
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS


Jun 10, 2024
WHAT IS FINTECH? Fintech, short for financial technology, refers to the use of technology to improve and automate the delivery and use of financial services. It encompasses a variety of applications, including digital payments, online lending, investment platforms, and blockchain technology. WHAT IS THE CURRENT LANDSCAPE OF FINTECH IN INDIA? India’s fintech sector has seen significant growth, driven by regulatory support and technological advancements. The... Read More...


Jun 10, 2024
Introduction Agroforestry: Agroforestry is the purposeful integration of trees or shrubs with crops and/or livestock at the plot, farm, and/or landscape scale. This approach is a potential climate change adaptation strategy that enhances the resilience of farmers and agricultural systems against climate risks, providing a range of biophysical and socioeconomic benefits. Recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports highlight agroforestry as a promising agroecological approach due to its multitude of co-ben... Read More...


Jun 10, 2024
What is Drought? Drought: Drought is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water. It affects soil moisture, water supply, agricultural productivity, and the overall ecosystem. Droughts can be classified into meteorological (lack of precipitation), agricultural (insufficient soil moisture for crops), hydrological (reduced water levels in rivers and reservoirs), and socio-economic (impact on human activities and economies). Definition... Read More...


Jun 10, 2024
Definitions Land Degradation: The reduction or loss of biological or economic productivity due to land use or a combination of processes including human activities and natural phenomena. Desertification: Land degradation occurring in arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid areas, often exacerbated by climatic variations and human activities. Current Situation India’s land degradation has been increasing... Read More...


Jun 10, 2024
Definitions Desertification: Desertification is a type of land degradation in which fertile land becomes desert as a result of various factors, including climatic variations and human activities. It involves the persistent degradation of dryland ecosystems due to human activities and climatic changes, leading to the loss of biological productivity. Land Degradation: Land degradation refers to the decline in land quality caused by human activities or natural phenomena, resulting in... Read More...


Jun 10, 2024
Overview of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Low Earth Orbit (LEO) refers to a region of space around Earth with altitudes below 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles). Satellites in LEO complete orbits in approximately 90 minutes to two hours, facilitating rapid communication and data transfer compared to higher orbits. Key Indian LEO Satellites India’s LEO Earth observation satellite constellation includes: • EOS-01: Launc... Read More...

India earth observation satellites:Simplifier

Jun 10, 2024
Earth observation satellites are spacecraft equipped with special cameras and sensors to collect information about our planet from space. This information helps in various ways:    Understanding our planet: They track changes in land, oceans, atmosphere, and ice.   Managing resources: They help assess and monitor forests, water bodies, and crops.    Disaster management: They provide early warnings and assess damage during disasters like floods and cyclones.    We... Read More...

Decoding Erich Fromm's Theory: The Sadomasochistic Personality

Jun 10, 2024
Erich Fromm, a renowned psychoanalyst and social psychologist, developed a comprehensive theory of personality that includes the concept of the sadomasochistic personality. This concept is part of his broader analysis of human character and behavior within social contexts. SADOMASOCHISTIC PERSONALITY Fromm’s sadomasochistic personality type is characterized by a combination of both sadistic and masochistic tendencies: 1. Sadistic Tendencies: • Domin... Read More...


Jun 10, 2024
Under your feet lies the world’s biggest reservoir. Groundwater makes up 97% of all usable freshwater. It resides in the voids between grains and cracks within rocks, visible in springs, caves, or when pumped for use. Although often hidden, groundwater is crucial for ecosystems globally and is a vital resource for people. THREAT FROM CLIMATE CHANGE Groundwater might seem protected from climate change due to its underground location. However, this is no longer true. As the atmosphere heats up, heat penetrates undergr... Read More...

Bush Moa Genome Sequenced: Unlocking Evolutionary Secrets

Jun 10, 2024
Scientists have successfully sequenced the complete genome of the bush moa, an extinct flightless bird native to New Zealand. This groundbreaking achievement provides valuable insights into the bird's natural history, evolution, and the factors that led to its extinction. Key Findings: Evolution of Flightlessness: The genome offers clues about how and why the bush moa lost its ability to fly, shedding light on a broader evolutionary phenomenon observed in several bird species. Genet... Read More...

Urban Heat Islands: Causes, Impacts, Solutions

Jun 10, 2024
Definition The Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect refers to the phenomenon where urban areas experience significantly higher temperatures than their rural surroundings due to human activities and modifications to the environment. This effect is particularly pronounced in densely populated and rapidly urbanizing regions like many Indian cities. Causes of UHI in India 1. Increased Impervious Surfaces: The proliferation of roads, buildings, a... Read More...

Combatting Inequality: Key to India's Development as a Prosperous Economy

Jun 10, 2024
Economic inequality remains a substantial obstacle to India’s aspiration to become a developed economy by 2047. Despite significant growth and development since independence, the disparity in income and wealth distribution has hindered overall progress. Historical Context and Current Scenario From the colonial era to post-independence, India’s economy has seen varied growth rates. The per capita income and gross national income have increased over the decades, yet this growth has not been uniformly distributed. Th... Read More...

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI):Simplifier

Jun 08, 2024
What is AGI? Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) refers to hypothetical AI systems with human-level cognitive abilities, capable of learning & performing any intellectual task a human can. Is AGI real? Currently, AGI is still a theoretical concept. Existing AI, like language models, excel at specific tasks but lack the broad intelligence of humans. What are potential AGI applications in India? ... Read More...


Jun 08, 2024
WHAT ARE RAMSAR SITES? Ramsar Sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention, which aims to conserve and use wetlands wisely. WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NAGI AND NAKTI SANCTUARIES? The Nagi and Nakti bird sanctuaries, located in the Jhajha forest range of Jamui district in Bihar, have been recognized for their ecological importance and biodiversity, particularly as habitats for migratory birds. Read More...

​Frequent Lineage Rapid Turnover (FLiRT) COVID Variant

Jun 08, 2024
What is the FLiRT COVID variant?  A subvariant of COVID-19 characterized by frequent mutations, potentially impacting the effectiveness of existing vaccines. Should I be worried? Monitoring the situation is crucial, but current vaccines are expected to offer some level of protection. What precautions should I take?  Continue standard COVID-19 safety measures: vaccination, mask... Read More...