
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS

Estuaries in India:Destruction and Protection

Apr 24, 2024
Over the past 35 years, rapid development has significantly impacted estuarine habitats globally, including in India. Estuaries, where rivers meet the sea, are crucial for biodiversity, supporting unique ecosystems that provide habitat for a wide range of species. In India, these areas are essential not only for wildlife but also for the livelihoods of millions of people who depend on the resources such as fish and mangroves provided by estuaries. ► Impact of Development on Estuarine Habitats i... Read More...

The toxic impact of microplastics in the human body

Apr 24, 2024
Microplastics, tiny particles of plastic less than five millimeters in length, have become a global environmental concern due to their widespread presence and potential harmful effects on human health. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the toxic impact of microplastics in the human body: 1. What are microplastics? Answer: Microplastics are small plastic pieces less than five millimeters long which can be harmful to our oce... Read More...

COVID-19 and GIS Mapping

Apr 24, 2024
1. What is GIS mapping? Answer: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a technology that enables the visualization, analysis, and interpretation of data based on geographic or spatial locations. GIS combines mapping software and data to reveal patterns, relationships, and trends in maps, globes, reports, and charts. 2. How was GIS mapping used in monitoring COVID-19 cases in ... Read More...

Maldives Elections: Impact on India, China & Region

Apr 24, 2024
1. What was the outcome of the recent parliamentary elections in the Maldives? President Mohamed Muizzu's party, the People's National Congress (PNC), won a decisive victory in the Maldives' parliamentary elections, securing 66 out ... Read More...


Apr 24, 2024
1. What is Yasukuni Shrine? Yasukuni Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Tokyo, Japan, dedicated to commemorating those who have died in service to Japan, particularly during military conflicts. Read More...


Apr 24, 2024
1. What are India’s economic goals for 2047? India aims to achieve a GDP of US$30 trillion and a GDP per capita of US$18,000 by 2047, a target that would categorize it as a developed economy, aligning with the centenary of its independence. 2. How does India’s economy compare globally? India currently has the world’s fifth-largest GDP and is noted as the fastest growing major economy. This rapid growth enhances its stature on the global economi... Read More...

Mycoremediation:Its Uses in India

Apr 24, 2024
1. What is mycoremediation? Answer: Mycoremediation is the process of using fungi to break down or remove toxic substances from the environment. This method harnesses the natural abilities of fungi to degrade complex organic compounds and pollutants in soil or water. 2. How does mycoremediation work? Answer: Fungi, particularly the mycelium—the veget... Read More...

Somalaya Mountains: Nature's Majesty

Apr 24, 2024
1. What are the Somalaya Mountains? Answer: The Somalaya Mountains are a hypothetical future mountain range predicted by geologists to form over the next 200 million years if Somalia breaks off from Africa and collides with India. This prediction is part of a thought experiment aimed at understanding the processes of mountain building and plate tectonics. 2. Why study paleogeography? Read More...

Understanding Light Pollution: Impacts and Initiatives

Apr 24, 2024
It  is an increasingly critical environmental issue that affects both human health and wildlife, impairing our ability to observe celestial phenomena and disrupting natural ecosystems. Here’s an explanation of light pollution, its impacts, and specific examples and initiatives from India: ► What is Light Pollution? Light pollution refers to the inappropriate or excessive use of artificial light. Key components include: Sky ... Read More...

Conservation of Marine Species in India

Apr 24, 2024
1. What are Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), and how many has India established? Answer: Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are designated regions in marine environments where human activities are managed to protect the natural or cultural resources. India has established 130 MPAs across its coastal states and islands to conserve marine species and habitats. 2. What are Important Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Areas... Read More...

Mineral Sector Reforms and Atomic Minerals

Apr 24, 2024
1. What are atomic minerals and what is the significance of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act? Answer: Atomic minerals are those that are primarily used for nuclear energy production and include elements like uranium and thorium, which are key for nuclear power and weapons manufacturing. The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act (MMDR Act) is the primary regulatory framework governing the mineral and mining sector in India. It outlines the rules and procedur... Read More...

Deep-seated minerals

Apr 24, 2024
What are deep-seated minerals? Answer: Deep-seated minerals refer to mineral deposits located deep within the Earth's crust, unlike surficial minerals that are found near the surface. Common examples include gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, nickel, cobalt, platinum group minerals, and diamonds. Why is it difficult and expensive to explore and mine deep-seated minerals? ... Read More...

Mines & Minerals Act 2023: Exploration Licence (EL)

Apr 24, 2024
What is an Exploration Licence (EL)? Answer: An Exploration Licence (EL) is a new type of mineral concession introduced in the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2023. It allows the holder to conduct reconnaissance and prospecting operations specifically for critical and deep-seated minerals. This license is granted through an auction process and is focused on a pre-defined list of minerals critical to various high-tech and strategic industries. Read More...

Cleanup Efforts on Mount Everest

Apr 24, 2024
1. What is the waste problem on Mount Everest? Mount Everest faces a significant waste problem due to the accumulation of trash left by climbers and expeditions. This includes used oxygen cylinders, human waste, plastic, and even the remains of deceased climbers, which have not only marred the mountain's natural beauty but also pose environmental and health risks. 2. How much waste is currently on Mount Everest? Read More...

Mining Sector Reforms in India: What, Why, and Significance

Apr 24, 2024
The Indian government has recognized the critical importance of minerals to the country's economic development and national security. This recognition has spurred a series of significant reforms in the mining sector in 2023, particularly aimed at increasing exploration and mining of critical minerals. These reforms are essential not only for economic growth but also for ensuring India's transition to clean energy and achieving its net-zero emissions goal by 2070. ► What are the reforms?... Read More...