
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

ISRO’s Second Rocket Launchport in Tamil Nadu’s Kulasekarapattinam

Mar 07, 2024
Why is ISRO building a second rocket launchport in Kulasekarapattinam, Tamil Nadu? ISRO’s decision to establish a second launchport in Kula... Read More...

Declaring ‘Orans’ as Deemed Forests in Rajasthan

Mar 07, 2024
1. What are ‘orans’? Orans are sacred groves recognized by communities in Rajasthan for their cultural, religious, and ecological significance. These areas serve various purposes, including cattle herding, pastures, and sources of forest produce like gum, timber, and wild vegetables. 2. Why is there opposition to declaring orans as deemed forests? The main concerns stem from fears of losing access to forest produce and livelihoods. Villagers worry that the declaration will restrict their ab... Read More...

Women Who Contributed to the Indian Constitution

Mar 07, 2024
1. How many women were part of the Constituent Assembly that drafted the Indian Constitution? There... Read More...

RBI and Bank Indonesia Sign MoU for Local Currency Use in Bilateral Transactions

Mar 07, 2024
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Bank Indonesia have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to foster the use of their local currencies, the Indian Rupee (INR) and Indonesian Rupiah (IDR), for cross-border transactions. Signed by RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das and Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo on March 7, 2024, this agreement aims to streamline and optimize cross-border financial operations between India and Indonesia.   Key Points of the MoU: Promotion of Local Currencies: The agreement is centered around the use of INR and IDR in bilateral transactions to reduce reliance on third-party currencies... Read More...

New Rules for Exotic Wild Animals in Captivity in India

Mar 07, 2024
What are the new rules about? The Indian government has introduced rules for owning and breeding exotic wild animals in captivity. These rules are established under Section 49M of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, to ensure better regulation and control over the possession and breeding of endangered exotic animals. Why were these rules introduced? The need for such regulations became evident after the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the risks associated with the illegal wildlife trade and the possibility of zoonotic diseases originating from wildlife mark... Read More...

Ecological Classifications in India

Mar 07, 2024
Understanding the hierarchical ecological classifications, from ecoregions to bioregions and ecological realms, is essential for grasping the complexity of India's biodiversity and environmental management. Here, we provide detailed insights into these classifications through frequently asked questions, specifically focusing on Indian examples. What is an Ecoregion? An ecoregion is an area defined by its ecological distinctiveness, primarily its natural communities and species. It represents a relatively homogeneous area that is ecologically coh... Read More...

Ecoregions of India: Nature's Diversity in Environmental Symphony

Mar 07, 2024
1. What is an ecoregion? An ecoregion is a large area of land or water that contains a geographically distinct assemblage of natural communities. These communities share a majority of their species, dynamics, and environmental conditions. Ecoregions represent large areas of the earth's surface where a combination of natural features such as forests, rivers, grasslands, and related flora and fauna, form a relatively uniform environmental unit.   2. How are ecoregions in India classified? Ecoregions in India are classified based on their ecological patterns and environmental characteristics.... Read More...

GLOFs: Understanding, Risks, and Mitigation Strategies in the Himalayas

Mar 07, 2024
1. What is a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF)? A GLOF is a sudden and catastrophic flood caused by the release of a large amount of water from a glacial lake. This can happen when the dam containing the lake, which can be made of ice, rock, or sediment, fails. 2. What causes GLOFs? Climate change and the resulting glacier retreat are the primary causes of GLOFs. As glaciers melt, they form new lakes and enlarge existing ones. These lakes can become unstable and prone to sudden outbursts if the dam holding them back weakens or fai... Read More...

Trailblazers: Women in Indian Science

Mar 07, 2024
The narrative of Indian science is enriched by women who, despite facing systemic barriers, have made significant contributions across various scientific fields. Their perseverance and achievements have paved the way for future generations, challenging stereotypes and promoting gender equality in science. Read More...

FAQs on INS Jatayu and Developments in Lakshadweep

Mar 07, 2024
What is INS Jatayu? INS Jatayu is a newly established naval base on Minicoy Island in the Lakshadweep archipelago. It aims to enhance India’s maritime domain awareness and response capabilities in the Indian Ocean. Why is INS Jatayu significant? Positioned to monitor critical sea lines of communication, INS Jatayu strengthens India’s maritime security, guarding against piracy, unauthorized research, and threats from increasing ... Read More...

Understanding Urban Agglomeration in India

Mar 06, 2024
Urban Agglomeration (UA) is a term used in the Census of India to describe a continuous urban spread. It encompasses a statutory town (with a municipality, corporation, cantonment board, or notified town area committee) and its adjoining outgrowths (OGs), or two or more contiguous towns with or without their outgrowths. The primary criteria for an area to be classified as an Urban Agglomeration are: 1. The presence of at least one statutory town, 2. A total population of not less than 20,000 as per the last Census. Examples of Urban Agglomerations in India include Greater Mumbai UA and Delhi UA. The concept acco... Read More...

Climate Change and Women FAQs

Mar 06, 2024
How does climate change disproportionately affect women? Dependence on natural resources: Women in developing countries often rely heavily on agriculture and natural resources for their livelihoods. Climate change disrupts these resources, impacting their income and food security more than men. Limited access to resources: Women may have less access to land, credit, and decision-making power, hindering their ability to adapt to climate change and invest in new income sources. Increased workload: Climate change can lead to water scarcity and decreased agricultural productivity, forcing women to spend m... Read More...

Anthropocene:Epoch or Event

Mar 06, 2024
Geologists recently rejected a proposal to formally define the Anthropocene as a geological epoch. However, the concept of the Anthropocene, understood as an ongoing event of human transformation on Earth, remains valuable for scientific understanding and discussion. A Narrowly Defined Epoch Rejected: Scientists proposed marking the beginning of the Anthropocene in 1952, coinciding with nuclear bomb testing fallout. Geologists opposed this narrow timeframe, arguing it fails to capture the full scope of human influence on Earth. Arguments for a Broader Perspective: Read More...

Invasive Species Threat in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Mar 06, 2024
1. What is the main threat to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands' ecosystems? The main threat is the introduction of invasive species from the mainland, including plants and animals like elephants, goats, bullfrogs, birds, and snails.   2. How do invasive species harm the islands' ecosystem? Invasive species disrupt the delicate balance of the native flora and fauna. They can: Outcompete native species for resources: This can lead to the decline or even extinction of native plants and animals. Cause physical damage: Large mammals like elephants can damag... Read More...

India’s First Dolphin Research Centre in Patna

Mar 06, 2024
1. What is the National Dolphin Research Centre (NDRC)? The NDRC is India’s first-ever research facility dedicated to the study and conservation of freshwater dolphins, especially those in the Ganges River. It is located on the banks of the Ganges inside the Patna University campus.   2. When was the NDRC inaugurated? The NDRC was inaugurated on a Monday in March 2024 by Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.   3. How much did the NDRC cost to build? The construction of the NDRC cost Rs 30 crore.   4. What is... Read More...