

Addressing Malnutrition in India

Oct 11, 2023
To combat the pressing issue of malnutrition, the Centre introduced a national protocol to manage severe acute malnourished (SAM) children. Key Points: Where?   SAM children without medical complications will be treated at anganwadi centers, not in nutrition rehabilitation centers (NRC). Aim:   Identify and provide extensive care for malnourished children. Early detection and intervention are prioritized. Details: &nbs... Read More...

Hedge Funds vs. Mutual Funds: A Brief Guide

Oct 11, 2023
When we dive into the world of investments, two commonly heard terms are Hedge Funds and Mutual Funds. While both aim to generate returns for investors, they have distinct differences: Accessibility: Hedge Fund: Exclusive, typically for wealthy investors. Mutual Fund: Open to the general public. Objective: Hedge Fund: Aims for high returns using aggressive strategies. Mutual Fund: Seeks stable growth, often by tracking a market inde... Read More...

Goldin’s Nobel and Women’s Work Participation

Oct 11, 2023
Why is Goldin’s Nobel significant for women’s work participation? Claudia Goldin’s Nobel Prize in Economics is for her deep insights into gender gaps, wage disparities, and women’s labor market outcomes over centuries. What trends did Goldin find regarding women’s work participation in the US? Women’s participation dropped as the US transitioned from agrarian to industrial, and then rose again with the service sector’s rise. Notably, the contraceptive pill’s introduction allowed women to delay childbirth and pursue care... Read More...

FAQ on Decoding the Genome of Indigenous Cattle by DBT-NIAB Scientists

Oct 11, 2023
Who are the DBT-NIAB scientists? DBT-NIAB stands for the “Department of Biotechnology-National Institute of Animal Biotechnology”. What is the main achievement of DBT-NIAB scientists? They have successfully decoded the genome of indigenous cows. Is this the first time a genome has been decoded for cattle? No. This is the first reference-grade whole genome ‘de novo’ assembly for any indigenous breed of cattle. The genome sequence of western/exotic ‘Brahman’ cattle becam... Read More...

Basics about Gaza Strip

Oct 11, 2023
What is the Gaza Strip? The Gaza Strip is a small exclave bordering Israel, Egypt, and the Mediterranean Sea. Covering an area of 365 square km, it’s one of the world’s most densely populated areas. Who lives in Gaza? The Gaza Strip is home to over 2 million Palestinians. What is the historical significance of Gaza? After World War I, the region was part of the British-controlled League of Nations mandate of Palestine. Post the 1947 UN partition plan, it was controlled by Egypt until 1967, wh... Read More...

The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM): An Overview of Maternal Healthcare

Oct 11, 2023
Introduction: The NRHM, initiated in 2005, prioritized the reduction of maternal mortality in India. By leveraging ASHAs and offering incentives such as cash transfers and free ambulance services, the mission aimed at increasing institutional obstetric care. The Issue: While data showcased an impressive rise in institutional deliveries and a notable reduction in maternal mortality, ground realities painted a different picture. Women’s health advocates reported instances where women were still losing their lives due to preventable reasons. They further hi... Read More...

India-Israel Trade Ties (2019-2023)

Oct 10, 2023
Trade Growth: 2019: $5.5 billion 2023: $10.5 billion (93% increase) Trade Balance: Favorable for India. June 2019: Exports exceeded imports by $1.9 billion. June 2023: Exports exceeded imports by $5.7 billion. Imports: Largely stagnant. 2013: $2.5 billion (4-quarter rolling) 2023: $2.4 billion (4-quarter rolling) Exports: 2013: $3.7 billion... Read More...

Hangzhou Asian Games - India’s Performance

Oct 10, 2023
Expectations vs. Reality: Expected > 70 medals (Jakarta games tally) Achieved 107 medals - 28 , 38 , and 41 Ranking: 2018: 8th 2023: 4th (After China, Japan, and Korea) Dominance: China & Japan - Major players from Tokyo 2020 Olympics India - Surprisingly strong, rising from 48th at Olympics to 4th Key Achievements: Athletics - Highest medals (29), includes Neeraj Chopra’s gold in javelin Archery, Shooting, Badminton, Wrestling, Boxing, Hockey - Significant medal hauls Hockey - Men’s gold, dominant win against Pakistan, 3rd world ranking after Olympic bronze Badminton Doub... Read More...

Federal Dimension: NMC’s New Guideline on Medical Seats

Oct 10, 2023
Introduction: The National Medical Commission (NMC) has laid down a key federal guideline: each state or Union Territory should ensure a ratio of 100 MBBS seats for every 10 lakh of its population when setting up new medical colleges. Federal Implications: State Autonomy vs Central Oversight: This centralized decision potentially treads on the autonomy states traditionally hold in educational matters. States with a higher doctor-patient ratio may feel encroached upon. Re... Read More...

Understanding the Mediation Act, 2023

Oct 10, 2023
Introduction: The Mediation Act, 2023 is a pivotal advancement in India’s legal landscape, aiming to streamline and institutionalize the mediation process, which historically operated on an informal, ad-hoc basis. Key Features of the Act: Mediation Council of India (MCI): A body responsible for regulating and supervising mediation proceedings. Confidentiality Assured: Proceedings and records of mediation are kept confidential, promoting trust among parties. Recognition of Mediation Institutes: Structured instit... Read More...

Dam Safety and Vulnerabilities

Oct 10, 2023
Dams & Natural Calamities: Dams might be vulnerable to damages from floods and cloudbursts. The recent Chungthang dam incident in Sikkim was caused by a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF). Impact on Hydropower: India aims to increase its hydropower capacity to 78GW by 2030 from 52GW in FY23. Despite recent incidents, mega projects continue, though with increased caution. Global Dam Failures: As of 2021, 4,000 large dam failures have been reported across 84 countries. Read More...

Critical Minerals & India’s Progressive Approach

Oct 10, 2023
Introduction to Critical Minerals: Central to modern life including LED lights, electric cars, batteries, and more. Recognized globally for strategic importance with roots in the US’ 1939 Act. India’s Stance: Mining is pivotal to India’s economy. June 2023: India joined the Minerals Security Partnership with major global economies. Comprehensive list of 30 critical minerals released. August 2023: Amendment to the Mines and Minerals Act, enhancing private sector involvement. Read More...

Climate Change, GDP, and Infrastructure: A Deep Dive into Future Risks

Oct 10, 2023
What’s the financial impact of climate change risks on global infrastructure? Estimated yearly financial loss: $732 billion to $845 billion, roughly 14% of global GDP growth in 2021-22. Source: Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) report. What is the Global Infrastructure Risk Model and Resilience Index (GIRI)? A novel model estimating the annual investment needed to tackle the infrastructure deficit for UN’s sustainable goals: $9.2 trillion. $2.84 trillion to $2.9 trillion of this should come ... Read More...