
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Green Hydrogen Value Chain and Economic Benefits

Dec 20, 2023
What is the green hydrogen value chain? The green hydrogen value chain encompasses all the activities and processes involved in the production, processing, and distribution of green hydrogen. It starts with the generation of renewable energy (like solar or wind power), includes the electrolysis process where water is split into hydrogen and oxygen, and covers the storage, transportation, and end-use applications of the hydrogen produced. How do backward linkages benefit green hydrogen production? Backward linkages refer to the supply chain elements that provide the n... Read More...

RoDTEP (Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products) scheme

Dec 20, 2023
The RoDTEP (Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products) scheme is India’s initiative to refund taxes and duties that were previously not reimbursed to exporters, such as VAT on fuel or taxes on electricity used in manufacturing exported goods. This helps make Indian exports more competitive by reducing their costs. India is now discussing with the US to ensure that RoDTEP aligns with WTO rules since the US and EU have questioned its compatibility, considering it might be a form of unfair subsidy. Here’s a simplified example of how RoDTEP works: If an Indian company exports clothes and has paid taxes on the electri... Read More...

New RBI Locker Rules

Dec 20, 2023
Starting January 1, 2024, India will have new rules for bank lockers. These rules make banks and customers more responsible for security. Here are the key points simplified: 1. Enhanced Security: Banks must improve locker security with measures like alarms and surveillance cameras to prevent theft or damage. 2. Clear Responsibilities: The rules clarify what banks and customers are responsible for. Banks can’t open lockers unless they suspect illegal activities or need to prevent misuse. 3. Prohibited Items: Customers can’t store dangerous items like drugs or explosives in lockers. 4. Locker M... Read More...

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Dec 20, 2023
What is the IOM? The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is a leading intergovernmental organization established in 1951, focusing on all aspects of migration. How many members are in the IOM? IOM has 175 member states, with an additional 8 states holding observer status. Where does the IOM operate? The IOM has offices in 171 countries around the world. What are the main goals of the IOM? The IOM aims to ensure orderly and humane ... Read More...

Geopolitical Implications of Maldives’ New Policy Stance

Dec 20, 2023
Overview: The Maldives, under President Mohamed Muizzu’s leadership, is taking significant steps that redefine its geopolitical alliances, particularly concerning India and China. This includes not renewing the agreement with the Indian Navy for hydrographic surveys and signaling a closer alignment with China. Key Developments: 1. End of India-Maldives Hydrographic Survey Agreement: The decision to not renew the agreement with the Indian Navy for hydrographic surveys of Maldivian seawaters is a clear shift in Maldives’ defense and foreign policy. The Mald... Read More...

El Niño’s Impact on Indian Monsoon and Agriculture

Dec 20, 2023
1. What is El Niño? El Niño is a climate phenomenon characterized by the unusual warming of the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. It significantly influences global weather patterns, including extreme weather events. 2. How does El Niño affect the Indian monsoon? El Niño typically weakens the eastward winds across the Pacific, affecting the Indian monsoon circulation. This often results in reduced rainfall and erratic weather patterns over the Indian subcontinent, sometimes leading to drought conditions. Read More...

First Plastiglomerate Discovery in the Indian Subcontinent

Dec 20, 2023
1. What is plastiglomerate? Plastiglomerate is a type of rock formed by the fusion of natural materials like sand, coral fragments, shells, and wood debris with molten plastic. It’s a physical indicator of plastic pollution in the environment. 2. Where was the first plastiglomerate in the Indian subcontinent found? The first plastiglomerate in the Indian subcontinent was found on Aves Island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 3. How is plastiglomerate formed? Plastiglomerates are typically formed ... Read More...

Timeless Titans: The Enigma of Sauropods

Dec 19, 2023
A sauropod is a type of dinosaur that is characterized by its large size, long neck and tail, and four-legged stance. These dinosaurs were herbivores, meaning they primarily fed on plants. Sauropods are known for being some of the largest animals to have ever walked the Earth. Key features include: 1. Size: Sauropods were among the largest land animals, with some species reaching enormous lengths and weights. 2. Long Neck and Tail: They had distinctive long necks that allowed them to reach high vegetation, and equally long tails which could have been used for balance or defense. 3. Herbivorous Diet: They fed on plants ... Read More...

Tharosaurus Indicus: India’s Historic Sauropod Discovery

Dec 19, 2023
1. What is Tharosaurus Indicus? Tharosaurus Indicus is a newly identified species of sauropod dinosaur, discovered in India’s Thar Desert. It dates back to the Middle Jurassic period, approximately 167 million years ago. 2. Who discovered Tharosaurus Indicus? This significant discovery was made by a joint team of scientists from IIT-Roorkee and the Geological Survey of India. 3. Why is this discovery important? The discovery of Tharosaurus Indicus is notable because it’s India’s first d... Read More...

Global Food Insecurity

Dec 19, 2023
The paradox of global hunger, despite sufficient food production, is driven by a combination of factors, including geopolitical events like the Ukraine war, supply chain disruptions, inflation, and climate-related challenges: 1. Ukraine War: The conflict in Ukraine has led to significant disruptions in global food supplies. Ukraine, often called the “breadbasket of Europe,” is a crucial exporter of staple cereals, oilseeds, and fertilizers. The war has not only disrupted these exports but also escalated global food prices and restricted access to essential food commodities . 2. Supply Chain Breakd... Read More...

Title: Understanding Anti-Semitism

Dec 19, 2023
Definition: Anti-Semitism refers to prejudice, hatred, or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group. This bias has been a persistent issue throughout history and includes various forms of hostility manifested through speech, writing, visual forms, and actions. Historical Context: The roots of anti-Semitism can be traced back to ancient times, with significant escalations during periods like the Middle Ages in Europe. The most horrific manifestation was the Holocaust during World War II, where millions of Jews were systematically exterminated by the Nazis. Modern... Read More...

NCRB’s “Crime in India 2022” and “Accidental Deaths & Suicides in India 2022” Reports

Dec 19, 2023
1. What does the NCRB’s “Crime in India 2022” report cover? The report provides detailed statistics on various crime categories in India for 2022, including violent crimes, crimes against women and children, economic offenses, cybercrimes, and more. 2. How is the data in the NCRB report organized? The data is categorized for 36 states/union territories and 19 metropolitan cities, providing a comprehensive overview of crime across the country. 3. Does the report show an increase or decrease in crime rates? Read More...

Legal and Technological Challenges of Deepfake Technology

Dec 19, 2023
Dangers of Deepfake Technology: Deepfake technology, which involves creating hyper-realistic fake videos, poses significant threats, especially to public figures. Misidentification incidents, like the recent one involving an actress, underscore the risk. The “2023 State of Deepfakes” report highlights the susceptibility of individuals in the entertainment industry to deepfake manipulation due to their public visibility. Current Statistics and Trends: A concerning statistic reveals that 98% of all deepfake content online is adult material, with a staggering 99% targeting women. India ranks 6th ... Read More...

Torbernite: Radiant Green Mineral Marvel"

Dec 19, 2023
It is a radioactive, green-colored mineral that contains uranium. It is chemically known as copper uranyl phosphate.The mineral is recognized for its striking green color and its square, tabular crystal structure. Here are some key points about Torbernite: Radioactivity: Due to its uranium content, Torbernite is naturally radioactive. Handling and storage of the mineral require special precautions due to the health hazards associated with uranium's radioactive decay. Occurrence: Torbernite is commonly found in granite pegmatites, hydrothermal veins, and in association with other uranium-bearing minerals. It ... Read More...

Sand dollars

Dec 19, 2023
They are marine invertebrates that belong to the order Clypeastroida. These creatures are closely related to sea urchins, starfish, and other echinoderms. They are typically found on the ocean floor in shallow waters, often in sandy or muddy environments. Sand dollars have a distinctive flat, round shape and are known for their hard, rigid skeletons, called tests, which are often found washed up on beaches. These tests are usually white or pale in color due to sun bleaching, though living sand dollars can be darker shades like purple or green, covered with tiny, velvety spines. These creatures feed on small particles in the sand, whi... Read More...