
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Langhnaj: A Window into India’s Prehistoric Past

Nov 23, 2023
The Discovery and Exploration Initial Findings by Foote (1893): British geologist Robert Bruce Foote discovered stone artifacts in Gujarat, indicating prehistoric human activity. Follow-up Studies (1941-1954): Indian archaeologists, led by H.D. Sankalia and B. Subbarao, extensively explored Langhnaj, mapping multiple prehistoric settlements across Gujarat. Mesolithic Coexistence with Early Settlers Breaking Archaeological Norms: Contrary to traditional views of linear cultural progression, Langhnaj revealed simultaneous existence of Mesolithic hunter-g... Read More...

Langhnaj: Mesolithic Coexistence in North Gujarat, India

Nov 23, 2023
Langhnaj, a pre-historic site in north Gujarat, India, is significant for its evidence of coexistence between hunter-gatherers of the Mesolithic period and early food producers. This site demonstrates a unique overlap of different lifestyle practices in prehistoric India. Here are some key aspects of Langhnaj: 1. Mesolithic Period Activity: Langhnaj dates back to the Mesolithic period (around 10,000-8,000 BCE), a time characterized by significant changes in human subsistence and social organization. This period saw the transition from hunting-gathering lifestyles to more settled agricultural practices . 2. Evidence of Diver... Read More...

Western and Indian Secularism

Nov 23, 2023
What is the foundational difference between Western and Indian secularism? Western secularism is fundamentally based on the separation of Church and State, evolving as a response to the Church’s influence on state matters. In contrast, Indian secularism is rooted in civilisational pluralism and is ingrained in the country’s historical tradition of religious and cultural diversity. How do Western and Indian secularism differ in their approach to religion? Western secularism typically involves strict non-involvement or neutrality of the state in religious a... Read More...

The Geneva Conventions: Safeguarding Humanitarian Principles in War

Nov 23, 2023
What are the Hague Conventions, and how do they relate to the Geneva Conventions? The Hague Conventions were early efforts to establish rules of warfare, including the prohibition of certain weapons and the protection of civilians. The Geneva Conventions built on these principles to provide more comprehensive rules for the protection of individuals during war. What role did the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) play in the Geneva Conventions? The ICRC was instrumental in the formation of the Geneva Conventions. It advocates for the humane treatment of a... Read More...

Generative AI and Copyright Compliance

Nov 23, 2023
What is Generative AI? Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to AI technologies that can create new, original content, ranging from text, images, and videos to audio and synthetic data. It includes AI models like ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Codex, which have gained significant attention for their capabilities. What are the copyright implications of using Generative AI? The use of copyrighted material for training Generative AI has raised concerns about potential copyright infringement. As these AI models learn from large datasets, they may inadvertently replicate e... Read More...

Global Polycrisis and India

Nov 23, 2023
What is a polycrisis? A polycrisis is a cluster of interconnected global risks with compounding effects, such that the overall impact exceeds the sum of each part. In other words, a polycrisis is a situation in which multiple crises are happening at the same time, and these crises are making each other worse. What are the causes of the polycrisis of 2023? There are many different factors that have contributed to the polycrisis of 2023, but some of the most important include: Climate change: Climate change is a major threat to human health and well-being... Read More...

India's Agricultural Revolution Using Space Technology

Nov 23, 2023
IN-SPACe's Revolutionary Role in Agriculture IN-SPACe, a pivotal organization in India's space sector, is transforming agriculture by encouraging the adoption of space technology. This includes the use of satellites for detailed earth observation, enabling precise monitoring and management of agricultural activities. Through initiatives like seed fund schemes, IN-SPACe is actively supporting startups that aim to utilize space data and technologies like drones to increase crop yields, improve resource management, and reduce the environmental footprint of agriculture. Digitization: Reshapi... Read More...


Nov 23, 2023
1. What is Earthshine? Earthshine is the faint glow on the dark portion of the Moon, caused by sunlight reflecting off the Earth's surface and atmosphere, back towards the Moon. This phenomenon is particularly visible during the crescent phase of the Moon. 2. Why is Earthshine most noticeable during the crescent phase of the Moon? During the crescent phase, only a small part of the Moon is directly illuminated by the Sun. The majority of the lunar surface facing us is in shadow, making the faint glow of Earthshine more noticeable against the darkened surface. Read More...

Rural Retail Inflation in India

Nov 22, 2023
What is retail inflation? Retail inflation refers to the increase in the price of goods and services sold directly to consumers. It is measured by tracking price changes across a standard set of consumer goods and services over time. Why has rural retail inflation been higher than urban in recent times? Rural retail inflation has been higher than urban in 18 of the past 22 months primarily due to factors such as food price volatility, the high market penetration of processed foods, and supply-side constraints. What are the main driv... Read More...

Reform Details and Implications

Nov 22, 2023
Foreign Higher Educational Institutions (FHEI) in India The UGC’s new regulation is a liberal move that permits foreign universities to establish campuses in India and collaborate with Indian institutions. The regulation stipulates that these FHEIs should be among the top 500 globally recognized universities and must maintain high academic and research standards. The aim is to create opportunities for joint degrees, twinning programs, and exchange programs, potentially leading to a more globalized educational environment within India. Significance of the Reform: Read More...

WHO’s Campaign Against Loneliness:A Panel Set Up

Nov 22, 2023
What is the focus of the new WHO panel? The panel is dedicated to addressing the global health threat of loneliness, recognized as a pressing issue comparable to the health risks of smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Who are leading the WHO panel on loneliness? US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and African Union youth envoy Chido Mpemba are appointed as co-chairs of the commission. What are the health risks associated with loneliness? Loneliness can lead to a greater risk of heart disease, stroke, depression, an... Read More...

Understanding Air Quality Index(AQI)

Nov 22, 2023
What is the Air Quality Index (AQI)? The AQI is a tool used to communicate how polluted the air currently is or how polluted it is forecast to become. Public health risks increase as the AQI rises. How has AQI become important in India? With the rise in air pollution levels, especially during events like Diwali and the stubble burning season, AQI has become crucial for Indians to check the level of air pollution in their neighborhoods. What are the sources for AQI information in India? Platforms such as ... Read More...

Butterfly Effect

Nov 22, 2023
The “Butterfly Effect” is a concept from chaos theory, illustrating how small changes in a complex system can have large, unpredictable consequences. Key Features: 1. Origin in Meteorology: Coined by meteorologist Edward Lorenz, it suggests that the flap of a butterfly’s wings might ultimately cause a tornado weeks later. 2. Sensitivity to Initial Conditions: The effect emphasizes how slight variations at the start of a process can significantly impact the outcome. 3. Implications in Various Fields: While originating in weather prediction, it applies to... Read More...

Myanmar Crisis and Its Impact on Northeast India

Nov 22, 2023
The civil war in Myanmar has had significant repercussions in India’s northeastern states, particularly Mizoram, leading to a humanitarian crisis and complex geopolitical dynamics. Reasons for Fleeing to Mizoram: 1. Civil War in Myanmar: The ongoing civil war in Myanmar, particularly in Chin State, has forced many to seek refuge in neighboring Mizoram. 2. Ethnic Ties: The people of Mizoram share ethnic ties with the Chin community, making Mizoram a natural refuge for those fleeing Myanmar. 3. Violent Crackdowns: The Myanmar military’s crackdown on ethnic arme... Read More...

India’s Space Programme: 60 Years of Stellar Achievements

Nov 22, 2023
India’s space journey, starting with a modest rocket launch 60 years ago, has seen remarkable growth, positioning the country as a key player in the global space arena. Milestones and Achievements: 1. Historic Beginnings: The journey began on November 21, 1963, with the launch of a Nike Apache rocket from Thumba, marking India’s entry into space research. 2. Indigenous Rocket Development: A significant leap occurred on February 22, 1969, with the launch of India’s first indigenous rocket, a milestone in self-reliant space technology. 3. Entry into Elite... Read More...