
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Parliamentary Privileges

Dec 11, 2023
Main Privileges of Parliament The Parliament of India, a pivotal entity in the nation's democratic framework, is endowed with specific privileges that are crucial for its functioning. Each House of Parliament, its Committees, and members have special rights and protections essential for their effective functioning. These privileges ensure Parliament's freedom, authority, and dignity.These privileges are enshrined in the Constitution, other statutes, and parliamentary procedures. Here's a detailed look at the key privileges: Freedom of Speech in Parliament (Article 105(1)): This ensures that membe... Read More...

Vladimir Putin’s Political Career and Russian Presidency

Dec 11, 2023
Q: When did Vladimir Putin first become President of Russia? A: Vladimir Putin first became President of Russia on December 31, 1999, after President Boris Yeltsin announced his resignation and named Putin, the then-Prime Minister, as acting president. Q: Has Putin served terms as Prime Minister as well? A: Yes, Putin served as Prime Minister of Russia from 1999, before his first presidential term, and again from May 8, 2008, after being barred from running for a third consecutive term as President, with Dmitry Medvedev taking the presidential role. Read More...

Climate Change Performance Index 2023

Dec 11, 2023
The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) is a collaborative effort compiled by Germanwatch, the NewClimate Institute, and the Climate Action Network. It provides a means to assess and compare the climate performance of various countries. The index is instrumental in highlighting the efforts of nations like India, which, despite environmental challenges, have shown progress in climate action, earning it a commendable ranking. Key Components of the CCPI: GHG Emissions (40%): This category gauges a country’s emissions level, considering both absolute figures and per capita data, as well as emis... Read More...

Revitalizing Traditional Water Conservation: The Khadeen System of Rajasthan

Dec 09, 2023
The ancient water harvesting structures known as khadeens in the Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan represent a traditional wisdom of conserving scarce rainwater in arid lands. These structures have supported agriculture for centuries by capturing and storing rainwater, thus enabling the cultivation of crops like wheat, gram, and mustard in a region with minimal rainfall. However, the shift to canal irrigation led to a decline in the use of khadeens, resulting in the loss of both the structures and the knowledge of maintaining them. Now, efforts are underway to revive these systems, recognizing their value in biodiversity conservation, prevention of f... Read More...

Museums: Preserving India’s Cultural Heritage

Dec 09, 2023
Museums serve as a crucial repository for a nation’s culture, showcasing the evolution of its heritage and values. India, rich in history and diversity, houses nearly 1,000 museums across the country. These range from those managed by the Central and State Governments to district-level entities, university museums, and private collections. Museum Development in India The Ministry of Culture plays a pivotal role in the development and enhancement of museums throughout India. Prestigious institutions like the National Museum in New Delhi, the Indian Museum and Victoria Memorial Hall in Kolkata, a... Read More...

Enhancing Maritime Safety and Countering Terrorism

Dec 09, 2023
Colombo Security Conclave’s 6th Meeting FAQs on the 6th Colombo Security Conclave Meeting 1. What is the Colombo Security Conclave (CSC)? CSC is a regional security forum comprising India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, and Maldives, focusing on maritime safety, counter-terrorism, transnational crime, cyber security, and disaster relief. 2. Where and when was the 6th CSC meeting held? The 6th CSC meeting was held in Mauritius on December 7, 2023. 3. Who attended the 6th CSC meeting? National ... Read More...

Household Biomedical Waste Management

Dec 09, 2023
Basics of Biomedical WasteBiomedical waste, comprising materials used in healthcare and related activities, includes items like expired medicines, used syringes, bandages, and diagnostic kits. This type of waste poses health risks due to its potentially infectious and toxic nature. Household Biomedical WasteTraditionally, the focus has been on biomedical waste from healthcare facilities. However, with the rise in home healthcare, the amount of biomedical waste generated in households has increased. This includes waste from chronic disease management, home treatments, and self-medication. Environmental Impact of Improper DisposalWh... Read More...

Free Will vs. Determinism: Indian Context

Dec 09, 2023
The debate between free will and determinism is a central theme in philosophy, exploring the extent of human freedom and the role of fate or predetermined events. In the Indian context, this debate is intricately woven into the fabric of its cultural, religious, and philosophical traditions. Free Will in Indian Philosophy 1. Hinduism and Karma: Hindu philosophy, particularly the concept of Karma, reflects a blend of free will and determinism. Karma implies actions and their consequences, suggesting that while one’s current life may be influenced by past actions (determinism), individuals have t... Read More...

Photosynthetic pathways

Dec 09, 2023
Photosynthetic pathways are essential mechanisms in plants for converting sunlight into chemical energy. There are three main types of photosynthetic pathways: 1. C3 Pathway: Mechanism: This is the most common pathway, involving the fixation of CO2 into a 3-carbon compound (3-phosphoglycerate) via the enzyme Rubisco. Occurrence: Found in most plants, particularly in cooler, wetter climates. Efficiency: Less efficient in hot, dry conditions due to higher rates of photorespiration. 2. C4 Pathway: Mechanism: CO2 is initially fixed into a 4-carbon compound, which i... Read More...

C4 Grasses

Dec 09, 2023
C4 Grasses: An Overview C4 grasses represent a unique group of plants that have evolved a specialized mechanism of photosynthesis. This mechanism is more efficient under conditions of high light intensity, high temperatures, and limited water supply. Key Characteristics of C4 Grasses: 1. Photosynthetic Pathway: C4 grasses utilize the C4 photosynthetic pathway, which effectively concentrates carbon dioxide in specialized cells, reducing photorespiration. 2. Leaf Anatomy: They possess a distinct leaf anatomy known as Kranz anatomy, characterized by a rin... Read More...

Ancient Sculptures Unearthed Near Assam-Mizoram Border

Dec 09, 2023
Summary of the Discovery: Ancient Sculptures Identified: Researchers from a university in Assam have discovered sculptures dating back to the 8th century, showcasing Hindu and Buddhist influences, at a hill area near the Assam-Mizoram border. Location and Cultural Context: The sculptures were found in a village in Mizoram’s Mamit district, bordering Assam. This area is home to the Reang Tribes who have a tradition of worshiping Hindu deities. Details of the Discovery: Journey to the Site: The discovery involved traversing through forests from Ass... Read More...

‘White Lung Syndrome’

Dec 09, 2023
Overview: Term Origin: ‘White lung syndrome’ is a non-medical term emerging from recent respiratory illness outbreaks, primarily affecting children in several countries. Current Context: This syndrome is not new. It represents a symptomatic manifestation of viral or bacterial lung infections. What is White Lung Syndrome? Imaging Appearance: In chest X-rays or CT scans, healthy lungs appear black due to air allowing radiation passage. Infections or other pathologies make parts of the lungs appear white, hence the term ‘white lung syndr... Read More...

Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) in India

Dec 08, 2023
What is Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)? Digital Public Infrastructure refers to essential digital platforms like digital identity, payment systems, and data exchange solutions, which enable the delivery of services to the public and foster digital inclusion. How is DPI fueling innovation in India? India’s DPI ecosystem is accelerating the rise of new startups by providing a foundation upon which they can create and innovate, challenging established market players. What impact does DPI have on startups? Read More...

Global Capability Centres (GCCs) in India

Dec 08, 2023
What are Global Capability Centres (GCCs)? GCCs are specialized centers set up by multinational companies in different countries to tap into local talent and resources for various business functions such as IT, R&D, marketing, and legal services. Why are GCCs important for India? GCCs are significant for India as they contribute to the country’s GDP, create employment, and help in the transfer of global business practices and technological advancements. They also foster innovation by leveraging local talent and industry expertise. Read More...

Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) in India

Dec 08, 2023
What is Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)? DPI is like the digital equivalent of physical public amenities, such as roads and electric grids. It’s a network of online systems and tools that support digital activities like verifying identities (think digital Aadhaar ID), making payments (like using UPI to transfer money), and many other online services. Why is DPI important for India? DPI is crucial for India as it helps in connecting people to the digital economy, especially those who previously didn’t have access to banking or online services. It makes... Read More...