
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Global Public Goods

Apr 22, 2024
1. What are global public goods? Global public goods are resources that benefit all citizens of the world and are nonexcludable and nonrival, meaning no one can be prevented from using them, and their use by one individual does not diminish their availa... Read More...


Apr 22, 2024
What is Sisupalgarh, and why is it significant? Sisupalgarh is an ancient archaeological site located near Bhubaneswar, Odisha, believed to be a 2500-year-old walled city. It holds immense significance as it provides valuable insights into urban planning, architecture, and societal organization during ancient times in India. What are some key features of Sisupalgarh? Sisupalgarh is characterized by its square-shaped ... Read More...

Unlocking Justice: Plea Bargaining in Indian Law

Apr 22, 2024
What is Plea Bargaining? What does plea bargaining mean in the context of the Indian legal system? A plea bargain is a legal agreement in criminal law proceedings where the prosecutor offers concessions to the defendant in exchange for  admission of a guilt to a lesser charge or fewer charges in return for the dismissal of other serious charges. Plea bargaining facilitates a quicker resolution of cases, reducing the burden on the court system. It also allows defendants to avoid the uncertainty o... Read More...


Apr 22, 2024
Panini was an ancient scholar who created a detailed and systematic set of rules for Sanskrit grammar around 500 BCE through his work, "Ashtadhyayi." This text is one of the earliest known works on linguistics and grammar and is considered revolutionary for its time. What is the "Ashtadhyayi"? The "Ashtadhyayi" is Panini’s compilation of nearly 4,000 rules (sutras) that define the structure of... Read More...

Statute of Westminster 1931 and India

Apr 22, 2024
Q: What was the Statute of Westminster (1931)? A: A landmark British law that granted legislative independence to the self-governing Dominions within the British Empire (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Irish Free State, and Newfoundland). Q: How did the Statute of Westminster change the relationship between Britain and its Dominions? A: It removed the following powers Britain previously held over Dominions: Read More...


Apr 22, 2024
The narrative of Trailokyavijaya (TLV), detailed in the Buddhist text "Assembly of the Essence of All Buddhas" (Sarva-tathagata-tattva-sangraha), reflects a dynamic period of religious and cultural transformation in Monsoon Asia during the 7th-8th centuries CE. This era saw the intersection of various religious traditions and the rise of state-centric economies based on temple-centered activities and long-distance trade, supported by a mobile intellectual class and political elites invested in ritualistic expressions of power. Trailokyavijaya, a wrathf... Read More...

Outer Space Treaty (OST) and India

Apr 22, 2024
What is the Outer Space Treaty (OST)? What? The Outer Space Treaty, formally known as the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, is an international treaty that provides the basic framework for international space law. It was opened for signature in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union in 1967 and forms the b... Read More...

Indian Soldiers Remembered: Heliopolis WW1 Memorial

Apr 22, 2024
What is the Heliopolis (Port Tewfik) Memorial? The Heliopolis (Port Tewfik) Memorial, located in Egypt, serves as a poignant tribute to the Indian soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice during World War I. Where is the Heliopolis (Port Tewfik) Memorial situated? Situated in Egypt, the memorial stands as a solemn reminder of the Indian soldiers' valor and sacrifice in a foreign land. Read More...

India's Participation in the Artemis Accords

Apr 22, 2024
What are the Artemis Accords? The Artemis Accords are a set of international agreements initiated by the United States under the Artemis program. These accords aim to establish a framework for cooperation in the civil exploration and use of the Moon, Mars, comets, and asteroids for peaceful purposes. They emphasize principles such as transparency, interoperability, and the public release of scientific data, aligning with and expanding upon the Outer Space Treaty. ... Read More...

Gender Dynamics in Ancient India: Insights from Romila Thapar

Apr 22, 2024
In her seminal work "The Future in The Past," esteemed historian Romila Thapar provides a thought-provoking analysis of gender roles in early Indian societies. Let's delve into the key takeaways from her exploration of this intriguing aspect of history: 1. Early Aryan Culture: Thapar suggests that in the early stages of Aryan society, women enjoyed a relatively equal status to men. This equality was attributed to the nomadic pastoralist lifestyl... Read More...

Social Stock Exchange (SSE)

Apr 22, 2024
What is a Social Stock Exchange (SSE)? A Social Stock Exchange (SSE) is a platform where social enterprises (both non-profit and for-profit) can list and raise funds through various financial instruments. It operates under the regulatory ambit of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and is intended to help social enterprises grow and achieve their objectives by facilitating access to capital. How does the SSE diff... Read More...

Alamgirpur: Rewriting Harappan History

Apr 22, 2024
A Time Shift: Recent excavations at Alamgirpur have revealed artifacts and structures dating back to 2600 BCE. These findings significantly challenge the established timeline of the Harappan Civilisation, implying an earlier and potentially longer presence in the Ganga-Yamuna Doab region. Rethinking Decline: The traditional narrative of a sudden Harappan decline followed by the emergence of distinct cultures may need revision. Alamgirpur provides compelling ... Read More...

Designer Babies: Science, Ethics, and Legalities

Apr 22, 2024
What is a designer baby? A designer baby refers to a human embryo that has been genetically modified, typically using techniques like CRISPR-Cas9, to influence traits such as appearance, intelligence, or disease predisposition. This genetic modification is done very early in the embryo's development to ensure the changes are carried throughout all cells of the body. How does gene editing work? ... Read More...


Apr 22, 2024
What is a minimum wage? Minimum wage is the lowest remuneration that employers can legally pay their workers—the minimum wage aims to protect workers against unduly low pay. What is a living wage? Living wage is a theoretical wage level that allows an individual to afford adequate shelter, food, and other necessities. It is set higher than the minimum wage and is intended to reflect ... Read More...

Hydrocarbons for Beginners

Apr 22, 2024
1. What are hydrocarbons? Hydrocarbons are organic chemical compounds composed primarily of hydrogen and carbon. They are a major source of energy, commonly found in forms like natural gas, coal, crude oil, and petroleum. 2. Where are hydrocarbons found? Hydrocarbons are typically found in underground reservoirs, which are formed when a resistant rock type overlays a less resistant one, cr... Read More...