
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

C-Section Trend and Midwifery in Andhra Pradesh

Mar 27, 2024
What is a C-section? A C-section, or Cesarean section, is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through incisions in the abdomen and uterus. It’s often used when vaginal delivery would put the baby or mother at risk. Why is Andhra Pradesh focusing on C-section rates? Andhra Pradesh has one of the highest rates of C-sections in India, second only to Telangana. The state is focusing on this issue due to concerns about ... Read More...

La Niña’s Impact on India’s Monsoon Season

Mar 27, 2024
What is La Niña? La Niña is a climate pattern characterized by cooler than average sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. It’s part of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and has a significant impact on global weather patterns. How does La Niña affect India’s monsoon? La Niña typically enhances the monsoon rainfall in India. It can lead to above-norma... Read More...

Central Asian Flyway: Insights from Kelambakkam

Mar 27, 2024
The Central Asian Flyway encompasses a vast geographical route, extending from the northern breeding grounds in Siberia and Northern Europe to the southern wintering grounds in the Indian subcontinent and parts of Africa. Kelambakkam, located near Chennai in the southeastern part of India, plays a pivotal role in this migratory path, serving as a critical stopover for numerous wader species embarking on their annual migration. On March 25, 2024, the Kelambakkam-Covelong brackish water system was observed to host a significant congr... Read More...

Abel Prize: Recognizing Excellence in Mathematics

Mar 27, 2024
The Abel Prize, often regarded as the Nobel Prize for mathematicians, has been awarded in 2024 to French mathematician Michael Talagrand. This prestigious award acknowledges his significant contributions to probability theory and functional analysis, with profound applications in mathematical physics and statistics. The prize is a celebration of excellence in the mathematical sciences, a field that, unlike others, was not included in Alfred Nobel’s original set of Nobel Prizes. Awarded annually by the King of Norway, the Abel... Read More...

Operation Sankalp and the Houthi Threat

Mar 27, 2024
1. What is Operation Sankalp? Operation Sankalp is a maritime security operation conducted by the Indian Navy in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). It aims to protect merchant vessels and ensure maritime security against piracy, drone attacks, and threats from non-state actors, including the Houthi rebels. 2. Why was Operation Sankalp initiated? The operation was initiated in response to increasing ma... Read More...

Unpaid Domestic Work in India

Mar 27, 2024
1. What constitutes unpaid domestic work? Unpaid domestic work includes a wide range of activities carried out within the household, such as food preparation, cleaning, maintenance, care of children and the elderly, shopping for the household, and transporting goods or people within the family context. 2. How does the unpaid domestic workload differ between men and women in India? In India, women undertake unpaid domestic chores... Read More...

Preservation Challenges for India’s Monuments

Mar 27, 2024
What are the main factors causing the disappearance of India’s monuments? 1. Urbanization and Illegal Development: The encroachment and sometimes demolition of heritage sites for new construction projects due to rapid urban expansion. 2. Insufficient Funding and Staffing: Limited resources available to the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) affect its ability to manage and preserve historical sites. 3. Outdated Conservation Methods: Reliance on traditional techni... Read More...

Sustainable Agriculture: IPM in India

Mar 27, 2024
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) represents a cornerstone of sustainable farming practices in India, emphasizing a holistic approach to pest control. This method is instrumental in reducing health and environmental risks while enhancing agricultural productivity. As of 2024, the global market size for IPM solutions is valued at $142 billion, underscoring the widespread adoption and significance of these practices. Core Principles of IPM IPM is based on a set of principles designed to manage p... Read More...

Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K)

Mar 27, 2024
ISIS:Islamic State’s Resurgence and Security Implications 1. What is the Islamic State (IS)? Read More...

Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) Challenges and Milestones

Mar 27, 2024
The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), initiated by the United States in May 2022, represents a significant effort to establish a comprehensive economic engagement with countries in the Indo-Pacific region. The framework aims to address a variety of economic challenges and opportunities through four pillars: supply chains, clean economy, fair economy, and trade. However, as the recent virtual IPEF ministers’ meeting in Thailand highlighted, there are substantial challenges in fully concluding and implementing the framework, especially ahead of the US presidential election in November. Read More...

Sea Ice: Crucial Climate Player and its Impact on India

Mar 27, 2024

Climate Change and the Global Water Crisis

Mar 27, 2024
The nexus between climate change and water scarcity is reshaping the global landscape, underscoring an urgent need for adaptive strategies and sustainable management of water resources. As climate change accelerates, its impact on the planet’s water systems becomes increasingly profound, manifesting in altered precipitation patterns, more frequent and intense droughts, and a general exacerbation of water-related challenges. Impact on Rainfall and Water Availability: Climate change disrupts the globa... Read More...

Usha Mehta and Her Secret Radio in 1942

Mar 27, 2024
Usha Mehta (1920-2000) was a prominent Indian freedom fighter who played a significant role during the Indian independence movement, notably for her involvement in setting up an underground radio station in 1942. This initiative was a part of the Quit India Movement, a mass protest demanding an end to British rule in India. Background of the Quit India Movement: The Quit India Movement was launched in August 1942 by Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National Congress. It was a civil disobedience mov... Read More...

Climate Change and Drinking Water Crisis: Indian Experience

Mar 27, 2024
Climate change is exacerbating the water crisis in India, a country that is home to over a billion people. As temperatures rise, precipitation patterns change, and extreme weather events become more frequent, India’s water sources are under significant stress. Here are some examples that highlight the impact of climate change on drinking water availability in India: 1. Shrinking Glaciers in the Himalayas: • The Himalayas, which are the source of major rivers such as the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Indus, are experiencing... Read More...

Shift from US Dollar Dominance to Alternative Reserve Currencies

Mar 26, 2024
1. Why is the US dollar’s dominance in global reserves declining? The US dollar’s share of global foreign-exchange reserves is decreasing due to several factors. These include the relative economic decline of the US, the utilization of the dollar in imposing sanctions, the rise of alternative currencies like the euro and Chinese renminbi, and geopolitical tensions that push countries to seek alternatives to reduce dependency on the dollar. 2. What are alternative reserve currencies? Read More...