



How to Study World Geography with Maps for UPSC

Strategy to prepare Geography of the world subject for IAS Exam. If you are preparing for UPSC Civil Services Prelims exam then you would know that studying maps is an integral part of IAS preparation. Map related questions are asked in Preliminary Exam and it is also very important in the optional subject paper of Geography in UPSC Main Exam. In general you can expect 9 to 10 questions from the Maps section in the Preliminary exam. We know that in earlier exams earlier you were given blank maps and had to mark places etc on that map, but now you are not given maps, only the questions contain names of places and you have to place them in t... Read More...

How to Prepare CSAT for UPSC Prelims

The Civil Service Aptitude Test also known as CSAT is a qualifying paper in the UPSC Civil Services Prelims exam. Aspirants need to achieve a minimum of 33% marks in this paper. It may appear to be a walk in the park, but if you are familiar with the UPSC CSE uncertainty, you know that getting the minimum marks will require thorough preparation. You need to have a well-thought-out strategy to master the CSAT paper. First of all, it should be noted that CSAT takes significantly less time compared to GS paper 1. You only need to get a minimum of 66 marks out of 200 to pass the paper. So, there is no need for you t... Read More...

Important Articles of the Indian Constitution

India is the world's largest democratic country. Our Indian constitution was adopted on January 26, 1950, after nearly 200 years of colonial rule, countless freedom struggles, the Indian national movement, sectarian violence, and a historic legacy. The Constitution defines the duties and responsibilities of the three branches of government: the judiciary, legislative and executive. The Indian Constitution has several important articles that define a person's fundamental rights, political rules, procedures, and duties. Hence, this article will help us in learning about all of the important articles of the Indian Constitution.   Read More...

About Indian Revenue Service (IRS)

The Indian Revenue Service (IRS) is the administrative revenue Group A civil service in the Government of India. IRS serves the country by carrying out one of the main sovereign functions, i.e. revenue collection for development, security and governance. It functions under the Ministry of Finance's Revenue Department and is administered by the Revenue Secretary and the Ministerial Command. The IRS has two branches, Indian Revenue Service for (Income Tax) and Indian Revenue Service for (Custom & Indirect Taxes). These are governed by two bodies Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC). ... Read More...

Helicopter Money and Universal Basic Income

The term "helicopter money" was first coined by Milton Friedman in 1969. Helicopter money is a form of unconventional monetary policy under which central banks would distribute money to citizens. It is similar to but is a slightly different idea of basic income. Helicopter money has a narrow purpose: to stimulate economic activity by boosting people’s incomes under specific circumstances, that is, when the economy is under threat of deflation due to recession. In 2020, the US legislative system debated issuing two times a $1,000 check to each eligible adult citizen, described by media as 'Helicopter Money', as... Read More...

Recent Reforms in Space Sector

Why is there such unprecedented thrust to the private sector in the space sector? For some decades now, the private sector in India is involved in space sector development. Many components making up a large part of the manufacturing and fabrication of rockets and satellites already are in the hands of the private sector, including research institutions. But the need to increase their role and make them into a strategic partner is acute. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) needs to focus on research and development while leaving the rest to the private sector. Keeping this in ... Read More...

Is the President of India Impeached or Removed or Both?

Art.61deals with the Presidential impeachment and it is clearly and categorically titled “Impeachment”. But the Article also uses the word removal. Therefore, there is a need for closer analysis. It is important to understand what impeachment means. Commonly, it is used synonymously with removal from office. However, the actual meaning is different. Impeachment is the process by which either House of Parliament levels charges against a Constitutional authority. Such a legislative move does not remove the authority from office. It sets in motion investigation by the other House or any other agency. If the charges are upheld and the other House passes a motion for... Read More...

Forex Reserves at 500 Billion US Dollars

June 2020 is historic for India as the foreign exchange reserves with the reserve bank of India went past the mark of 500 billion US dollars. It is one hundred times the amount RBI held forty years back when India suffered the worst sovereign debt crisis. What is meant by forex reserves? They are made up of Foreign currencies like US dollar Gold Special Drawing Rights of the International Monetary Fund Certain amount of foreign currency held with the IMF as a security deposit called reserve tranche Read More...

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