
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

India-Australia Relationship

Dec 25, 2023
1. What is the history of India-Australia relations? India-Australia relations have a long history, with diplomatic ties dating back to India's independence in 1947. However, the recent strengthening of relations has been more prominent in the past decade. 2. What were the key outcomes of the India-Australia Annual Summit in 2023? The Annual Summit in 2023 witnessed significant developments in various areas, including trade, defence, climate action, and regional cooperation. Key takeaways include enhanced economic cooperation and a focus on renewable energy. Read More...

India-Egypt Strategic Partnership

Dec 25, 2023
1. What is the India-Egypt Strategic Partnership? The India-Egypt Strategic Partnership refers to the enhanced and collaborative relationship between India and Egypt in various fields, including economics, defense, security, and maritime cooperation. 2. When did the India-Egypt Strategic Partnership begin? The partnership has been steadily developing in recent years, with significant progress made in the past two years, marked by high-level visits and agreements. 3. What are the key areas of cooperation between India and Egypt?... Read More...

Horizon 2047: Blueprint for Enhanced India-France Partnership

Dec 25, 2023
Introduction "Horizon 2047" marks a strategic roadmap for India and France, aiming to strengthen their bilateral cooperation over the next 25 years, leading up to India's centenary of independence and the 50-year milestone of their strategic partnership. This initiative, unveiled during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Paris, covers a wide array of sectors, including defence, climate change, energy transition, and more, resting on three pillars: Partnership for Security and Sovereignty, Partnership for the Planet, and Partnership for the People. Defence Collaborations Read More...

Blockchain - Disrupting Technology and Transforming Industries

Dec 25, 2023
1. What is Blockchain? Blockchain is a decentralized ledger or database shared across nodes in a computer network, ensuring data integrity by making alterations visible and correctable by all parties. It's significant for its resistance to alteration, particularly in cryptocurrency systems. 2. What are the Types of Blockchain? Public Blockchain: Open platform, pioneered by Bitcoin, crucial for Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). Private Blockchain: Controlled by a single entity, used in closed networks. Hybrid Blockchain: Merges public and private features, allo... Read More...

Rise of AI in India

Dec 25, 2023
1. What is the economic impact of AI in India? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionize India's economy, projected to add USD 967 billion by 2035 and contribute USD 450-500 billion to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2025. This accounts for 10% of India's USD 5 trillion GDP target. 2. How is AI being used in India? AI in India addresses societal needs in healthcare, education, agriculture, smart cities, and infrastructure. Key applications include weather pattern modeling in agriculture, medical image analysis, and educational tools for identif... Read More...

Right to Repair Initiative: A Step Towards Circular Economy

Dec 25, 2023
Understanding the Electronic Waste Challenge Electronic waste (e-waste) is the byproduct of expired electronic products and represents the world's fastest-growing waste stream. The booming Information and Communication Technology sector has led to increased electronic equipment usage, resulting in rapid obsolescence and a surge in e-waste. This issue demands systematic management through policies and practices, as irresponsible disposal of e-waste can cause severe environmental and health hazards. India alone generates approximately 3.2 million tons of e-waste annually, containing valuable and hazardous materials. ... Read More...

Objectives and Functioning of the Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC)

Dec 25, 2023
Objectives of ONDC: The Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) is an initiative aimed at transforming the digital commerce sector in India. Its primary objectives include: Democratizing the E-commerce Landscape: ONDC seeks to create a level playing field in the e-commerce sector. It aims to provide equal opportunities for all sellers, irrespective of their size, to participate in the digital economy. Reducing Dominance of Major Players: A significant goal is to reduce the market dominance of major US-based e-commerce giants like Amazon. ONDC intends to break the monopolistic tendencies in the e-commerce space,... Read More...

Drone Integration in Indian Agriculture: A Paradigm Shift

Dec 25, 2023
The incorporation of drone technology in Indian agriculture marks a pivotal moment, enhancing the sector’s precision and sustainability. This leap forward aligns with governmental efforts and the innovation drive from the country’s youth and startups. Technological Leap with Drones (UAVs): Precision Farming with UAVs: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are being adopted for the application of liquid fertilizers and pesticides, leading to precision farming. Eco-friendly Practices: The use of organic and nano nitrogen liquid fertilizers illustrates a commitment to sustainable agricultural practices.... Read More...

Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

Dec 25, 2023
Overview and India Relations The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is a regional group of fifteen West African countries, established to promote economic integration across the region. It encompasses a wide range of cooperation including trade, customs, monetary matters, and political governance. ECOWAS plays a significant role in shaping the economic and political landscape of West Africa. ECOWAS at a Glance: Member Countries: Includes 15 West African nations, each with its unique economic and political contexts. Objectives: Aims to foster economic integration, peace, and stability in the reg... Read More...

India-Maldives Ties: Navigating New Challenges

Dec 25, 2023
The recent decision by the Maldives Cabinet, under the leadership of President Mohamed Muizzu, to not renew a hydrographic survey agreement with India marks a significant shift in the bilateral relationship. This move, coupled with Muizzu’s pledge to send back Indian troops stationed in the Maldives, signals a departure from the previous administration’s ‘India first’ policy and indicates emerging challenges in India-Maldives ties. Background of the Hydrographic Survey Agreement: Science of Hydrography: Involves studying oceans and water bodies for safety of navigation, economic development, and environ... Read More...

National Quantum Mission (NQM)

Dec 23, 2023
Overview In April 2023, India launched the National Quantum Mission (NQM) with a substantial budget of Rs.6000 crore, spanning from 2023-24 to 2030-31. The mission's aim is to spearhead development and innovation in Quantum Technology (QT), positioning India as a global leader in Quantum Technologies & Applications (QTA). Objectives and Deliverables Development of Quantum Computers: The mission targets building intermediate-scale quantum computers with 50-1000 physical qubits within 8 years, using superconducting and photonic technology. Quantum Communications: Focus on ... Read More...

Space Debris: Explained

Dec 23, 2023
Space debris, also known as space junk, is a collection of inactive human-made objects floating in space. Most of this debris is found orbiting Earth. This includes out-of-service spacecraft, remnants of rocket launches, and fragments resulting from the disintegration or collision of these objects. Examples range from large defunct satellites to tiny particles like paint flecks. A significant issue with space debris is that it’s an unintended consequence of space exploration. The costs associated with this debris, such as potential damage to active spacecraft, are often not considered by those who launch or operate these objects. Space debris... Read More...

Telecommunications Bill 2023: A Comprehensive Analysis

Dec 23, 2023
The Telecommunications Bill 2023, passed in the Indian Parliament, represents a significant update to the nation’s telecommunications legal framework. It aims to replace historical legislations like the Indian Telegraph Act 1885, the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1933, and the Telegraph Wires (Unlawful Possession) Act 1950. This Bill is a response to the evolving landscape of telecommunications, adapting to the technological advancements and changing nature of communication in the digital era. Key Features of the Bill: Modernization of Definitions: The Bill updates the concept of a “message” to include contemporary... Read More...

Explaining the Smile Curve of Raghuram Rajan

Dec 23, 2023
The smile curve is a concept that illustrates the value addition in different stages of a product’s lifecycle. Imagine a smiley face; the value addition is represented by the shape of the smile. The tips of the smile are high, indicating high value, and the bottom of the curve is low, indicating low value. Let’s break it down: High-Value Ends: These are like the corners of a smile, where the value is highest. For a product like an iPhone, this includes the creation of new ideas, designs, and unique software—things that require creativity and innovation. Low-Value Middle: This represents the bot... Read More...

CBAM and India’s Position

Dec 22, 2023
What is CBAM? The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a tax imposed on imports of goods from countries that do not have carbon pricing mechanisms. It aims to prevent carbon leakage and encourage cleaner production processes by putting a carbon cost on imports. When was CBAM implemented? CBAM was initiated on October 1, with initial steps focusing on carbon emissions reporting requirements for imports. What is the timeline for CBAM’s full implementation? From 2023 to 2026, there is a transi... Read More...