
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Houthi Attacks and the Indian Maritime Sector

Dec 26, 2023
1. What is the status of MV Sai Baba in relation to the Houthi attacks? MV Sai Baba, initially reported as Indian-flagged, is actually a Gabon-flagged vessel with 25 Indian crew members who are safe. 2. What has been the response of the Indian Navy to the attacks? The Indian Navy clarified the vessel’s flag status and continues to monitor the safety of Indian crew and shipping interests in the region. 3. How do the Houthi attacks affect India’s trade? With a substantial percentage of India&rs... Read More...

Offer For Sale (OFS)

Dec 26, 2023
1. What is an Offer For Sale (OFS)? An Offer For Sale is a mechanism that allows promoters or major shareholders of a publicly listed company to sell their shares directly to the public. 2. How does OFS differ from IPO? While an Initial Public Offering (IPO) is for companies going public for the first time, an OFS is for shareholders of an already public company to sell their existing shares. 3. Who can use the OFS method? It’s typically used by government or private promoters in public companies t... Read More...

Taper Tantrum

Dec 26, 2023
1. What is a Taper Tantrum? A “taper tantrum” refers to the financial markets’ adverse reaction to the Federal Reserve’s announcement of gradually reducing (tapering) its quantitative easing program. 2. When did the first taper tantrum occur? The first notable taper tantrum happened in 2013. 3. Why did markets react negatively? Investors were concerned that tapering would lead to higher interest rates, affecting bond prices and overall market liquidity. Read More...

Pradhan Mantri Adi Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAAGY)

Dec 26, 2023
What is PMAAGY? PMAAGY stands for Pradhan Mantri Adi Adarsh Gram Yojana, an initiative aimed at transforming tribal villages into model villages with improved infrastructure and services. Which villages are eligible under PMAAGY? Tribal villages with at least 50% Scheduled Tribe (ST) pinopulation and a mimum of 500 ST residents are eligible under this scheme. What facilities does PMAAGY focus on? The scheme prioritizes the development of essential infrastructure such as roads, schools, healthcare centers... Read More...

Strategic Islands in the Gulf - Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa

Dec 26, 2023
1. Where are the Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa islands located? These three strategic islands are located in the Persian Gulf, near the Strait of Hormuz. 2. Why is the Strait of Hormuz significant? The Strait of Hormuz is a vital shipping route, with about a fifth of the world’s oil output passing through it. 3. Who currently controls these islands? All three islands - Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa - are controlled by Tehran (Iran). 4. Which co... Read More...

Railway Safety Concerns in India

Dec 26, 2023
1. What major railway accident occurred in India in 2023? In 2023, a severe railway accident involving two express trains and a goods train occurred at Balasore in Odisha, resulting in over 290 deaths. 2. Is the safety record of Indian Railways improving? Statistically, Indian Railways’ safety record shows improvement, but recent times have seen a rise in fatal accidents, especially collisions and fire mishaps. 3. What is KAVACH, and why is its slow induction a concern? KAVACH is an indigenous anti... Read More...

First Ever COP ‘Health Day’

Dec 26, 2023
1. What was the significance of COP28’s Health Day? COP28’s Health Day, held in Dubai, emphasized the critical link between climate change and public health, urging action to address climate-related health impacts and strengthen healthcare systems globally. 2. Why is climate change considered a public health crisis? Climate change leads to severe temperatures, increased disease risks, extreme weather events, and can drive millions into poverty, directly impacting public health. 3. What was the main focus of Health Day at... Read More...

Colombo Security Conclave and India

Dec 26, 2023
1. What is the Colombo Security Conclave? The CSC is a regional security initiative involving Indian Ocean countries, focused on maritime security, counter-terrorism, and other regional challenges. 2. Which countries are involved in the CSC? Member-states include India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and Mauritius. Observer-states are Bangladesh and Seychelles. 3. What was discussed in the recent CSC meeting? The latest meeting reviewed CSC’s progress and agreed upon a roadmap for 2024 to promote securit... Read More...

Understanding India’s Jobs Crisis

Dec 26, 2023
1. What is the jobs crisis in India? India faces a jobs crisis characterized by low demand for labor, especially in regular wage work. This includes a lack of opportunities for wage employment and high levels of informal or self-employment. 2. What are the types of employment in India? Two main types are wage employment (labor demanded by employers) and self-employment (where the worker employs herself). 3. What is the difference between wage labor and jobs? Wage labor includes all types of work for an e... Read More...

National Security Guard (NSG) of India

Dec 26, 2023
What is the National Security Guard (NSG)? The National Security Guard (NSG) is an elite Federal Contingency Force in India, established in 1986. It was created to address various forms of terrorism and to conduct surgical operations based on tactical intelligence. The NSG is a unique blend of personnel from the Army, Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), and State Police Forces, with a focus on being a 100% deputationist force. It operates under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and is headquartered in New Delhi, with regional hubs across the country. How does the NSG function? Read More...

"Sahakar Se Samriddhi"

Dec 25, 2023
What is the "Sahakar Se Samriddhi" initiative, and who is leading it? The "Sahakar Se Samriddhi" initiative is a transformative effort aimed at harnessing the potential of cooperatives in driving India's economic growth. It is led by Union Ministry of Cooperation. Why was the Ministry of Cooperation created, and what role does it play in India's economic development? The Ministry of Cooperation was created to empower and enable the Indian masses, particularly those in rural areas, to contribute to the economy through cooperatives. It aims ... Read More...

India's Arctic Ambitions: A Comprehensive Overview

Dec 25, 2023
Introduction India's Arctic policy, titled 'India and the Arctic: Building a Partnership for Sustainable Development', released in March , 2022, symbolizes its rising global stature and its recognition of the Arctic's strategic, economic, and environmental importance. This policy outlines India's vision and strategy for engaging with the Arctic region. Economic Activities in the Arctic The Arctic, known for its harsh environment, is witnessing a surge in economic activities such as oil and gas production, mining, shipping, fishing, aquaculture, and tourism. These activities... Read More...

Self-Help Group (SHG)

Dec 25, 2023
What is a Self-Help Group (SHG)? A Self-Help Group (SHG) is a grassroots-level, informal organization comprising 10 to 20 members who come together to pool their resources, save money, and engage in income-generating activities. SHGs aim to empower individuals, especially women, in rural communities. What is the significance of SHGs in India? SHGs have played a significant role in poverty reduction and women's empowerment in India. They promote financial inclusion, social awareness, and community development. The SHG movement gained prominence in the 1980s and ha... Read More...

The BRICS+ Expansion and Its Global Implications

Dec 25, 2023
The expansion of the BRICS group with the addition of six new nations in the BRICS+ format has far-reaching implications for global trade, geopolitics, and international relations. Here's an overview of the key points: BRICS+ Expansion: The 15th BRICS Summit marked a historic moment with the invitation of six new nations - Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates - to join the BRICS group. This expansion effectively doubled the group's membership and signified a move towards a more inclusive approach to international cooperation. Diverse Coalition: The BRICS+ format reflects a diverse and h... Read More...

"Indigenisation of Defence Production Towards AatmaNirbhar Bharat"

Dec 25, 2023
Q1: What is the objective of the 'AatmaNirbhar Bharat' initiative in the context of defence production? Answer: The objective of the 'AatmaNirbhar Bharat' initiative in defence production is to reduce India's reliance on imports, promote indigenous manufacturing, and establish a self-sufficient ecosystem for the production of defence systems, equipment, and services. Q2: Why is reducing reliance on imports important for India's defence sector? Answer: Reducing reliance on imports is important to enhance India's strategic autonomy, reduce c... Read More...