
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Ringwoodite: Deep-Earth Insights in India

Apr 18, 2024
It is a fascinating mineral known for its unique properties and occurrences deep within the Earth's mantle. 1. What is ringwoodite? Read More...


Apr 18, 2024
Japan is experiencing a profound demographic shift characterized by a rapid decline in its native population. This issue has placed Japan at the forefront of global demographic challenges, with significant implications across various sectors: 1. Demographic Trends: The native population of Japan decreased by 837,000 in the last year, a record since measurements began in 1950. This marks the 13th consecutive year of population decline. The daily loss averages nearly 2,293 individuals, approximately ... Read More...

Thwaites Ice Shelf:The "Doomsday Glacier"

Apr 18, 2024
1. Why is Thwaites Ice Shelf referred to as the "Doomsday Glacier"? Thwaites Ice Shelf has earned the nickname "Doomsday Glacier" because of its significant size and the extreme risk it poses to global sea levels. If Thwaite... Read More...

Ice Shelves of Antarctica Under Threat

Apr 18, 2024
1. What are ice shelves? Ice shelves are massive, floating extensions of continental ice sheets that extend into and over the ocean. They are anchored to the land but spread out over the water, forming a barrier that slows the flow of glaciers ... Read More...

Soil Liquefaction in India

Apr 18, 2024
It is a phenomenon where saturated or nearly saturated soil loses a significant amount of its strength and stiffness when subjected to stress, such as earthquake shaking. This causes the soil to behave more like a liquid than a solid. 1. What causes soi... Read More...

India Ageing Report 2023

Apr 18, 2024
1. What are the primary findings of the India Ageing Report 2023? The India Ageing Report 2023, prepared by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the International Institute of Population Sciences (IIPS), highlights several key aspects of aging in India. These include an expected increase in the elderly population to 20.8% by 2050, a shifting gender ratio with more elderly women than men, and increasing life expectancy that contributes to a larger aging population. The report emphasizes th... Read More...

Cluster Development Programme:CDP-SURAKSHA

Apr 17, 2024
What is CDP-SURAKSHA? CDP-SURAKSHA is a new digital platform developed by the Union government. The acronym SURAKSHA stands for “Secure Inclusive Knowledge And Secure Horticulture Assistance”. It is designed to disburse subsidies to cluster farmers under the Cluster Development Prog... Read More...

Kali Paltan Mandir in Meerut: A Historical Overview

Apr 17, 2024
Introduction to Kali Paltan Mandir: Kali Paltan Mandir, also known as the Augarnath Temple, is located in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India. This temple holds significant historical importance due to its association with the Indian Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, which is often regarded as the first war of Indian independence against British rule. Historical Significance:... Read More...

MGNREGA:Past 10 years.

Apr 17, 2024
Summary: MGNREGA, viewed initially as “utterly poorly” by the government, has seen significant changes and improvements over time. Technological transitions and monitoring systems like the National Mobile Monitoring System (NMMS) have been introduced, although they have faced substantial challenges. Despite these hurdles, MGNREGA’s importance has been repeatedly reinforced with increased budgetary allocations. Read More...

10 Years of MGNREGA

Apr 17, 2024
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is a significant social security measure in India that guarantees the ‘right to work’. Over the past decade, the performance of MGNREGA has seen considerable changes and improvements. Here’s a more detailed overview: Read More...

Understanding Amar Singh Chamkila

Apr 17, 2024
Q:  Who was Amar Singh Chamkila? A: A highly popular and controversial Punjabi singer in the 1980s, known for his earthy lyrics and social commentary, who was tragically assassinated at a young age. Q: Why are people discussing his work now? A: A new biopic about Chamkila has sparked debate about his legacy, representation, and the complexities of caste and class in Punjabi society. Read More...

ISRO's Zero Debris Milestone: XPoSat & Space Junk

Apr 17, 2024
1. What is orbital debris and why is it a concern? Orbital debris, also known as space junk, consists of defunct satellites, spent rocket stages, and fragments from disintegration, erosion, and collisions. It poses a risk to active satellites and spacecraft due to the high speeds at which these objects travel in space, potentially leading to damaging collisions. 2. How did ISRO achieve practically zero debris in the PSLV-C58/XPoSat mission... Read More...


Apr 17, 2024
1. What is the World Cybercrime Index? The World Cybercrime Index is a research tool that ranks approximately 100 countries based on the prevalence and type of cybercrimes reported. It is compiled by an international team of researchers who surveyed cybercrime experts to identify key hotspots and categorize cybercrime activities. 2. How did India rank in the Worl... Read More...


Apr 17, 2024
1. What is NexCAR19? NexCAR19 is an innovative Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T cell therapy developed in India. It's designed to treat cancer by genetically modifying a patient’s T cells to recognize and attack malignant tumor cells. 2. How does CAR-T cell therapy work? CAR-T cell therapy involves collecting T cells from a patient, genetically modifying them in a lab to express CAR proteins that recognize cancer cell... Read More...


Apr 17, 2024
1. What is malnutrition and why is it a concern in India? Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in a person's intake of nutrients and energy. In India, it is a major public health issue because it contributes significantly to the disease burden, particularly affecting children under three, impairing their growth, weakening bones, and causing other health issues. 2. What recent study has been conducted ... Read More...