
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Graphene in Nanoelectronics: Basics and Breakthroughs

Jan 08, 2024
Graphene, a form of carbon composed of a single layer of atoms arranged in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice, has garnered significant interest in nanoelectronics due to its unique properties, including high electrical conductivity, flexibility, and strength. However, a major limitation of graphene for semiconductor applications has been its lack of an intrinsic bandgap, essential for controlling the flow of electricity. Bandgap in Semiconductors: A bandgap is a key property of semiconductors, determining their ability to conduct electricity. In graphene, the absence of a natural bandgap limits its use in applications where ... Read More...

The Legacy of Indian Indentured Labourers in Mauritius

Jan 08, 2024
In “The Indentured and their Route,” Bhaswati Mukherjee delves into the British Empire’s ‘great experiment’ of indenture, a form of bonded labour that followed the abolition of slavery in 1833. This historical transition marked the beginning of a new form of servitude. The first ship from Kolkata arrived in Trinidad on 30 May 1845, carrying Indian immigrants and starting a significant chapter in history. The book details the transportation of 1.5 million Indians to Mauritius and other countries for labor in plantations. These indentured workers, often illiterate, were deceived into signing contracts (girmits) and trans... Read More...

Digi Yatra

Jan 06, 2024
Overview of Digi Yatra: Digi Yatra is a digital initiative by the Indian government aimed at airports to facilitate paperless and seamless travel using facial recognition technology. Passengers can download the Digi Yatra app, register, and then use electronic gates for entry by scanning their faces and boarding passes. Advantages of Digi Yatra: 1. Efficient Travel: Streamlines airport processes for faster, smoother travel. 2. Paperless Transactions: Eliminates the need for physical boarding passes. 3. Security Enhancement: Offers potentially more accurate security checks. 4. Operatio... Read More...

State of Democracy 2024

Jan 05, 2024
Q: What factors contribute to a rise in democratic skepticism? A: Increasing authoritarianism, political polarization, and the spread of misinformation can erode public trust in democratic institutions, leading to skepticism. Q: How does the younger generation’s engagement affect democracy? A: Young people’s active participation in politics can inject new ideas and momentum into democratic processes, potentially revitalizing civic engagement and accountability. Q: What role do economic conditions play in shaping the heal... Read More...

Great Nicobar Project: Understanding the Future Maritime Hub

Jan 04, 2024
FAQs on the Project: Q: What is the Great Nicobar Project’s goal? A: It aims to establish a strategic trans-shipment port in Galathea Bay, enhancing India’s maritime trade capabilities and providing a competitive alternative to regional hubs. Q: How much will the project’s first phase cost? A: The initial phase is budgeted at Rs.18,000 crore, reflecting its large scale and strategic importance. Q: What benefits will the port bring? A: With a 4 million TEUs capacity, it w... Read More...

Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs)

Jan 04, 2024
ITIs: Evolution and Future Prospects Yesterday (Past): Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) have been crucial in vocational education in India since 1950. They have traditionally focused on heavy industries and public sector jobs. The courses were more rigid and not aligned with rapidly changing industry demands. Today (Present): ITIs have seen a substantial increase in enrollment. A shift towards a more modern curriculum is evident, with ITIs now offering new-age courses. Partnerships with IT companies and a focus on non-curricular benefits h... Read More...

Delhi-Dhaka Ties

Jan 04, 2024
Q: What factors have historically influenced the relationship between Delhi and Dhaka? A: Historic landmarks such as the 2015 land boundary agreement and the 2006 trade deal, political alignments, and collaborative efforts against insurgencies have shaped Delhi-Dhaka relations. Q: How does the political landscape in Bangladesh impact its ties with India? A: The ruling party’s stance, opposition concerns, and the handling of regional insurgencies play crucial roles. The Awami League’s (AL) pragmatic approach contrasts with the Bangladesh Nationalist Party&... Read More...

Implementation Challenges of India’s New Criminal Laws

Jan 04, 2024
Overview: The implementation of India’s new criminal laws, replacing the colonial-era IPC, Evidence Act, and CrPC, presents several challenges. These laws aim to modernize the criminal justice system and include the Bharatiya Nyaya (Second) Sanhita, 2023; Bharatiya Sakshya (Second) Bill, 2023; and Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha (Second) Sanhita, 2023. Key Challenges: 1. Training and Skilling: Ensuring comprehensive training for 3,000 officers across various districts, who will then train police officers and lawyers. 2. Balancing Old and New Provisions: Maintaining clarity between old and new lega... Read More...

Minigrids in Rural India: A Renewable Energy Perspective

Jan 04, 2024
Minigrids are emerging as reliable sources of renewable energy in rural areas of India, particularly where extending traditional grid networks is challenging. These small systems, often solar photovoltaic-based, can be tailored to meet local energy demands. They offer various benefits, including livelihood enhancement, healthcare access, and improved safety through well-lit streets. However, challenges persist, such as the high cost of energy from minigrids compared to grid power, which can affect the viability of commercial activities in these areas. The article suggests the need for regulatory frameworks and public-private partnerships to... Read More...

Gargi Vachaknavi: The Luminary Female Philosopher in King Janaka’s Court

Jan 04, 2024
Gargi Vachaknavi, recognized as India’s first woman philosopher, made her mark in King Janaka’s court. Invited alongside other learned Brahmins to a grand ritual in Videha, Gargi stood out in the predominantly male assembly with her intellect and daring. She was the only philosopher who boldly challenged Yajnavalkya twice, using intricate questions woven around metaphysical concepts. Her audacity and wisdom in this intellectual duel were unparalleled. Despite her initial silence following Yajnavalkya’s profound explanations, Gargi returned to the debate with greater resolve. Acknowledging Yajnavalkya’s philosophical ... Read More...

Israel’s Supreme Court Decision on Judicial Reforms

Jan 03, 2024
What was the recent decision by Israel’s Supreme Court? The court struck down a key part of the government’s judicial overhaul, which sought to limit the court’s authority to declare executive decisions void due to “unreasonableness.” How did the court vote on this decision? The decision was closely contested, with a vote of eight to seven against one of the “Basic Laws.” What is significant about this ruling? This is the first time Israel’s apex court has ... Read More...

Debt Crisis in the Global South

Jan 03, 2024
The Global South refers to the regions of Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, which includes mostly countries that are less economically developed. These nations are experiencing a mounting debt crisis due to several interrelated factors: 1. High Borrowing Costs: Many countries in the Global South have had to borrow money to finance development projects, social programs, and to manage economic shocks. The cost of borrowing for these countries is often high due to perceived risk, which leads to larger debt burdens. 2. Revenue Shortfalls: Many of these countries rely heavily on exporting commodities whose prices can be vo... Read More...

Tsunamis: Forces of Nature and Oceanic Impact

Jan 03, 2024
1. What is a Tsunami? A tsunami is a series of large ocean waves usually caused by an underwater earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, or near-Earth object impact. 2. Why are tsunamis most common in the Pacific Ocean? The Pacific Ocean’s “Ring of Fire” is home to many subduction zones where tectonic plates collide, leading to frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity, the primary causes of tsunamis. 3. How fast can a tsunami travel? Tsunamis can travel up to 500 miles (805 kilomete... Read More...

Free Movement Regime Along India-Myanmar Border

Jan 03, 2024
Background: The Indian government’s decision to suspend the Free Movement Regime (FMR) along the India-Myanmar border marks a significant shift in border management. The FMR, allowing tribes to travel 16 kilometers into the neighboring country without a visa, was part of India’s “Act East” policy initiated in 2018. This policy aimed to boost local trade and strengthen ties with Southeast Asian neighbors. Recent Developments: 1. Suspension of FMR: Amidst ethnic conflicts in Manipur, concerns over illegal immigration, drug, and arms trafficking have led to the suspension of t... Read More...

POSH Act 2013: Empowering Women in the Workplace

Jan 03, 2024
Objective and Overview: The Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act, 2013 (POSH Act 2013) is a cornerstone of women’s rights in India. Designed to combat sexual harassment, it empowers women, fostering autonomy and safety in professional settings. This legislation is a significant stride towards a harassment-free workplace, prioritizing women’s dignity and security. Key Provisions: 1. Mandatory Notice Display: Employers are required to display notices detailing protections against sexual harassment. 2. Formation of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC): A critical feat... Read More...