
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Jyotirindranath Tagore: The Forgotten Luminary of Bengal’s Cultural Renaissance

Mar 05, 2024
In the late 19th century, Kolkata’s Jorasanko witnessed the creative confluence of two brothers, Jyotirindranath and Rabindranath Tagore, who played instrumental roles in shaping Bengal’s cultural ethos. While Rabindranath Tagore’s legacy as a literary titan is celebrated worldwide, Jyotirindranath, a multifaceted artist and a visionary in his own right, remains largely overshadowed. Born into the illustrious Tagore family, Jyotirindranath was not only a respected playwright and musician but also a pioneering figure in Bengali theatre, alongside contemporaries like Girish Chandra Ghosh and Dwijendralal Roy. Despite his contributio... Read More...

ISRO's Leap: Semi-Cryo Facility Boosts India's Space Dreams

Mar 05, 2024
ISRO’s New Testing Facility: A Leap Towards India’s Astronaut Dream-Semi-Cryogenic Integrated Engine and Stage Test Facility The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has inaugurated a significant upgrade at its Propulsion Complex in Mahendragiri, Tamil Nadu, with the establishment of the Semi-Cryogenic Integrated Engine and Stage Test Facility. This development is a crucial step in the testing and advancement of India’s cryogenic rocket engines, which are essential for the nation’s aspirations in space exploration and astronaut missions. The facility, which was launched by Prime Minister Narendra M... Read More...

India's New Trisonic Wind Tunnel: Propelling the Nation's Space Ambitions

Mar 05, 2024
India's space program has taken a significant leap forward with the inauguration of a trisonic wind tunnel (TWT) at the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) in Kerala. This state-of-the-art facility marks a turning point in the nation's ability to design and develop advanced rockets. Understanding Wind Tunnels and their Significance: Wind tunnels are specialized facilities that recreate airflow conditions around objects, allowing scientists to analyze their aerodynamic properties. This analysis is critical for designing efficient and stable rockets that can withstand the immense f... Read More...

Deep Tech Takes Root at IISc Bangalore, Ushering in a New Era of Innovation

Mar 04, 2024
The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bangalore is rapidly establishing itself as a breeding ground for India's deep tech revolution. Its Foundation for Science, Innovation and Development (FSID) incubation cell acts as a nurturing ground for a diverse range of promising startups pushing the boundaries of technological innovation. Understanding Deep Tech: Beyond the Buzzword Deep tech, often referred to as deep science, signifies advancements in technology with inherent commercial value and practical applications. It's not just about theoretical exploration in the ivory tower... Read More...

AI in Resource Management:Sustainable Development

Mar 04, 2024
What role does AI play in resource management? AI plays a crucial role in analyzing vast amounts of data to make predictions, optimize resource allocation, and offe... Read More...

FAQs: Seized Ship and Alleged Nuclear Cargo

Mar 04, 2024
FAQs: Seized Ship and Alleged Nuclear Cargo Q: What is the situation with the ship seized by India in January 2024 A: The status of the Karachi-bound ship, CMA CGM Attila, seized by India in Mumbai in January 2024, is embroiled in controversy. Pakistan asserts the ship carried commercial cargo, specifically a lathe machine destined for a Karachi-based company in the auto industry. They vehemently deny any link to nuclear activities, condemning the seizure as unjustified and a breach of international norms. They emphasize the transaction's transparency and the machine's exclusively civilian applications. However, I... Read More...

Patanjali’s Penalization and Misleading Advertisements

Mar 04, 2024
Why did the Court penalize Patanjali? The Supreme Court penalized Patanjali for discrediting allopathy in its advertising campaigns and for promoting products as ‘permanent relief’ for chronic conditions, which was deemed misleading and a violation of the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954. Is the Drugs and Magic Remedies Act, 1954, ineffective in stopping misleading ads? The Act faces challenges in enforcement, leading to few convictions. Despite mechanisms to identify and penalize misleading... Read More...

Immunity of Legislators from Bribery Charges: P.V. Narasimha Rao Case and the Sita Soren Case

Mar 04, 2024
The majority judgement interpreted the phrase "in respect of anything said or any vote given" in these articles broadly. They reasoned that as long as the alleged bribe was connected to a vote or speech given in the legislature, the legislator was protected from criminal prosecution. This interpretation extended immunity even to acts like offering or accepting bribes, as long as they were linked to the legislative process. Criticisms of the Narasimha Rao Judgement: Erosion of public trust: Critic... Read More...

The Rising Force of the Pink Economy in India

Mar 04, 2024
The concept of the “pink economy” is gaining momentum in India, marking a significant shift in societal attitudes and economic strategies. This term refers to the economic activities and potential of the LGBTQIA+ community, a demographic increasingly recognized for its influence on consumer behavior, corporate practices, and the broader economic framework. The evolution towards a more inclusive society underscores the power and potential of the pink economy as a dynamic force in resh... Read More...

Gaganyaan Mission: Elevating India’s Space Ambitions

Mar 04, 2024
1. What is Gaganyaan and its significance for India? Gaganyaan is ISRO’s mission to send Indian astronauts to low-Earth orbit using an Indian launch vehicle. It marks India’s first human spaceflight mission, aiming to demonstrate various technologies required for human spaceflight. This mission underscores India’s capability in human space exploration, aligning with ambitious goals like launching an indigenous space station by 2035 and landing an Indian on the moon by 2040. 2. What are the primary goals laid down by ISRO for Gaganyaan? Read More...

Deep Dive: India's Population Committee and the Demographic Dividend

Mar 04, 2024
India's Demographic Landscape: India recently surpassed China as the world's most populous nation, with an estimated 1.428 billion people in 2023. This large population presents both opportunities and challenges. Notably, India boasts a young demographic, with around 68% of its population falling within the prime working-age group (15-64 years). This presents a unique window of opportunity to leverage a demographic dividend, a period of potential economic boom due to a high ratio of working-age ... Read More...

Nature's Transit Passengers: Migratory Species

Mar 04, 2024
Nature's "transit passengers" refer to the vast array of migratory species that traverse long distances across the globe, following innate biological cues to survive, breed, and thrive. These migratory journeys are critical ecological phenomena, highlighting the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the remarkable adaptability of wildlife. The Essence of Migration Migration is a survival strategy employed by various species, including birds, fish, mammals, insects, and even some reptiles and a... Read More...

Launch of Umbrella Organization for Urban Cooperative Banks

Mar 04, 2024
On March 2, 2024, a significant development in the Indian banking sector was announced with the inauguration of the National Urban Cooperative Finance and Development Corporation Limited (NUCFDC). This new entity is set to play a pivotal role in enhancing the operational standards and regulatory compliance of urban cooperative banks (UCBs) across the country. The NUCFDC aims to facilitate the integration of UCBs into the broader banking ecosystem by ensuring their adherence to the Banking Regulation Act. This move is anticipated to bolster the competitiveness and sustainability of these banks in the evolving financial landscape... Read More...

Enhancing India’s Maritime Security: The Commissioning of INS Jatayu

Mar 04, 2024
The Indian Navy is poised to significantly boost its operational capabilities with the commissioning of INS Jatayu, a new naval base at Minicoy Island in the strategically crucial Lakshadweep archipelago, on March 6, 2024. This development marks a significant step in augmenting India’s security infrastructure in the region, building on the foundation laid by the existing naval base, INS Dweeprakshak, in Kavaratti, Kerala. Read More...

Plastic Pollution in the Himalayas

Mar 04, 2024
1. How big is the plastic problem in the Himalayas? The Himalayas are facing a severe plastic pollution crisis. Studies have found microplastics in the region's mountains, rivers, lakes, and streams, even reaching the heart of glaciers. This widespread contamination threatens the fragile Himalayan ecosystem. Read More...