
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Geopolitical Shifts and Conflicts: Analysis of 2023-2024

Jan 29, 2024
Geopolitical Landscape: The period of 2023-2024 is marked by significant shifts in international politics, moving away from the unipolar dominance of the United States to a more multipolar world. This transition is accelerated by conflicts in various regions, each reshaping global power structures. Key Areas of Change: 1. Paradigm Shift in West Asia: Saudi Arabia and Iran Detente: Facilitated by China, this reconciliation is altering the strategic culture of West Asia. Palestine-Israel Conflict: The escalation of this conflict, with significant casualties and international outcry, cha... Read More...

ASER Report: Assessing Educational Progress in India"

Jan 29, 2024
Analysis of the Annual Status of Education Report (Rural) 2023 Synopsis: The Annual Status of Education Report (Rural) 2023, presented by Pratham Education Foundation, reveals a gap between rural youths’ aspirations and their actual skills, focusing on areas like reading, math, and digital skills. Key Insights: 1. Changing Aspirations: The report notes a shift in professional aspirations among rural youth. Security services have emerged as a prominent choice, especially among males. Engineering, though popular, is seeing a decline in interest. 2. Gender-Specific Trends: ... Read More...

Changing Strategy Against Maoism in Chhattisgarh

Jan 29, 2024
Contextual Overview: The article details the evolving government strategy in tackling Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) in Chhattisgarh, India. It contrasts the previous government’s approach, which emphasized “Vishwas, Vikas, aur Suraksha” (Trust, Development, and Safety), with the current government’s more aggressive stance, labeled an “all-out war”. Key Highlights: 1. Strategic Shift: The current administration, under Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai, aims to eradicate Maoist influence in three years, focusing on dismantling the supporting ecos... Read More...

Oil Sands: An Overview

Jan 29, 2024
Definition and Composition: Oil sands, also known as tar sands, are a mixture of sand, clay, water, and bitumen. Bitumen is a heavy, viscous oil. Location and Reserves: Primarily found in Canada (Alberta), Venezuela, and parts of the Middle East. Alberta’s oil sands are among the world’s largest petroleum reserves. Extraction Process: 1. Surface Mining: Used when oil sands are close to the surface. It involves removing large amounts of earth and processing the extracted material. 2. In-Situ Techniques: Applied for deeper reserves. Methods like... Read More...

Enhanced Defence Collaboration Between India and France

Jan 29, 2024
Introduction: India and France have significantly advanced their defence collaboration, marking a new era in bilateral ties. This strategic partnership was strengthened during French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to India as the Chief Guest for the Republic Day celebrations in Jaipur. Defence Industrial Roadmap: A major outcome of this visit was the adoption of a Defence Industrial Roadmap. This agreement focuses on the ‘co-design, co-development, and co-production’ of military equipment, aiming to not only meet the defence needs of India but also to provide reliable defence ... Read More...

Geography of Machu Picchu, Peru

Jan 29, 2024
Q: Where is Machu Picchu located? A: Machu Picchu is situated in the Andes Mountains in Peru, South America. Q: What is the altitude of Machu Picchu? A: The site stands at an altitude of approximately 2,430 meters (7,970 feet) above sea level. Q: How was the terrain around Machu Picchu formed? A: The region is characterized by steep mountains and deep valleys, formed by geological activity and erosion over millions of years. Q: What is the climate like at Machu Picchu? Read More...

Statins: Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs Explained

Jan 29, 2024
What are Statins? Statins are a class of drugs used to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. They work by inhibiting an enzyme in the liver that is necessary for the production of cholesterol. High levels of cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, a condition where plaque builds up in the arteries, potentially leading to heart attacks and strokes. Statins are effective in reducing the risk of these cardiovascular events, especially in individuals with a history of heart disease or those at high risk of developing it. Some common statins include atorvastatin, simvastatin, and rosuvastatin. They are often prescribe... Read More...

Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar (National Awards in Science, Technology, and Innovation)

Jan 29, 2024
1. What is the Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar? Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar (RVP) is a set of new national awards established by the Government of India to recognize exceptional contributions in the fields of science, technology, and innovation. 2. What is the objective of the Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar? The objective is to honor notable and inspiring contributions made by scientists, technologists, and innovators, either individually or in teams, across various domains of science, technology, and technology-led innovation. 3. Who is eligibl... Read More...

India's 'Green Credit' Rules 2023

Jan 29, 2024
Overview: The Green Credit Program (GCP) introduced by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) in October 2023 is a significant step towards environmental sustainability in India. This program, initially proposed as draft rules in June 2023, is designed to incentivize environmental activities through a market-based approach. Participation in GCP: The GCP is open to a wide range of participants, including individuals, farmers, cooperatives, businesses, and government agencies. Participation is voluntary, but it provides an avenue for entities to earn and trade 'Green Credits'... Read More...

Analyzing India’s Border Fencing Strategy: The Myanmar Border Case

Jan 29, 2024
Context: Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s announcement of fencing India’s border with Myanmar signals a strategic shift in India’s border management. This decision reflects broader socio-political dynamics within the region, particularly in Manipur. Key Aspects: 1. Manipur’s Administrative Collapse: The idea of fencing the Myanmar border emerges against the backdrop of Manipur’s administrative challenges and internal socio-political conflicts. 2. Socio-Political Divide: The internal divide in Manipur has le... Read More...

Maharashtra’s Sangeet Natak Tradition

Jan 29, 2024
Historical Context and Origins: Initiation: The tradition commenced in Sangli on November 5, 1843, with Vishnudas Bhave’s musical drama ‘Sita Swayamwar’, drawing inspiration from Ramayana. Roots in Ancient Texts: Tracing its lineage to the Vedas, particularly the Natyaveda, and Bharat Muni’s Natyashastra from 2nd or 3rd century BCE. Influence from Sanskrit Dramas: Influenced by ancient Sanskrit playwrights (5th century BCE onwards), integrating elements from Marathi traditions. Evolution and Influences: Cultural Interactions: Exposure to Western ideas post-1857 (found... Read More...

Free Movement Regime (FMR): Understanding the Context and Implications

Jan 25, 2024
What is the FMR? The Free Movement Regime (FMR), established in 2018, allows border residents of India and Myanmar to travel 16 km inside each other’s country without a visa, fostering local trade and access to services. Why is the FMR being reconsidered? Security concerns, including trafficking and ethnic violence, have prompted a rethink. The Manipur government cited an influx of Myanmar nationals as a security issue. Why was the FMR initially introduced? It aimed to improve diplomatic ties with ... Read More...

Direct Seeded Rice (DSR): Benefits and Potential in India

Jan 25, 2024
What is Direct Seeded Rice (DSR)? Methodology: In DSR, rice seeds are directly planted into the field, differing from the traditional transplanted rice (TPR) method. Water Management: It can involve seeding with or without pre-irrigation, and does not require flooding the fields as in TPR. Benefits of DSR Water Savings: DSR typically results in a minimum of 18% water saving compared to TPR, vital in regions with water scarcity. Labor Efficiency: Reduces labor needs by eliminating the transplanting phase, thus cutting down on labor costs. Potential for Higher Yields: Althou... Read More...

Chimeras: A Comprehensive Overview

Jan 25, 2024
Definition of Chimera Chimeras: Organisms possessing cells with distinct genetic compositions. Natural Examples of Chimeras In Nature: Animals and humans can exhibit natural chimerism due to various biological phenomena. Human-Animal Chimeras in Scientific Research Objective: To generate human-compatible organs for transplants using hybrids like human-pig chimeras. Methodology: Utilization of cutting-edge techniques such as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Chimerism in Humans: Natural Occurrences How It Occurs:... Read More...


Jan 24, 2024
1. What is the NISAR satellite? NISAR (NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar) is a collaborative satellite mission between NASA and ISRO. It is designed to monitor Earth's landscapes and study the impacts of climate change. 2. What are the key features of NISAR? NISAR will scan Earth's surface using two different synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems. NASA is developing the L-band SAR, while ISRO is developing the S-band SAR. These systems will provide detailed observations of Earth using different wavelengths. 3. What is the ... Read More...