
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

US-China Relations and Impact on India

Nov 20, 2023
Q: What is the ‘G-2’ and how does it relate to US-China relations? A: ‘G-2’ is an informal term for a bilateral relationship between the United States and China, emphasizing their role as the two most influential superpowers in global affairs. It does not imply a formal alliance but rather the idea that these two countries have significant sway in addressing global challenges. Q: What are the main points of contention between the US and China? A: Major issues include trade imbalances, intellectual property rights, technology and cybersecurity,... Read More...

Impact of Climate Change on Diseases and Health

Nov 20, 2023
Q1: How does rising temperature affect disease patterns? A1: Elevated temperatures can expand the range of vector-borne diseases like malaria and dengue by increasing the habitats suitable for vectors such as mosquitoes. Heat can also exacerbate chronic conditions such as heart disease. Q2: What is the link between climate change and water-borne diseases? A2: Climate change increases the risk of water-borne diseases through flooding and contamination of water supplies, leading to outbreaks of cholera and other gastrointestinal infections. Read More...

Biden-Xi Meeting at APEC 2023

Nov 20, 2023
What was the context of the Biden-Xi meeting? The meeting, held during the APEC summit at San Francisco , was a crucial engagement between the US and China’s leaders after escalating tensions. It aimed to address global challenges and bilateral issues in a strained relationship. What were the key outcomes? Agreements were reached on resuming military communications, drug control cooperation, and dialogues on AI safety. Additionally, commitments were made to increase flights and cultural exchanges between the two nations. How d... Read More...

National Digital University: A Forward Leap in Education

Nov 20, 2023
The upcoming launch of India’s first National Digital University (NDU) marks a significant stride in the country’s educational landscape. Rooted in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, the NDU aims to revolutionize the traditional academic framework with digital technology. Key Aspects: Blended Learning Model: The NDU will integrate digital technologies into conventional classroom settings, adopting a blended learning approach. Expanding Access: This digital institution will open doors to a vast number of students, offering courses by esteemed educators globally.... Read More...

A 70-Hour Workweek: The Debate on Increasing Working Hours

Nov 20, 2023
Context: The national debate in India about extending working hours, influenced by global trends and the example of countries like China and South Korea, is gaining momentum. However, this approach might not be the most effective for enhancing productivity. Key Points: • Historical Shift: Earlier, the focus was on reducing work hours globally, with countries like France and Germany now having around 1,500 hours annually. • India’s Current Scenario: Indian workers already rank high globally in weekly work hours, with an average of 47.7 hours. • Produc... Read More...

Microfinance and women

Nov 20, 2023
Basics of Microfinance 1. Microfinance: It’s a type of banking service provided to unemployed or low-income individuals or groups who lack access to traditional financial services. 2. Objective: The goal is to provide these groups with small capital to establish businesses, increase income, and improve living standards. Growth in Microfinance 1. Client Base Expansion: By adding new clients, typically microfinance institutions (MFIs) can grow their outreach and support more small-scale entrepreneurs and businesses. 2. Portfolio Grow... Read More...

UK’s Rwanda Asylum Policy and Non-refoulement

Nov 20, 2023
1. What is the UK’s Rwanda Asylum Policy? This policy involves relocating certain asylum seekers arriving in the UK to Rwanda, where their asylum claims are processed. It aims to address illegal migration and discourage dangerous journeys across the English Channel. 2. Why was this policy implemented? The UK government introduced this policy to deter illegal migration, reduce human smuggling, and prevent perilous sea crossings. 3. What led to the UK Supreme Court ruling the policy unlawful? The Sup... Read More...

China-U.S. Relations:Issues

Nov 20, 2023
Trade and Economic Disputes: Ongoing disagreements over trade practices, tariffs, and access to markets. Technology and Cybersecurity: Tensions arising from concerns over technology theft, cybersecurity, and the protection of intellectual property. Regional Security Concerns: Differences over the South China Sea, Taiwan, and North Korea’s nuclear program. Human Rights and Democratic Values: U.S. criticisms of China’s policies in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and its approach to civil liberties. Global Governance: Clashes in international institutions over issues such as climate change and global healt... Read More...

Conflict Diamonds

Nov 20, 2023
Definition: Conflict diamonds, also known as “blood diamonds,” are gems mined in war zones and sold to finance armed conflict against governments. Geographical Concentration: Predominantly found in Africa, where numerous conflicts have been fueled by diamond trade. Supply Chain Concerns: The illicit trade of these diamonds poses challenges for legitimate diamond markets and ethical sourcing. International Efforts: Initiatives lik... Read More...

Geopolitical Dynamics in the Middle East and Iran

Nov 20, 2023
Regional Power Structures: The interplay of various state and non-state actors forms a complex web influencing stability and power distribution. Influence of External Powers: Superpowers exert influence through alliances, economic aid, and military presence, shaping the regional geopolitical landscape. Axis of Resistance': A term denoting alignment of certain groups and nations in opposition to Western and allied regional interests. Defense Strategies: Read More...

Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)

Nov 18, 2023
What is the CSTO? The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) is a military alliance in Eurasia, established in 2002. It evolved from the Collective Security Treaty (CST), signed in 1992. Members include Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Purpose of the CSTO? The CSTO aims to enhance regional security, focusing on defense against external threats, countering terrorism, and ensuring collective military support among member states. How does the CSTO function? The CSTO ... Read More...

Electric Batteries and Their Function

Nov 18, 2023
What is the primary function of an electric battery? Electric batteries store and release electrical energy, which they acquire by converting other forms of energy. They are crucial for powering a wide array of devices without the need for direct electrical connections. How did the concept of the electric battery come about? The electric battery's concept emerged from experiments with electrochemical cells in the 18th and 19th centuries, where scientists like Luigi Galvani and Alessandro Volta discovered the generation of electric currents through chemical reacti... Read More...

Qatar Death Row Case and India's Diplomatic Options

Nov 18, 2023
What happened to the Indian Navy officers in Qatar? A Qatari court sentenced eight former Indian Navy officers to the death penalty, which has brought significant international and diplomatic attention to the case. Why were the officers detained? They were detained for allegations related to espionage while working for Dahra Global Technologies and Consultancy Services, a firm serving Qatar’s defence and security agencies. Has India been in a similar situation before? Yes, India has dealt with case... Read More...

India's Digital Public Infrastructure and Global Impact

Nov 18, 2023
What is Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)? DPI refers to the shared digital systems that a country uses to drive development, inclusion, innovation, trust, competition, and to uphold human rights and freedoms. How has India utilized DPI? India has successfully issued digital identities to nearly all its citizens, granting access to various services and integrating individuals into the digital economy. What has India achieved during its G-20 presidency regarding DPI? India led the initiative to create a... Read More...

The New 'Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar' Awards Framework

Nov 18, 2023
Introduction to RVP: The 'Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar' (RVP) is a revamped award system in India aimed at recognizing excellence in science and technology across various domains. It reflects a modern understanding of scientific practice and strives to represent the aspirations of the scientific community. Benefits of RVP: The RVP awards aim to: Celebrate a broader range of scientific achievements, including technology-led innovations. Foster collaborative and cross-disciplinary research by including team awards. Read More...