
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Deciphering the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2023

Dec 29, 2023
FAQ: Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2023 Q1: What are the major reforms in the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2023? A1: The Amendment Act, 2023, brings pivotal reforms in the mining sector, particularly focusing on critical minerals. These include: Removal of Six Minerals: Six minerals are removed from the list of atomic minerals in Part-B of the First Schedule of the Act, including Lithium bearing minerals, Titanium bearing minerals and ores, Beryl and other beryllium bearing minerals, Niobium and Tantalum bearing minerals, and Zirconi... Read More...

Orphan Drugs and Repurposed Orphan Drugs in India

Dec 29, 2023
What is an Orphan Drug (OD)? An Orphan Drug is a medicine considered crucial for treating, preventing, or diagnosing life-threatening or chronically debilitating diseases but not commercially viable due to a small patient population. In India, ODs are defined as drugs intended to treat conditions affecting no more than 0.5 million people. What are Rare Diseases (RDs) in India? Rare Diseases are severe, often life-debilitating conditions that are infrequent in the population. Despite their individual rarity, cumulatively, they affect a substantial number of people. In... Read More...

The Red Sea Crisis: An Overview

Dec 28, 2023
Contextual Background Geographic Importance: The Red Sea is a critical maritime route connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean via the Suez Canal. The Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, in particular, is a strategic chokepoint in this route. Historical Significance: The Red Sea has long been a vital corridor for international trade and energy transport. Its significance is magnified by the Suez Canal, which dramatically shortens shipping routes. The Houthis and Regional Dynamics Origins: The Houthis are a Zaydi Shia Muslim group from Yemen. Their influence grew in the wake of Yemen&r... Read More...

JP Morgan’s Inclusion of Indian Bonds in Global EM Bond Index

Dec 28, 2023
What’s Happening? JP Morgan announced the addition of 23 Indian bonds to its Global Emerging Market (EM) Bond Index starting in June. India’s representation in this index is set to gradually increase to 10% over 10 months. Why is it Important for India? 1. Increased Global Exposure: Indian bonds being part of JP Morgan’s EM Bond Index elevates their international profile. 2. Attracting Investments: This move is expected to draw substantial additional inflows into Indian bonds. 3. Diversifying Investor Base: Being included in global ind... Read More...

Participatory Notes (P-Notes) in India

Dec 28, 2023
What are P-Notes? Participatory Notes (P-Notes) are financial instruments used by foreign investors who wish to invest in the Indian stock markets without registering themselves directly with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). P-Notes are issued by registered Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) to overseas investors and provide an easier and more anonymous way for foreign entities to invest in Indian securities. Key Features of P-Notes: Issuance: Issued by FIIs to foreign investors. Anonymity: Investors’ identities are not disclosed to... Read More...

India’s Strategic Trilateral Partnerships

Dec 28, 2023
Q: What are strategic trilateral partnerships? A: They are collaborations between three countries to work on common goals. India is creating rules for such partnerships to work more effectively on development projects. Q: Which countries are involved in these partnerships with India? A: India is partnering with the UK, the US, France, Japan, Germany, and potentially other nations. Q: Why is India pursuing trilateral partnerships? A: Trilateral partnerships aim to increase the effectiveness and impact of dev... Read More...

“Gray Zone” in International Relations

Dec 28, 2023
The Concept of “Gray Zone”: The “gray zone” in international affairs refers to a strategic landscape that lies between the conventional boundaries of peace and war. This ambiguous space encompasses various activities that do not fit neatly into traditional categories. These activities can include: 1. Economic Manipulation: Undermining a country’s economy through unfair trade practices or illegal economic activities. 2. Influence Operations: Attempts to influence the public or government of another nation, often through propaganda or disinformation campaigns. 3. Cyberattacks: Hackin... Read More...

Bharat rice:

Dec 27, 2023
1. What is the new price for Bharat rice? Bharat rice will soon be available at Rs.25 per kilogram to provide relief from rising costs. 2. How is the discounted rice being distributed? The discounted rice is being sold through government agencies, such as the National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India (NAFED), Kendriya Bhandar, and mobile vans. 3. What is the reason for offering Bharat rice at a discounted price? The initiative to sell Bharat rice at discounted prices is part of the ... Read More...

Mission LiFE

Dec 27, 2023
1. What is Mission LiFE? Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) is an India-led global initiative that aims to encourage and reinforce positive environmental and climate actions through behavioral changes at the individual level. 2. How does Mission LiFE plan to achieve its goals? The mission plans to achieve its goals by promoting sustainable practices such as reducing the use of single-use plastics, saving water and electricity, and encouraging carpooling, among other measures. 3. What is the role of individual actions in Missio... Read More...

Black Tigers of Similipal: Exploring the Myth and Reality

Dec 27, 2023
The existence of black tigers in Odisha’s Similipal forest has been a subject of intrigue and research for decades. Here’s an overview of the key points from the article: 1. Historical Sightings: Since the 1970s, there have been multiple reported sightings of black tigers in Similipal, though many were dismissed as illusions or mistaken identities. 2. Melanistic Tigers: Melanism refers to an increased level of the pigment melanin, leading to darker skin or fur. Pseudo-melanistic tigers have more extensive black stripes than normal tigers. 3. Key Discoveries: Read More...

Houthi Rebels’ Impact on Indian Maritime Security

Dec 27, 2023
The recent attacks by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in the Red Sea have significant implications for India’s maritime security and trade: 1. Impact on India’s Maritime Trade: India has a substantial amount of trade, worth $200 billion, passing through the Suez-Red Sea route. The Houthi attacks pose a direct threat to this vital trade route. 2. Recent Attacks and Indian Response: The attacks, including the heli-borne seizing of an India-bound merchant ship, highlight new maritime security challenges. The Indian Navy has responded by deploying guided missile destroyers (INS Mor... Read More...

‘India’s Moment’ and the ‘Poverty Veto’

Dec 27, 2023
In the book ‘India’s Moment,’ Mohan Kumar delves into the concept of the ‘poverty veto’ and its implications for India’s role in global negotiations. Here’s an overview: 1. Understanding ‘Poverty Veto’ in ‘India’s Moment’: Mohan Kumar introduces the term ‘poverty veto’ to describe how the extensive poverty in India (with about 500 million citizens living in poverty) significantly restricts the country’s negotiating capacity on the international stage. 2. Impact on India’s International Role: This constraint is evident in various gl... Read More...

Cobalt: Metal, Ore, Global Avau and Its Uses

Dec 27, 2023
Cobalt is a significant metal with numerous applications, especially in today's technologically driven world. In the context of India's geography and mineral wealth, cobalt plays a pivotal role due to its diverse uses. 1. Metallic Nature: Cobalt is a transition metal, known for its high strength and temperature resistance. It is often used in alloys to impart these properties to various products. 2. Ore Sources: Cobalt is typically extracted from nickel or copper ores. In India, though cobalt reserves are not as prominent as other minerals, it's often found in association with ores of other metals like nickel. Read More...

India's Union Territories and their Evolution

Dec 27, 2023
India’s federal structure is marked by the existence of Union Territories (UTs) alongside states. The concept of UTs in India has evolved significantly since the country’s independence and the adoption of its Constitution. Initially UTs were classified under various categories such as Part A, B, C, and D states. Initial Structure at Constitution Commencement 1. Part A States: These were the former Governor's provinces of British India. They included major provinces like Bombay, Madras, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, etc. Governed by Governors appointed by the President. 2. Part B States: Comprised... Read More...

Discovery of 'Pantoea Tagorei' - A Game-Changer in Agriculture

Dec 26, 2023
Overview: A significant breakthrough in agricultural microbiology has been made by a team from Visva-Bharati University's botany department. They discovered a new bacteria, 'Pantoea Tagorei', named in honor of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. This discovery is poised to revolutionize traditional agricultural practices. Key Points: Leader of Research: The research was led by microbiologist Bomba Dam, an assistant professor in the university's botany department. Team Composition: Dam's team included Raju Biswas, Abhijit Mishra, Abhinav Chakraborty, Pooja Mukhopadhyay, a... Read More...