
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Demographic Dividend and Women Empowerment

Dec 06, 2023
Q: What is a demographic dividend? A: A demographic dividend is the economic growth potential that results from shifts in a population’s age structure, typically when the working-age population is larger than the non-working segments. Q: How is a demographic dividend related to women’s empowerment? A: Women’s empowerment, particularly in education and employment, can significantly enhance a country’s demographic dividend by increasing the productivity and economic contributions of half of the population. Q: W... Read More...

Interest-Free Loans to States

Dec 05, 2023
Q: What are interest-free loans to states? A: Interest-free loans to states are financial supports provided by the central government to state governments, which require repayment of the principal amount but incur no interest charges. Q: Why does the central government offer these loans? A: These loans are intended to boost capital expenditure in states, funding projects in vital sectors like health, education, infrastructure, water supply, and railways. Q: How large are the interest-free loans currently? Read More...

OUP “Rizz”: The New Buzzword of the Year

Dec 05, 2023
What Oxford Says The big dictionary folks at Oxford picked “Rizz” as the top word for 2023. What It Means It’s all about having that special something – call it charm or style. How It Was Chosen People got to vote on it, and “Rizz” came out on top. Why It Matters Shows how new words can catch on and become popular. Who Made It Popular The youn... Read More...

India Infrastructure Report 2023 and Urban Development Challenges

Dec 05, 2023
1. What is the India Infrastructure Report 2023? The India Infrastructure Report 2023 is a comprehensive study focusing on urban planning and development in India. It’s a collaborative effort by the Infrastructure Development Finance Company Foundation, Infrastructure Development Corporation (Karnataka) Limited, and the National Institute of Urban Affairs. 2. What are the Report’s Key Findings on Urban Sprawl? The report highlights flawed urban planning and restrictive development-control norms as primary drivers of urban sprawl and slum creation in India... Read More...

Gujarat's State Fish: The Black-Spotted Croaker (Ghol)

Dec 05, 2023
Gujarat has recently highlighted the black-spotted croaker, locally known as Ghol, by designating it as the state fish. This decision places the Ghol in the limelight over more commonly known fish species like Pomfret, Bombay Duck, and Ribbonfish. The primary reasons for this selection are its rarity and high economic value, derived largely from its medicinal properties. Key Highlights Economic and Medicinal Value: Ghol, often referred to as 'Sea Gold', is highly valued for its body parts which possess culinary and medicinal properties. Rich in nutrients like magnesium, iodine, Omega-3, and i... Read More...

India's Corporate Bond Market

Dec 05, 2023
What is a Corporate Bond Market? The corporate bond market is a financial platform where companies issue bonds to raise funds from investors. These bonds are debt securities, promising to pay back the principal along with interest at a specified future date. Importance of the Corporate Bond Market: Capital Raising: Enables corporations to gather capital for expansion, projects, or refinancing existing debt. Investment Opportunities: Provides investors, including institutions and individuals, with investment options, offering potential returns and diver... Read More...

Monthly GST Collections in India: Fiscal Year Trends

Dec 05, 2023
Overview: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman reported that the average monthly GST collection for the current fiscal year is Rs1.66 lakh crore. There's been a consistent upward trend in GST collections since its implementation on July 1, 2017. Current Fiscal Year Data: Monthly Collections: Surpassed Rs.1.50 lakh crore every month. Record High: Reached Rs.1.87 lakh crore in April. Yearly Comparison: FY 2023-24: Average monthly collection stands at Rs1.66 lakh crore, an 1... Read More...

Agri-Food Systems

Dec 05, 2023
An Agri-Food System encompasses all the elements and activities related to the production, processing, distribution, preparation, and consumption of food. It's an intricate network that includes everything from agricultural inputs like seeds and fertilizers to farming, harvesting, food processing, packaging, transportation, marketing, consumption, and disposal of food and food-related items. The system is not only about agriculture but also involves the broader economic, societal, and natural environments in which these activities take place. Formation and Functioning of Agri-Food Systems Starts ... Read More...

Venezuela-Guyana Territorial Dispute: Escalation Concerns

Dec 05, 2023
Situation Overview: Venezuela's recent referendum on the sovereignty of the Essequibo region, part of Guyana, has reignited longstanding territorial disputes between the two South American nations. Referendum Outcome: Venezuela's Claim: Over 95% voter support for Venezuela’s sovereignty over Essequibo. Timing: Conducted close to Venezuela's next presidential election, suggesting possible political motivations. Historical Context: Longstanding Claims: Venezuela has claimed... Read More...

Sindhudurg Fort: A Historical Marvel

Dec 05, 2023
Sindhudurg Fort, located in Maharashtra, India, is a historical fortress situated on an island in the Arabian Sea. Key Features: Construction: Built by Maratha ruler Shivaji Maharaj in the 17th century. Strategic Design: The fort's architecture reflects Maratha naval prowess, designed to fortify against naval attacks. Accessibility: Accessible by boat, the fort presents a blend of natural beauty and historical significance. Historical Significance: Defense Against Colonial Powers: It was a key defense st... Read More...

Indian Suicide Statistics: NCRB Report Highlights

Dec 05, 2023
Overview: The National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) of India released a concerning report on the suicide statistics for 2022, highlighting the vulnerability of certain demographic groups. Suicide Data: High Incidence: Over 1.7 lakh suicides in 2022. Vulnerable Groups: Nearly one-third were daily wage earners, agricultural laborers, and farmers. Regional Data: Highest numbers in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Madhya Pradesh. Additional Insights: Crime Against SC/ST: Increase in c... Read More...

India’s Foreign Trade Policy 2023

Dec 05, 2023
India’s Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) of 2023 was unveiled amidst the country’s highest export figures yet, with merchandise and services reaching a staggering $760 billion. The policy aims to keep this momentum in the face of global challenges like supply chain disruptions and international conflicts. From Past Incentives to Future Readiness Previously, India offered incentives like the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) and the Services Exports from India Scheme (SEIS), but they were phased out for being non-compliant with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. Now, India has shif... Read More...

The Maistry System: Labour Dynamics in Colonial India and Burma

Dec 05, 2023
Overview of the Maistry Recruitment Practice A cornerstone of the colonial construction industry in Burma, the Maistry System was integral to infrastructure development, characterized by skilled laborers who managed and recruited workers, predominantly from India. Legacy of the Maistry System Post-independence, the system's influence waned, but its cultural and demographic impact remains a significant part of Myanmar's history. Details: The Maistry System in Burma was a labor recruitment practice during British colonial times, particular... Read More...

Girmitiyas: Understanding Indentured Labor

Dec 05, 2023
Who were the Girmitiyas? Girmitiyas were indentured laborers from British India who were transported under an agreement to work on plantations across various British colonies, including Fiji, the Caribbean, and parts of Africa and Southeast Asia. What is the origin of the term ‘Girmitiyas’? The term ‘Girmitiyas’ is derived from the Indian pronunciation of the English word “agreement,” referencing the contract laborers from the Indian subcontinent signed to work abroad. What does the term ‘Ja... Read More...

Kangani System in British Colonial South Asia

Dec 05, 2023
Introduction to the Kangani System The kangani system emerged as a distinctive labor recruitment method during British colonial rule, prevalent in regions of Southeast Asia now known as Myanmar, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka. This system operated concurrently with indentured servitude, gaining prominence in the late 19th century. Mechanics of the Kangani Recruitment At the heart of the kangani system was the kangani themselves—recruiters and overseers akin to foremen, derived from the Tamil term for ‘observer’. These individuals were responsible for sourcin... Read More...