
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

HIFU Treatment for Cancer

Feb 05, 2024
What is HIFU treatment? High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) treatment uses ultrasound waves to heat and destroy cancer cells. How does HIFU work? HIFU generates heat from ultrasound waves to kill cancer cells, a principle known for 10-15 years. Recent machines with AI have improved accuracy and reduced side effects. What advancements have been made in HIFU technology? New HIFU machines have AI sensors to accurately target cancer cells, minimizing damage to healthy tissue. Read More...

Government Panel Examining Population Growth in India

Feb 05, 2024
What is the government committee on population growth? A government committee is set up to look into India’s population growth and demographic changes to recommend policies. Who is on the committee? Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced plans for the committee, which will include experts to suggest social and demographic changes. What will the committee focus on? The committee will focus on India’s rapid population growth against developmental goals, resource management... Read More...

RBI’s Action Against Paytm Bank

Feb 05, 2024
What’s going on with Paytm Bank? The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has told Paytm Bank to stop adding new customers because of some issues with how the bank was being run. They can’t offer new credit cards or open new accounts right now. Can I still use my Paytm wallet and bank account? Yes, if you already have a Paytm wallet or bank account, you can still use it as usual. The bank’s services, like transferring money, are still working. What if I need to open a new fixed deposit with Paytm Bank? Read More...

India’s Demographic Trends and Family Planning

Feb 05, 2024
What demographic challenges is India facing? India’s challenge is managing its growing population to ensure sustainable development and resource allocation. What has been said about India’s population growth? Concerns have been raised about the impact of rapid population growth on resources and the need for effective family planning measures. What are the government’s objectives for family planning? The goal is to achieve population stabilization by 2045, promoting smaller family norms ... Read More...

WTO’s Dispute Settlement Mechanism Crisis

Feb 05, 2024
What is the dispute settlement mechanism in the WTO? The World Trade Organization’s dispute settlement mechanism (DSM) is a two-tiered process comprising a panel and an Appellate Body (AB). It is designed to resolve trade disputes between member countries. Why is there a crisis in the WTO’s DSM? The crisis stems from members avoiding compliance with adverse rulings and the U.S. blocking the appointment of new AB members, which has led to its functional paralysis since December 2019. What are the implications of the DSM c... Read More...

Reducing Post-Harvest Onion Loss Using Gamma Rays

Feb 05, 2024
What is the new method to reduce onion post-harvest loss? India’s premier nuclear research center, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), is using gamma rays to reduce post-harvest loss in onions, potentially cutting the loss rate from the usual 25-30% to 8.8%. How does gamma irradiation work to preserve onions? Gamma irradiation with cobalt-60 isotopes extends the shelf life of onions by slowing down the natural decomposition processes without harming the quality of the onions. What are the benefits of using gamma rays for oni... Read More...

AlUla’s Transformation and Saudi Vision 2030

Feb 05, 2024
What is the significance of the changes in AlUla? AlUla’s transformation is a symbol of Saudi Arabia’s broader modernization and liberalization efforts under Vision 2030. It showcases a shift from traditional to more progressive social norms, focusing on tourism, cultural exchange, and economic diversification. What is Saudi Vision 2030? Saudi Vision 2030 is a strategic framework to reduce Saudi Arabia’s dependence on oil, diversify its economy, and develop public service sectors such as health, education, infrastructure, recreation, and tourism. Read More...

Significance of Saroop in Sikhism

Feb 05, 2024
Saroop, often referred to as "Bir" in Punjabi, is the physical embodiment of Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the central religious scripture of Sikhism. This sacred text is not merely a book but is considered the living Guru by Sikhs worldwide. Each Saroop contains exactly 1,430 pages, known as Angs, a term that signifies 'limbs' to convey the integral parts of the body, reflecting the deep reverence Sikhs have for their holy scripture. The content on every Ang is meticulously preserved to ensure consistency across all Saroops, underlining the importance of maintaining the purity and authenticity of the divine words contained within. ... Read More...

Nagara Architecture

Feb 05, 2024
1. What is Nagara Architecture? Nagara architecture is one of the two great classical languages of Indian temple architecture, originating in northern India around the fifth century CE. It is characterized by a distinct architectural style known for its towering shikhara (spire), raised plinth, sanctum sanctorum (garbha griha), and often, a circumambulatory path and mandapas (halls). This style contrasts with the Dravida style prevalent in southern India. 2. Why is Nagara architecture referred to as a 'language' of architecture? Adam Hardy, in his influential... Read More...

Maratha Military Landscape UNESCO World Heritage Nomination

Feb 05, 2024
1. What is the Maratha Military Landscape? The Maratha Military Landscape refers to a group of 12 fortifications across Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, India, representing the military prowess and architectural genius of the Maratha rulers from the 17th to the 19th centuries. These forts showcase the strategic military intelligence, geographical diversity, and innovative architectural features of the Maratha Empire. 2. Why has the Maratha Military Landscape been nominated for the UNESCO World Heritage List? The Ministry of Culture of India nominated the Maratha Military ... Read More...

Climate Change Terms

Feb 05, 2024
Climate change terminology is becoming increasingly prevalent in discussions about the environment and sustainability. This glossary simplifies and explains essential terms to enhance understanding and communication on this critical issue. 1. Mitigation Mitigation refers to strategies and actions aimed at reducing the severity of climate change. This involves cutting down greenhouse gas emissions—primarily by moving away from fossil fuel usage—and enhancing natural systems like forests and oceans that can absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. 2. Adaptation Adaptation involves adjustin... Read More...

Climate Phenomena: El Niño, La Niña, and the Indian Monsoon

Feb 05, 2024
El Niño: El Niño is a warm phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and is associated with a band of warm ocean water that develops in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. It can lead to a significant shift in weather patterns across the globe, typically resulting in drier and warmer conditions in certain regions, including a weaker monsoon in India. La Niña: La Niña is the cold phase of ENSO, characterized by cooler than normal ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific. In India, La Niña is often linked to more robust monsoon seasons, with incre... Read More...

The Punganur Cow

Feb 03, 2024
Originating from the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India, stands as a remarkable example of the country’s rich biodiversity and cultural heritage. Renowned for being one of the world’s smallest cattle breeds, it embodies unique characteristics that distinguish it from other livestock. Key Characteristics of the Punganur Cow: Size and Appearance: Punganur cows are notably small, with an average height of 70-90 cm and a weight range of 115-200 kg, making them smaller than a Great Dane. They possess a broad forehead, short, crescent-shaped horns, and a long, thin tail. Their color varies from mainly white and l... Read More...

Coastal Cities and Mangrove Loss

Feb 03, 2024
What are mangroves? Mangroves are a group of tree and shrub species that grow in coastal intertidal zones. They are known for their dense root systems that stabilize coastlines, protect against erosion, and provide habitat for a wide variety of marine and terrestrial species. Why are mangroves important for coastal cities? Mangroves play a crucial role in protecting coastal cities from climate change-related hazards such as sea level rise, coastal erosion, flooding, and storm surges. They also contribute to reducing the Urban Heat Island Effect, sequestering atmosphe... Read More...

Salinity and Mangrove Zonation

Feb 03, 2024
What is mangrove zonation? Mangrove zonation refers to the distinct distribution pattern of mangrove species across different areas within a mangrove ecosystem, often observed as a gradient from the sea towards the land. This pattern is primarily influenced by varying degrees of salinity, which affects the ability of different species to thrive in specific zones. How does salinity influence mangrove zonation? Salinity influences mangrove zonation by determining the species distribution based on their tolerance levels to salt. Species that can tolerate high salinity l... Read More...