
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

India’s Patent Application Growth

Nov 08, 2023
India has experienced a remarkable 31.6% increase in resident patent applications in 2022, the highest among all countries, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). This growth signifies India’s rising innovation capabilities and emphasis on intellectual property rights. To elaborate: India filed 55,718 resident patent applications in 2022. This growth rate is part of a broader trend of increasing emphasis on research and development in India. The number of patents granted also rose by 10.5% to 28,391. China leads the volume ... Read More...

China’s Belt and Road Initiative Debt Accumulation

Nov 08, 2023
Debt Trap Diplomacy The reported accumulation of over $1 trillion in debt owed to China through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) positions the nation as the world’s largest debt collector. This development has significant implications: 1. Financial Distress in Borrowing Countries: With an e stimated 80 percent of the loans reportedly supporting countries already in financial distress, there is a heightened risk of default and economic instability in these regions. 2. Shift in Global Financial Dynamics: China’s role as a principal lender may alter the balance of financial i... Read More...

Introduction of Specialization: Welcoming Lateral Entries to Indian Administration

Nov 08, 2023
The opening section should set the stage by discussing the government’s initiative to infuse fresh talent into India’s bureaucracy through lateral entries, explaining how this approach aims to enhance the administrative machinery by recruiting specialists. Historical Context: Reflecting on the Industrial Management Pool of 1957 This part should provide a historical perspective, reflecting on the Industrial Management Pool initiative and its objectives, drawing parallels with contemporary efforts, and analyzing the lessons learned from the past. Current S... Read More...

SVAMITVA: A Transformative Rural Land Ownership Initiative

Nov 08, 2023
SVAMITVA, which stands for Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas, is a scheme launched by the Government of India aimed at providing an integrated property validation solution for rural India. Through the use of advanced surveying methods, including drone technology, the scheme intends to create accurate land records and property maps. It helps in ensuring that property rights are clearly defined, which in turn aids in resolving disputes and improving transparency in rural land records. By mapping rural inhabited lands using drones, SVAMITVA seeks to create a comprehensive rural property registry in the f... Read More...

India’:Decline in Maternal Mortality Ratio

Nov 08, 2023
Q: How has India’s Maternal Mortality Ratio changed since 1990? A: India’s Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) has dropped significantly from 556 per lakh live births in 1990 to 97 in 2020, marking an 82.5 percent decrease. Q: What measures contributed to the decrease in India’s MMR? A: Government efforts such as promoting institutional births, improving emergency transportation, and focusing on healthcare quality for mothers have been pivotal. Programs like Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) encouraged institutional deliveries combined with cash assistance an... Read More...

India’s Solar Module Manufacturing Growth

Nov 08, 2023
Q: What is the expected growth in India’s solar PV module manufacturing capacity by 2025? A: India’s solar PV module manufacturing capacity is anticipated to grow from the current 37 GW to 60 GW by 2025. Q: How might the Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme affect future capacity? A: The PLI scheme is expected to potentially increase the capacity to nearly 100 GW. Q: What is the role of the PLI scheme in solar manufacturing? A: The PLI scheme is designed to encourage the setup of integ... Read More...

India’s Agricultural Crisis: Soil Degradation Threatens Food Security and Livelihoods

Nov 08, 2023
As an agrarian country, India’s soil health is pivotal for its food security and economic stability. With 146.8 million hectares of soil degraded, this environmental issue is no longer on the horizon—it’s at the doorstep. Soil degradation undercuts not only the agricultural productivity but also the very fabric of India’s food sovereignty, jeopardizing the nation’s ability to feed its burgeoning population. Key Factors of Soil Degradation: Excessive use of chemical inputs during the Green Revolution era. Over-irrigation and resultant water table dep... Read More...

India and China Plus One Strategy

Nov 08, 2023
The China Plus One strategy is a risk mitigation concept that businesses are adopting to diversify their manufacturing and sourcing strategies beyond China. The approach arose from the recognition of potential risks associated with over-reliance on a single country for manufacturing, such as supply chain disruptions, increasing labor costs, and geopolitical tensions. Companies implementing China Plus One continue to operate in China but also establish manufacturing capabilities in alternative countries. This helps in reducing dependency on China and spreading out risks. India, with its large workforce, growing infrastructure, and supportive governm... Read More...

Border Security: Technology and Human Presence

Nov 08, 2023
Lessons from October 7 On October 7, a significant incident involving the Iron Dome highlighted the limitations of relying solely on technology for national defense. The Iron Dome is an advanced missile defense system developed by Israel, designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells. However, on this particular day, the system faced challenges that emphasized the importance of human intervention alongside technological defenses. Despite its high success rate, the Iron Dome isn't infallible, and the events of October 7 served as a reminder that even the most sophisticated tec... Read More...

Balancing the Right to Know and Right to Privacy

Nov 07, 2023
The recent deliberations in the Supreme Court regarding the electoral bonds scheme spotlight the tension between the Right to Know and the Right to Privacy. Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects: ight to Know vs Right to Privacy: Derived from Article 19(1)(a) and Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, respectively, these rights are not absolute and can be restricted under certain conditions. K.S. Puttaswamy Judgment: Affirmed the Right to Privacy as fundamental, including informational privacy, fueling debate over its co-existence with the Right to Know. Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 202... Read More...

India's Digital Personal Data Protection Act: A Critical Overview

Nov 07, 2023
Urgent Need for Data Privacy:India's data privacy issues and cyberattacks highlight the urgency for robust privacy measures. Privacy Breaches in India Incidents like Aadhaar leaks and healthcare data exposures during COVID-19 demonstrate critical vulnerabilities. Regulatory Challenges: Prior to legislation, India faced regulatory uncertainty and inadequate enforcement, affecting data security. Legislative Milestone:The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, marks a significant step in India's data protection journey. Scope and Provisions of the DPDP Act:The... Read More...

Impact of the Israel-Hamas war on India

Nov 07, 2023
Global Repercussions: The Israel-Hamas war adds to the uncertainty and anxiety in the global economy, along with other recent geopolitical events. If the war escalates and involves more countries, especially Iran, it could lead to significant disruptions and economic slowdown worldwide. Crude Oil Prices: While Israel and Gaza are not major oil producers themselves, the war could affect oil-producing countries in West Asia, including Iran and Saudi Arabia. Any disruption in the Strait of Hormuz, a crucial oil transit route, could impact o... Read More...

Cybersecurity Concerns in India

Nov 07, 2023
Rise in Cyberattacks Between 2021 and 2023, India experienced a significant increase in state-sponsored cyberattacks, especially targeting IT firms and government agencies. Sector Impact The IT and BPO sectors in India were among the most affected, with SMEs also seeing a considerable rise in cyber threats. Global Comparison India is witnessing a proportionally higher rate of cyberattacks compared to the global average. Source of Attacks The... Read More...

Antimicrobial Resistance: Global Challenge

Nov 07, 2023
What is Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)? AMR occurs when microbes evolve to resist the effects of medications, making standard treatments ineffective and infections persist, increasing the risk of spread to others. Why is tackling AMR important? Addressing AMR is critical to maintaining the efficacy of antibiotics, ensuring the continued success of surgeries and medical interventions, and preventing the spread of resistant infections. What are the key strategies to combat AMR? Key strategies include inter... Read More...

Kozhikode: UNESCO City of Literature

Nov 07, 2023
What does the UNESCO City of Literature tag signify for Kozhikode? The UNESCO City of Literature designation for Kozhikode represents the city’s ability to embrace diversity and humanize through its cultural and literary strength. How does Kozhikode maintain its cultural and literary ethos? Kozhikode maintains its culture through robust publishing sectors, over 500 public libraries, and free-flowing discussions on politics and the arts. What is the importance of urban planning in preserving cultural identity? Read More...