
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

India-Maldives relations

Nov 01, 2023
India-Maldives relations have historically been characterized by close geographical proximity, cultural ties, and shared interests in the Indian Ocean region. Here are some key points about these relations: 1. Geographical Proximity: India and the Maldives are both located in the Indian Ocean, which has led to natural interactions and cooperation between the two nations. 2. Historical and Cultural Ties: India and the Maldives share historical and cultural ties, including the influence of Indian languages and traditions in the Maldives. 3. Strategic Importance: The Maldives is strategically located ... Read More...

G7 Voluntary Code of Conduct for AI

Nov 01, 2023
What is the G7 Voluntary Code of Conduct for AI? The G7 Voluntary Code of Conduct for AI is a framework that aims to establish guidelines for companies developing advanced AI technologies. This code focuses on ensuring the development of safe, secure, and trustworthy AI systems on a global scale. Who are the participants in this initiative? The participating entities include the leading industrial nations: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain, and the United States, as well as the European Union. What are the key points in... Read More...

Nisar: Nasa-Isro Satellite Nisar to Revolutionize Forests and Wetlands Study

Nov 01, 2023
Introduction: The Nasa-Isro Synthetic Aperture Radar (Nisar) satellite, scheduled for launch in early 2024, promises groundbreaking insights into Earth’s forests and wetlands, according to the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) of NASA. This collaborative mission between NASA and ISRO aims to illuminate the profound impact of ecosystem changes on the global carbon cycle and climate change. The Role of Forests and Wetlands: Forests sequester carbon within their trees, while wetlands store it in their organic soil layers. Any disruption to these ecosystems, whether ... Read More...

Soil Degradation in India: A Growing Crisis Threatening Food Security

Nov 01, 2023
Introduction: India, a country with an agricultural economy, is facing a grave and largely overlooked crisis – soil degradation. This issue, if left unaddressed, could have dire consequences for food security and the livelihoods of millions. Despite technological advancements that have boosted food production, the degradation of soil remains a significant challenge. The Extent of Soil Degradation: According to the National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, approximately 30% of India’s soil, totaling 146.8 million hectares, is degraded. T... Read More...

AI and Digital Technologies Impact on Supply Chain Management

Nov 01, 2023
AI and digital technologies have brought about a revolution in supply chain management by introducing efficiency, visibility, and optimization in various aspects of the supply chain process. Here are some key ways in which AI and digital technologies have transformed supply chain management: 1. Demand Forecasting: AI algorithms can analyze historical data, market trends, and external factors to make accurate demand forecasts. This helps in reducing overstocking and stockouts, optimizing inventory levels, and improving overall supply chain efficiency. 2. Inventory Management: Read More...

Ken-Betwa River Linking Project: A Closer Look

Nov 01, 2023
The Ken-Betwa River Linking Project, often referred to as the KBLP, is a significant and ambitious undertaking in India’s water management landscape. This project aims to link the Ken River, a tributary of the Yamuna River, with the Betwa River, a tributary of the Yamuna River, to address several critical issues, including water scarcity, irrigation, and ecological balance. Here, we delve into the key aspects of the Ken-Betwa Link Project, its objectives, benefits, challenges, and its broader implications. Objectives: 1. Water Sharing: One of the primary objectives of the K... Read More...

Addressing India's Skill Gap in 5G Technologies

Nov 01, 2023
India is gearing up for a transformation led by 5G technologies. By 2025, the nation will need a whopping 22 million skilled workers in 5G-focused sectors like cloud computing, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). This data comes from a joint study by the Telecom Sector Skill Council (TSSC) and Draup, an Artificial Intelligence platform. Talent Crunch Issues Currently, there is a glaring telecom talent gap of 2.41 million in India. This figure is projected to magnify by 3.8 times by the year 2030. The telecom industry presently employs 11.59 million people, including 2.95 million in corporate ... Read More...

Cloud Seeding Can Enhance Rainfall

Nov 01, 2023
Overview: The Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) in Pune conducted a cloud seeding experiment in Solapur city and found that rainfall could be increased by 18%. The experiment, known as the Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment (CAIPEEX), was carried out over two monsoon seasons. The project also highlighted the economic benefits, indicating a cost of 18 paisa per litre for the water produced through cloud seeding. Methodology: Experiment Name: CAIPEEX phase-4 Clouds: 276 convective clouds were chosen; 150 were seede... Read More...

Mars' Internal Structure

Nov 01, 2023
Overview: New research has significantly updated what we know about Mars' internal structure. Using data from the InSight Mars Lander, researchers have reinterpreted the planet's core as being smaller and denser than previously thought. They have also discovered a molten layer surrounding the core, offering more precise details about the planet's internal make-up. Methods: The studies used data from the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) onboard the NASA InSight Lander. Three years of seismic data were analyzed, including seismic activities triggered by... Read More...

Gut Microbiome

Nov 01, 2023
Microbiome: The microbiome is a term used to describe the entire habitat of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) that exist in a particular environment, like the human body or a part of it. Gut Microbiome: The gut microbiome refers specifically to the community of microorganisms living in our digestive tract. This includes bacteria, viruses, and fungi that help in various bodily functions like digestion, immune response, and even mental health. In simple terms: Microbiome: Think of it as a bustling city of tiny living things (like bacteria and viruses) t... Read More...

Hezbollah in West Asia Geopolitics

Oct 31, 2023
Your text covers a broad swath of topics related to Hezbollah, including its origins, ideology, and strategic role in Lebanon and broader West Asia. The complex scenario outlines Hezbollah’s relationship with Israel, its involvement in regional geopolitics, and its internal structure. Origin and Ideology Hezbollah emerged in the context of Lebanon's multifaceted civil war and Israel's intervention in the country. Ideologically, it has roots in Shia Islam and is closely aligned with Iran's theocratic government. It positions itself as a resistance movement against Israeli occupation.... Read More...

Why Police Stations Will Install DNA Systems: Pros and Cons

Oct 31, 2023
Overview: The Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act, passed in April 2022, allows for modern identification techniques, including DNA systems, to be installed in around 1,300 police stations nationwide. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) is spearheading this initiative. Why Install DNA Systems: Improved Accuracy: DNA data can be extremely reliable for identifying individuals. Streamlined Investigations: Helps in quicker resolutions of criminal cases. Modernization: Advances the technology used in crime-fighti... Read More...

The Evolution and Impact of QR Codes on Food Labels

Oct 31, 2023
What Are QR Codes? QR (Quick Response) codes are two-dimensional barcodes that can store a wide range of information. They were initially developed in 1994 by the Japanese company Denso Wave for tracking automobile parts. QR codes can be scanned using a smartphone, leading users to text, a website, or other types of digital content. When Were They Introduced for Food Labels? QR codes started appearing on food labels more prominently in the late 2010s. Their integration into the food industry was primarily driven by the need for transparency and the growing con... Read More...

Minimum Export Price (MEP) and its Impact on Onion Exports

Oct 31, 2023
What is MEP? Minimum Export Price (MEP) is a trade policy instrument used by governments to set the lowest price at which a commodity can be exported. The aim is to discourage exports and make sure that sufficient quantities of essential items, like food, remain available in the domestic market at reasonable prices. Why is it Imposed? The government imposed an MEP of $800 per tonne on onion exports to ensure adequate availability of this staple vegetable in the domestic market. The decision comes as the stored quantity of Rabi 2023 onions is depleting, ... Read More...

Pros and Cons of River Interlinking Projects

Oct 31, 2023
Pros: 1. Irrigation: River interlinking projects aim to transfer water from surplus river basins to water-deficit regions, improving irrigation in drought-prone areas. This can potentially increase agricultural productivity and food security. 2. Cost-Effectiveness: Supporters argue that river interlinking can provide cost-effective solutions for addressing water scarcity and drought-related challenges. 3. Drought Mitigation: Historically, river linking has been proposed as a solution to mitigate enduring droughts in various parts of India, helping alleviate water stress during dr... Read More...