
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Mangrove Alliance for Climate (MAC) Initiative

Feb 03, 2024
Mangrove Alliance for Climate (MAC) was launched at COP 27 at Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt in 2022 by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). What is the Mangrove Alliance for Climate (MAC)? The Mangrove Alliance for Climate (MAC) is a global initiative launched to promote the conservation and restoration of mangrove ecosystems worldwide. It brings together nations to advance the cause of mangroves, emphasizing their critical role in climate change mitigation, coastal protection, and supporting biodiversity. Why are mangroves important in the context of climate change? Mangroves ... Read More...

Mangrove Initiative for Shoreline Habitats & Tangible Incomes (MISHTI) Scheme

Feb 03, 2024
What is the MISHTI scheme? The Mangrove Initiative for Shoreline Habitats & Tangible Incomes (MISHTI) scheme is a government-led initiative in India aimed at enhancing mangrove coverage along coastlines and saltpan lands to improve ecological health, protect against natural disasters, and support local livelihoods. What are the main goals of the MISHTI scheme? The MISHTI scheme aims to: Increase mangrove coverage across India's coastal regions. Implement best practices in mangrove plantation, conservation, and management. M... Read More...

Mangroves: Coastal Ecosystem Guardians, Biodiversity Havens

Feb 03, 2024
What are mangroves? Mangroves are a group of trees and shrubs that live in the coastal intertidal zone. They have adapted to live in brackish waters where freshwater mixes with seawater. Mangroves are recognized for their dense root systems that protrude above the water level, allowing them to breathe in waterlogged conditions and stabilize the soil. Why are mangroves important? Mangroves provide a multitude of ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration, flood mitigation, protection against wind and waves, and support for fisheries. They serve as vital habita... Read More...

Introduction to Bioindicators

Feb 03, 2024
Bioindicators are organisms, species, or biological processes that provide qualitative information about the environmental conditions of their habitat. Changes in their population, behavior, or physiology can indicate environmental alterations, making them crucial for monitoring ecological changes and assessing human impacts on ecosystems. The ability of bioindicators to reflect fluctuations in environmental conditions due to various factors, including pollution, makes them invaluable in environmental assessment and conservation efforts. Why are Lichens Considered Good Biomonitors? Lichens, a symbiot... Read More...

Lichens Unveiled: Ecological Wonders

Feb 03, 2024
What are lichens? Lichens are fascinating composite organisms that arise from a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a photosynthetic partner, usually algae or cyanobacteria. The fungus provides a protective environment for the photosynthetic partner, which in turn produces organic compounds through photosynthesis to nourish both. This partnership enables lichens to thrive in a wide array of environments, from moist forests to arid deserts and polar tundras. Where can lichens be found? Lichens can be found worldwide, growing on various surfaces including tree ... Read More...

Yak Milk Products and Brokpa Livelihoods

Feb 03, 2024
Who are Brokpas? Brokpas are traditional yak herders residing in the Himalayan regions of India, known for their unique lifestyle of nomadic yak herding. They rely on ancient practices and a deep understanding of their ecosystem to rear yaks, an activity central to their culture and economy. What is Transhumance? Transhumance is the seasonal movement of people with their livestock between fixed summer and winter pastures. In the context of Brokpas, it involves migrating to high-altitude grazing grounds during warmer months and returning to lower elevations as tempera... Read More...

Mountain Treelines and Climate Change

Feb 03, 2024
What are mountain treelines? Mountain treelines represent the upper altitude limit at which trees can grow on mountains, creating a distinct boundary between dense forest vegetation below and treeless alpine vegetation above. These zones are characterized by harsh environmental conditions, making tree growth and survival challenging. Treelines are crucial for understanding ecological balance and serve as indicators of climate change effects due to their sensitivity to temperature changes. How does climate change affect mountain treelines? Climate change, particularly... Read More...

SAMAR Air Defence System

Feb 03, 2024
What is the SAMAR system? The Surface to Air Missile for Assured Retaliation (SAMAR) is a road-mobile, short-range air defence system developed by the Indian Air Force (IAF) to engage and neutralize low-flying aerial threats, including fighter jets, helicopters, and UAVs. Who developed the SAMAR system? The SAMAR system was developed by the IAF's Maintenance Command in collaboration with Indian private sector companies, Simran Flowtech Industries and Yamazuki Denki. What type of missiles does the SAMAR system use? Read More...

UN Bonn Summit: Framework for Hazardous Chemicals

Feb 03, 2024
UN Bonn Summit Adopts Framework to Mitigate Risks from Hazardous Chemicals Delegates at a United Nations (UN) Conference in Bonn, Germany, have adopted a groundbreaking global framework aimed at reducing environmental risks associated with chemicals and waste. This initiative, set forth on September 30, 2023, during the fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5), commits to phasing out the most harmful chemicals and promotes the development of safer alternatives. Key Highlights of the Framework: Phasing Out Hazardous Pesticides: By 2035, the framework targets the elimination of highly hazardous pesticides ... Read More...

India’s Progressive Measures

Feb 03, 2024
Health Sector Achievements: Ayushman Bharat Initiative: Creation of 30.3 crore Ayushman Bharat cards and facilitation of 6.2 crore hospital admissions. Primary Healthcare: Upgrade of over 1.6 lakh primary healthcare facilities to Ayushman Arogya Mandirs. E-Sanjeevani OPD Services: Usage by more than 17.4 crore patients in Ayushman Arogya Mandirs. Affordable Medication: Establishment of 10,000 Jan Aushadhi Kendras offering medicines at reduced prices. Tuberculosis (TB) Reduction: A 16% decrease in TB incidence and an 18% reduction in mortality from 2015 to 2022. Matern... Read More...

Atma Nirbharata in Defence: India’s Leap Towards Self-Reliance

Feb 03, 2024
India’s Strategic Move in Defence Indigenisation India’s pursuit of Atma Nirbharata (self-reliance) in defence production marks a significant stride towards bolstering national security and fostering economic growth. The Director of the Department of Defence Production, Amit Satija, highlighted this achievement at a state-level conclave for Defence MSMEs in Nagpur, showcasing India’s commitment to enhancing its defence capabilities through indigenous means. Key Highlights: Indigenisation Progress: Out of 4,666 defence items listed for indigenisation, India has successfully indigenised 2,... Read More...

Atma Nirbharata in Defence: India’s Leap Towards Self-Reliance

Feb 03, 2024
India’s Strategic Move in Defence Indigenisation India’s pursuit of Atma Nirbharata (self-reliance) in defence production marks a significant stride towards bolstering national security and fostering economic growth. The Director of the Department of Defence Production, Amit Satija, highlighted this achievement at a state-level conclave for Defence MSMEs in Nagpur, showcasing India’s commitment to enhancing its defence capabilities through indigenous means. Key Highlights: Indigenisation Progress: Out of 4,666 defence items listed for indigenisation, India has successfully indigenised 2,... Read More...

ASML Netherlands:Semiconductors

Feb 02, 2024
ASML, based in the Netherlands, is a leading company in the semiconductor industry, specializing in the development and manufacturing of photolithography machines. These machines are essential for producing integrated circuits (ICs), also known as microchips. Here are some science-based FAQs to explain the core of what ASML does: What is photolithography, and why is it important in chip manufacturing? Photolithography is a process used in semiconductor manufacturing to transfer geometric patterns onto a substrate or silicon wafer. This process is crucial for defining the intricate circuits of a micro... Read More...

PLI Scheme for Toys and Leather, Footwear Industries

Feb 02, 2024
Q: What is the PLI scheme mentioned in the interim Budget? A: The Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme is a government initiative designed to boost domestic manufacturing across various sectors by providing incentives linked to production levels. Q : Which sectors are the new PLI schemes targeting? A: The new PLI schemes are targeting the toys, leather, and footwear industries. Q: How much is the budgetary outlay for the PLI schemes for these sectors? A: The interim Budget has pegged disbursements f... Read More...

Bio-manufacturing Scheme

Feb 02, 2024
Q: What is the new bio-manufacturing scheme introduced in the interim Budget? A: The scheme, part of the 2024 Budget, is a groundbreaking initiative for bio-manufacturing and bio-foundry. It aims to integrate agricultural practices with environmental responsibility, fostering a green and more prosperous agricultural landscape. Q: How does the bio-manufacturing scheme align with government policies? A: It aligns with the government’s commitment to sustainable practices and innovation in various sectors, including healthcare, and underscores the focus on green ma... Read More...