
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Yemen Conflict and Houthis - An Overview

Nov 06, 2023
The ongoing conflict in Yemen involves multiple layers of historical, social, and political complexities. Here’s a summary incorporating symbols: Houthi Rebels: Following Zaydi Shia Islam, the Houthi group has been actively opposing external influence, particularly from Saudi Wahhabism, since the 1990s. Yemen Civil War: The strife escalated when Houthis seized Sana’a in 2014, leading to a civil war and proxy confrontations, symbolizing Saudi Arabia’s Sunni and Iran’s Shia geopolitical tensions. Peacemaking E... Read More...

India’s Earthquake Preparedness and the Role of National Centre for Seismology

Nov 06, 2023
India’s National Centre for Seismology (NCS) is instrumental in monitoring seismic activities, providing critical data to safeguard against earthquake-induced disasters. Its nerve center in New Delhi captures every tremor in mere milliseconds. The organization’s efforts have intensified following the Joshimath disaster, signaling a rigorous push towards detailed microzonation studies. This is especially relevant for regions along the tectonic borders, such as Arunachal Pradesh and Northeastern states, which are notably seismic. The ongoing Seismic Hazard Micr... Read More...

CTBT: Global Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and Security

Nov 04, 2023
What is the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)? The CTBT is a global treaty adopted by the UN General Assembly, prohibiting all nuclear explosions.It is not in force. Why is the CTBT important? It aims to eliminate nuclear testing, thereby reducing the proliferation of nuclear weapons and advancing disarmament. Why did Russia revoke its ratification of the CTBT? Russia’s move is seen as a reciprocal response to the U.S. not ratifying the treaty. How does... Read More...

Global Biofuels Alliance (GBA)

Nov 04, 2023
Sustainable Future The Global Biofuels Alliance (GBA), introduced at the G20 Summit in Delhi in 2023, has sparked discussions about biofuels worldwide. This alliance aims to promote biofuels as a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels. However, selecting the right biofuel technologies is paramount to prevent inadvertently contributing to climate change. Biofuels, derived from biomass, can offer energy security for countries dependent on fossil fuel imports. Yet, improper choices can lead to indirect land use changes, food security concerns, and increased carbon emissions. The GBA’s role is ... Read More...

Lab-Grown Diamonds in India

Nov 04, 2023
Understanding Lab-Grown Diamonds: Lab-grown diamonds are genuine diamonds produced in controlled environments using cutting-edge technology that replicates the natural diamond-growing process. They have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds. Production Process: Two primary methods are used to create lab-grown diamonds: High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT): Mimics the natural process of diamond formation, subjecting carbon to high temperatures and pressures. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)... Read More...

Plants Thrive in Low Gravity on the Moon

Nov 04, 2023
Plants on the Moon? Chang'e 4's lunar experiment shows surprising results When Chang'e 4 landed on the Moon in 2019, it carried seeds to test plant growth in low gravity. Recent findings reveal that low gravity might actually benefit plant growth, with some intriguing insights. Let's explore the details! Lunar Growth: The lunar seedling faced extreme conditions, including -52°C temperatures during the night. Yet, it remained green and upright when the light returned, while Earthly counterparts perished. Low gravity seems to trigger ... Read More...

Land Acquisition Legislation in India

Nov 04, 2023
Title: Delving Into India’s Land Acquisition Laws 1. What sparked the controversy around Tata Motors in West Bengal? Tata Motors had secured an arbitration award against the West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation over a dispute at their Singur plant. The project was ultimately scrapped due to protests against land acquisition by the local populace. 2. What has been the evolution of land acquisition laws in India? The land acquisition laws in India have undergone various changes. Historically, the focus was on acq... Read More...

India’s GST Revenue Buoyancy

Nov 04, 2023
Understanding the Buoyancy of GST Revenues in India 1. What is GST, and why is it significant for India? Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a comprehensive tax levy on the manufacture, sale, and consumption of goods and services. It serves as an indicator of economic growth in India and aims to simplify the tax structure by eliminating cascading tax effects. 2. How have monthly GST collections trended over the years? GST collections have shown varying trends: The average monthly GST collection during the first half... Read More...

India’s Palm Oil Industry and Sustainable Farming

Nov 04, 2023
Title: Palm Oil Production in India: Opportunities, Challenges, and Models 1. Why is palm oil significant in India? Palm oil has become an essential component in India’s edible oil sector due to its affordability and high yield potential. Presently, India imports nearly 65% of its cooking oil needs. 2. How has palm oil farming changed over the past two decades? Two decades ago, farmers like M.V. Ramoji Rao began shifting to oil palm due to its regular income potential and the support provided by companies such as palm re... Read More...

Digital Rupee

Nov 04, 2023
e₹-W and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Benefits, Opportunities, and Challenges Understanding e₹-W and CBDC Developments in India. 1. What is e₹-W? e₹-W is a variant of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) initiated by India in November 2022. It functions as a wholesale, central bank digital currency mainly used for interbank settlement. 2. Why was e₹-W introduced? The RBI launched e₹-W to enhance the efficiency of the interbank settlement system, reduce the co... Read More...

India’s Energy Transition Strategy: Appreciation and Challenges

Nov 03, 2023
Energy Transition Strategy of India: An Overview India’s energy transition strategy revolves around shifting from fossil fuels to cleaner and renewable sources of energy. The country has set ambitious targets, like achieving 450 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030 and increasing the share of gas in primary energy from the current 6.3% to 15% by 2030. This shift is not just aimed at mitigating climate change but also to ensure energy security and reduce air pollution. Appreciation: 1. Ambitious Targets: India’s commitment to expand... Read More...

16th Finance Commission

Nov 03, 2023
1. What will the 16th finance commission focus on? The commission’s main focus will be to determine how much of the tax pool the Central government shares with states and how this pool should be apportioned among states. 2. What is the current scenario with state shares? Currently, the Centre gives away 41 paise to states for every rupee of the tax pool. States argue that being closer to the people, they can use funds more efficiently. There’s a concern about the Centre’s inability to spend on national security and defense. Read More...

Bhutan’s Royal Visit amidst India-China Dynamics: Key Points

Nov 03, 2023
1. Why is the King of Bhutan visiting India? King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan is on an eight-day official visit to India. This visit comes amidst renewed efforts between Bhutan and China to resolve their boundary dispute and China’s push to enhance diplomatic ties with Thimphu. 2. What is the significance of this visit for India? The visit is seen as a “reassuring” gesture, emphasizing Bhutan’s preference for India amid Beijing’s increased overtures towards Thimphu. 3. How do India and Bhut... Read More...

Navy Veterans Sentenced in Qatar: Key Insights

Nov 03, 2023
1. What is the primary issue? In June 2018, a court in Qatar sentenced several Indian Navy veterans to death. This was alarming as Qatar rarely hands out death sentences. 2. Why were they sentenced? The veterans were employees of Doha-based Dahra Global and were accused of illegal stealth sub-marines induction. However, the exact reasons for their arrest were not made public by Qatari authorities. 3. What has been India’s response? Deepak Mittal, the former Indian Ambassador to Doha, met with detai... Read More...

Global Pact on AI: Key Takeaways

Nov 03, 2023
1. What was the significance of the meeting at Bletchley Park? Major countries met at Bletchley Park to collaborate on minimizing risks from ‘frontier AI’, acknowledging the historical role of Bletchley Park as a codebreaking hub during World War II. 2. What is “Frontier AI”? Frontier AI is a highly capable foundational generative AI model that poses various public safety, societal, and misuse risks. 3. What is the objective of the Bletchley Park Declaration? The declaration aims ... Read More...