
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Right to Marry

Oct 20, 2023
Is there a fundamental right to marry in India? 1. Is the right to marry expressly recognized under the Indian Constitution? No. The right to marry isn’t expressly recognized as a fundamental or constitutional right under the Indian Constitution. 2. Which case first addressed the right to choose a partner in India? In the case of Lata Singh v. State of UP (2006), the Supreme Court held that adults are entitled to marry whomever they wish, emphasizing no law bars an inter-caste marriage. Read More...

Cricket at Olympics FAQ

Oct 20, 2023
Is cricket making a comeback at the Olympics in 2028? Yes, cricket is set to make a comeback at the Olympics in 2028, marking its return to the Games for the first time since 1900. How did cricket feature in the Olympics in 1900? In 1900, cricket was part of the Olympics, but only two teams participated—an English team visiting France for the Games and a French team primarily composed of English expatriates. In what format will cricket be played in the 2028 Olympics? Cricket will be played in the T... Read More...

Cricket and New Sports in Olympics

Oct 20, 2023
Adding Sports to the Olympic Games How has the Olympic Games evolved in terms of participants since its reestablishment in Athens in 1896? The Olympic Games have grown significantly, expanding from 241 competitors at the outset to over 10,000 participants today. What is the process for a sport to become part of the Olympic program? The first step is recognition as a sport by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). It requires the sport to be governed by an international non-governmental organization overseeing at least one ... Read More...

Free Movement Regime (FMR) between Manipur and Myanmar

Oct 20, 2023
What is the Free Movement Regime (FMR) between Manipur and Myanmar? The FMR is an arrangement between India and Myanmar that allows people living along the international border to travel as deep as 16 kilometers into each other's territory without the need for official documents or visas. It became operational in 2018. Why was the FMR suspended in September 2022? The FMR was suspended in September 2022 after the military takeover in Myanmar led to an influx of refugees into India. What impact did the military takeover in Myanmar... Read More...

Holocaust FAQ

Oct 20, 2023
1. What was the Holocaust? The Holocaust was the systematic extermination of six million Jews by the Nazi regime during World War II. Romani people, Poles, Soviet POWs, disabled individuals, homosexuals, and many others were also targeted and killed. 2. When did the Holocaust occur It took place between 1941 and 1945, with the planning and early persecution phases beginning as early as 1933 when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. 3. Who was responsible for the Holocaust? The Nazi regime under Adolf H... Read More...

Pattachitra Style of Painting

Oct 20, 2023
Pattachitra is a traditional style of painting from the eastern part of India, especially Odisha and West Bengal. Here’s a brief overview: 1. Meaning: The word ‘Pattachitra’ is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘patta’, meaning canvas, and ‘chitra’, meaning picture. So, Pattachitra essentially means a picture painted on a piece of cloth. 2. Materials: Artists use natural colors, primarily derived from mineral and vegetable sources. The canvas is traditionally made from cotton cloth, which is soaked in a solution of gum and chalk and then dried. Read More...

Why India Needs 3 Aircraft Carriers

Oct 20, 2023
1. Why is the Indian Navy considering more indigenous aircraft carriers? The Indian Navy recognizes the strategic importance of maintaining its operational capabilities. With geopolitical challenges and increasing maritime responsibilities, having a strong naval presence is crucial. Indigenous aircraft carriers help in showcasing India's self-reliance in defense capabilities. 2. What is the significance of the Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC-2)? IAC-2 is an effort by the Indian Navy to enhance its operational capabilities. Following the commissioning of IAC-1, n... Read More...

Ancient India

Oct 20, 2023
Megalithic Cairn Circles: An Overview Megalithic Culture: Megaliths are large stone structures that were constructed as burial sites. The term 'megalith' is derived from two Greek words: 'mega' meaning large and 'lithos' meaning stone. These burials are prevalent in several parts of the world, including Europe, Africa, and Asia. Cairn Circles: Cairn circles are a specific type of megalithic burial. They consist of a circular or quasi-circular arrangement of stones, with a central cist or burial chamber ... Read More...

Rural Women Empowerment

Oct 20, 2023
Empowering Rural Women for a More Inclusive Society Question: Why is the empowerment of rural women crucial, and what initiatives have been introduced to promote their well-being and equality in society? Answer: Rural women play a pivotal role in feeding their families, yet they often lack access to the same nourishment for their personal health and well-being. This disparity is evident from the fact that a young woman from a remote district in Rajasthan realized the benefits of eating hot food only after attending a nutritional and mental health aware... Read More...

The Evolution of India-Israel Relations: From Hesitation to Strategic Partnership

Oct 20, 2023
Introduction India’s stance towards Israel has undergone a remarkable transformation over the years. In this comprehensive overview, we delve into the historical evolution of India-Israel relations, focusing on their burgeoning defense partnership. This transformation was notably influenced by various geopolitical factors, including the dissolution of the USSR, India’s need for defense supplies, the influence of the United States, intelligence sharing concerning the “Islamic bomb,” and the recognition of their shared interests, which positioned them as natural allies. Read More...

World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) at a Glance

Oct 19, 2023
The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is an intergovernmental organization that sets international standards for animal health and welfare. Founded in 1924, WOAH's primary objective is to improve animal health and welfare worldwide, ensuring disease control and promoting safe trade. It provides scientific expertise and transparency regarding global animal disease situations, aiding member countries in disease detection and management. WOAH plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of zoonotic diseases, thereby safeguarding both animal and human health. Headquarters: The World Organisation for Animal Health (WO... Read More...

2023 Australian Referendum

Oct 19, 2023
1. What was the primary purpose of the October 14, 2023, referendum in Australia? The referendum aimed to decide whether to enshrine an Indigenous Voice to Parliament in the Australian Constitution. 2. How did the public vote in the referendum? Approximately 60% of voters voted against the proposal, leading to its defeat. 3. What was the Indigenous Voice to Parliament? It was a proposed consultative body comprising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives. This body would have advised the Pa... Read More...

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: New Agreements & Broader Implications

Oct 19, 2023
Introduction: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has been a subject of intense focus, representing a cornerstone of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) spearheaded by China. As a transformative venture aiming to bolster connectivity and economic cooperation between China and Pakistan, CPEC has seen significant progress but also faces challenges, especially considering the regional dynamics involving neighboring countries like India. Progress: In the latest development, during caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul haq Kakar’s four-day visit to Beijing... Read More...

World Food Day 2023 theme: Water is Life, Water is Food

Oct 19, 2023
The theme for World Food Day 2023, "Water is Life, Water is Food," is a timely reminder of the critical importance of water for food and nutrition security, especially in light of climate change. Water is essential for all aspects of food production, from irrigation to processing to transportation. Without water, we cannot grow food or produce the nutritious foods that we need to stay healthy. Climate change is making water more scarce and unpredictable. This is leading to more frequent and severe droughts and floods. It is also affecting crop yields and nutritional quality. For example, a study by the Indian... Read More...

Hosting the Olympics - India's Global Ambitions

Oct 19, 2023
1. What is the significance of hosting the Olympics for a country? Hosting the Olympics has both sporting and socio-political significance for a country. It serves as a soft-power medium, showcasing a nation's sporting prowess, economic strength, and cultural diversity. It can also enhance a country's political legitimacy on the global stage. 2. Why is India interested in hosting the Olympics? India aims to capitalize on the success of its athletes in international competitions, such as the Asian Games. Hosting the Olympics is seen as a way to further boost i... Read More...