
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

A Life on Thin Ice: Greenland's Inuit Polar Bear Hunters

Jun 21, 2024
Who are the Inuit hunters? Inuit hunters, like Hjelmer Hammeken, are indigenous people of Greenland who rely on traditional hunting methods to survive. They hunt seals, polar bears, and other Arctic wildlife for food and resources. How has climate change impacted their way of life? • Ice Conditions: The Arctic is warming four times faster than the global average, causing the ice to melt earlier and form later. This reduces the time hunters can ... Read More...


Jun 21, 2024
Why is Putin visiting North Korea? Putin is visiting North Korea to meet with Kim Jong Un amid growing military cooperation between the two countries. This visit is part of a broader effort to strengthen ties as both nations face increasing confrontations with the United States. When is the visit? Putin’s visit to North Korea is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday. What are the main topics of discu... Read More...


Jun 21, 2024
What makes diapers so absorbent? Diapers use a material called super-absorbent polymer (SAP), which can absorb large amounts of liquid due to its molecular structure and the presence of sodium ions. How does SAP work? SAP has a mesh-like molecular structure. When it contacts water, the sodium ions in SAP attract water molecules, which then get trapped in the mesh, forming a gel. Why do water molecules ... Read More...


Jun 21, 2024
Who are mercenaries? Mercenaries are individuals recruited to fight in armed conflicts primarily for personal gain, without being nationals of or officially sent by a party to the conflict. They are not entitled to prisoner-of-war status. What has happened to Indian nationals in Russia? Indian nationals have been lured by promises of lucrative jobs and have ended up fighting in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Nearly 100 Indians were recruited by the Russian Army under ... Read More...


Jun 21, 2024
The Ageing Phenomenon • Longevity and Low Reproduction: The 21st century has seen remarkable improvements in human longevity coupled with low reproduction rates, leading to an ageing population. • Redefining Ageing: Ageing is increasingly viewed not just in terms of age but also considering related functional aspects and evolving vulnerabilities. Key Vulnerabilities in India ... Read More...

ATCM-46: Ensuring Antarctica Remains a Pristine Wilderness

Jun 21, 2024
 Current Status of Antarctic Tourism Tourism Growth: Since the 1990s, tourist numbers have surged from a few thousand to over 100,000 in the 2022-23 season. The International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) estimates 118,089 tourists for the 2023-24 season.  Main Contributors: The United States and China account for over 40% of tourists.  Activities: Tourists engage in wildlife observation, photography, mountain climbi... Read More...


Jun 21, 2024
Pros 1. Economic Development: • The project is expected to significantly boost economic activities on Great Nicobar Island through the development of a trans-shipment port, an international airport, and township development. • It aims to create jobs and stimulate local businesses, contributing to the overall economic growth of the region. 2. Strategic Advantage: • The trans-shipment port would enhance India’s strategic presence i... Read More...


Jun 21, 2024
 What is Digi Yatra? Digi Yatra is a digital processing system for air travelers that uses facial recognition technology to enable paperless movement through various checkpoints at airports.  Where else could Digi Yatra be implemented? Digi Yatra could be expanded to hotels, rail travel, and public places such as historical monuments. Discussions are ongoing with government agencies, including the Tourism Ministry and the Railway Ministr... Read More...


Jun 21, 2024
Introduction Breakdancing, originating from the streets of the South Bronx over 50 years ago, will debut as an Olympic sport at the Paris 2024 Summer Games. Recognized as one of the core elements of hip-hop, breakdancing has evolved from a street art form to a globally recognized dance sport. Read More...

KAVACH: Enhancing Railway Safety

Jun 21, 2024
Kavach is an indigenously-developed Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system designed by the Research Design and Standards Organisation (RSCO) in collaboration with three Indian firms. Its primary objective is to enhance railway safety by preventing accidents, particularly in scenarios where two trains are on the same track. Key Features of Kavach: 1. Automatic Braking System: Kavach controls train speed by automatically applying brakes if the locomotive driver fails to do so in time. This feature helps pr... Read More...

Dancing Girl from Harappa

Jun 21, 2024
DANCING GIRL FROM HARAPPA AND THE TERRACOTTA FEMALE FIGURINES The “Dancing Girl” is one of the most famous artifacts discovered from the Harappan civilization, which is part of the Indus Valley Civilization. Here are some key points about this artifact: Read More...


Jun 21, 2024
Art. 72: President's Power to Pardon This constitutional provision empowers the President of India to grant pardons, reprieves, respites, or remissions of punishment, or commute the sentence of any person convicted of any offense. This power is a safeguard against possible judicial errors and a means to provide relief in cases of unduly harsh sentences. Rationale: The rationale behind this power is twofold: To correct judicial errors: Read More...

Skill census:The need in India

Jun 20, 2024
1. What is a skill census? A skill census is a comprehensive assessment conducted to evaluate the skill levels and capabilities of a population within a specific region or country. 2. Why is a skill census important? A skill census helps governments and organizations understand the existing skill gaps, identify areas for improvement, and tailor educational and training programs to meet current and future workforce demands. Read More...

Differences Between Black, White, and Yellow Tigers

Jun 20, 2024
Understanding the World of Tigers Tigers, the largest of all Asian big cats, exhibit striking color variations that distinguish them visually and reflect their unique genetic and environmental backgrounds. This article explores the differences between black tigers, white tigers, and yellow tigers, highlighting their genetic anomalies and conservation statuses. Black Tigers Black tigers, or melanistic tigers, are a rare genetic variation of the Bengal tige... Read More...


Jun 20, 2024
What is Green Diplomacy? Green diplomacy refers to the use of diplomatic strategies and international cooperation to address global environmental challenges, promote sustainable development, and implement climate-friendly policies. It involves negotiating agreements, forming alliances, and engaging in dialogues to combat climate change, preserve biodiversity, and transition to renewable energy sources. Why India Needs Green Diplomacy India, as a rapidly d... Read More...