
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

FAQs on Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Hybrid Solutions

Jan 31, 2024
What are the advantages of hybrid vehicles over EVs in India? Hybrids may offer a more practical and immediate benefit in reducing emissions due to their lower reliance on a developing charging infrastructure and the current power generation mix in India. Why might hybrids be considered cleaner than EVs in India in the medium term? Hybrids can utilize the existing fuel infrastructure while offering reduced emissions compared to conventional vehicles, especially considering India’s current power generation dependency on fossil fuels. Read More...

India’s Economic Challenges and Growth

Jan 31, 2024
What growth rate is India expected to achieve in FY24? India is anticipated to grow at around 7 percent in FY24, with the first advance estimate placing GDP growth at 7.3 percent. How does the growth rate compare to the RBI’s projection? The estimate of 7.3 percent growth exceeds the Reserve Bank of India’s projection of 7 percent. What does ‘The Indian Economy-A Review’ report signify? The report from the Department of Economic Affairs sets the narrative for the revival of the In... Read More...

India-France Defense and Space: Global Collaboration

Jan 31, 2024
India and France Enhance Defense and Space Cooperation Amid Global Challenges Context: In a strategic move, India and France have significantly deepened their defense, space, and Indo-Pacific security ties. This development comes against the backdrop of increasing regional tensions, particularly China’s assertive actions. The agreements encompass a broad range of collaborations, from military-industrial cooperation to satellite launches. Key Agreements: Military-Industrial Cooperation: Aimed at boosting India’s defense exports, the partnership includes co-design, co-devel... Read More...

India and France

Jan 31, 2024
NSIL and Arianespace Partnership: A Leap in Global Satellite Launch Market Overview: NewSpace India Limited (NSIL) and Arianespace SAS have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), marking a significant step in the global satellite launch market. This strategic alliance was formalized during French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to India, highlighting the growing space collaboration between India and France. Key Aspects of the MoU: Focus on Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicles: The partnership will utilize NSIL’s LVM-3 and Arianespace’s Ariane-6, both heavy-lift launch vehicle... Read More...

Talim: Tradition Meets Technology in Indian Carpet Weaving Industry

Jan 31, 2024
Background: At the heart of India’s rich carpet weaving heritage lies an ancient symbolic code called ‘talim’. Used for centuries in Kashmir, talim guides the creation of intricate handwoven carpets and rugs. Mohammad Rafiq Sofi, a lifelong weaver, exemplifies the traditional craftsmanship inherent in this practice. Evolution of the Weaving Process: Traditional Approach: The weaving process was historically laborious. Designs were conceptualized and then encoded into talim. Weavers, like Mr. Sofi, received these instructions in segments, translating them into the physical patterns of the carpet. This traditio... Read More...

Introduction to India’s Rare and Valuable Minerals

Jan 31, 2024
India, endowed with a vast array of mineral resources, stands out for its significant reserves of rare minerals. These minerals, vital for various high-tech industries, include the group of 17 rare earth elements characterized by their unique physical and chemical properties. These elements are categorized into two types: light rare earth elements (LREE) and heavy rare earth elements (HREE). India ranks fifth in the world for its reserves of these rare earth minerals, contributing about 2.5% of global production. Beyond these, India is also home to other rare minerals that are crucial for strategic and advanced technological applications. Here&rsqu... Read More...

​ PSLV Orbital Experimental Module (POEM)

Jan 31, 2024
What is POEM? The PSLV Orbital Experimental Module (POEM) is a creative project by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation). It takes a part of a rocket that was usually thrown away – the fourth stage of the PSLV rocket – and turns it into a space lab. This space lab, or platform, is used for scientific experiments in space. The Innovation in POEM: Usually, the fourth stage of a rocket (in this case, PSLV) is discarded after launching satellites. ISRO’s idea was to keep using this stage as a floating lab in space. This idea was first p... Read More...

Maratha Military Landscape: UNESCO World Heritage Nomination

Jan 31, 2024
Context: The Ministry of Culture of India has officially nominated the ‘Maratha Military Landscape’ for the UNESCO World Heritage List for the 2024-25 cycle. This prestigious nomination comprises 12 significant fortifications that exemplify the military prowess and architectural ingenuity of the Maratha rulers from the 17th to the 19th centuries. Significance: Historical Importance: These landscapes showcase the rich and vibrant history of India, reflecting the strategic military intelligence of the Maratha Empire. Geographical Diversity: Spread across Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu... Read More...

Tower 22 and the Drone Attack in Jordan

Jan 30, 2024
1. What is Tower 22? Tower 22 is a US logistics outpost located in Jordan, near the borders with Iraq and Syria. It serves as a supply hub, supporting the nearby US garrison of al-Tanf in Syria. 2. Where is Tower 22 located specifically? It’s situated in the northeast of Jordan, close to the Iraqi and Syrian borders. 3. What happened in the recent drone attack on Tower 22? A drone strike targeted Tower 22, resulting in the death of three US soldiers and wounding at least 34. Read More...

EV Battery Technologies in India

Jan 30, 2024
1. Why is battery technology crucial for the growth of the EV market in India? The performance, cost, and user experience of EVs heavily depend on battery technology. Advances in batteries can lead to better vehicle economy, longer range, and faster charging. 2. What are the limitations of current lithium-ion batteries? Current lithium-ion batteries have limitations such as lower energy density compared to petrol, slower charging times, high costs, and environmental concerns related to lithium mining. 3. What kind of growth has the ... Read More...

Middle Powers and Their Role in Global Affairs

Jan 30, 2024
Title: The Role of Middle Powers in Shaping a New Multilateral World Order What Are Middle Powers? Middle powers are influential states that, while not being superpowers or great powers, hold significant diplomatic, economic, and sometimes military influence. These countries, such as Australia, Canada, South Korea, Argentina, India, Brazil, and Indonesia, bridge the gap between superpowers and smaller nations in global affairs. Why Do Middle Powers Matter? They are crucial in forming new multilateralism frameworks to address globa... Read More...

Khadeens: A Traditional Rainwater Harvesting System

Jan 30, 2024
Title: Understanding Khadeens What are Khadeens? Khadeens are a traditional rainwater harvesting and agricultural system, predominantly found in the arid regions of Rajasthan, India. They are an ingenious method of conserving water in areas with scarce rainfall. How do Khadeens Work? The system involves the creation of a catchment area for rainwater, often from nearby hills or runoff areas. This water is then directed to a storage reservoir or a cultivated field, known as a khadeen. The stored water is used for irrigation, allowin... Read More...

World’s Endangered River Dolphins and Historic Declaration

Jan 29, 2024
1. What are the key factors causing the decline in river dolphin populations? The decline, amounting to 73% since the 1980s, is attributed to unsustainable fishing, hydropower dams, pollution, and habitat loss, exacerbated by climate change effects like droughts. 2. Which countries have adopted the Global Declaration for River Dolphins? Eleven countries from Asia and South America, including Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, and Venezuela, have adopted the declaration. 3. What is... Read More...

GIS Master Plans in Indian Cities: Challenges in Implementation

Jan 29, 2024
Context: Over 200 cities in India, including Shimla and Imphal, have notified Geographic Information System (GIS)-based master plans. These plans are essential for mapping and verifying existing infrastructure, aiding in new development planning. This initiative falls under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) mission. Key Points: 1. Master Plan Significance: A master plan is a critical vision document outlining a city’s development for the next two decades, including regulations on land use, building construction, transport, green spaces, and economic development. Read More...

Urban Waterfront Revitalization: Key Points

Jan 29, 2024
The urban waterfront revitalization projects in India serve as a blueprint for sustainable development, combining ecological restoration with urban planning. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding these initiatives: 1. What is the goal of waterfront revitalization? To transform neglected waterfronts into vibrant public spaces that enhance business opportunities, cultural experiences, and recreational activities. 2. How do these projects benefit cities? They promote ecological balance, boost tourism, improve the quality... Read More...